
Guide To Leadership And Management PDF


Added on  2021-01-01

13 Pages4113 Words265 Views
Professional Development
Guide To Leadership And Management
Guide To Leadership And Management PDF_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY..................................................................................................................................3
1.What is involved in being successful leader?..........................................................................3
2. Can good leadership be developed if so, how?.......................................................................7
3. what distinguishes leadership from management?.................................................................8
4. what have you learnt about leadership from your experiences, on this course or elsewhere?
Guide To Leadership And Management PDF_2

Leadership is an activity in which individual uses its capabilities and skills for leading or
guiding other individuals. In other words, Leadership is an ability of person or a group of person
who influences and guides its followers for achievement of specific targets or objectives.
Whereas, management is an administration of each activity within the organisation along with
developing several strategies so that desired goals can be accomplish effectively. Chosen firm
for this report is Carnival Corporation and Plc which is a British-American travel service
provider and providing travel services across the world. This project will further describe about
the skills of successful leaders along with strength and weakness of leadership theories. At last,
report will describe out difference between leadership and management will also described
under this project.
1.What is involved in being successful leader?
Successful leader is an individual who have good experience of a specific field and
communicates effectively with their teammates so that if any challenges are occurred during the
given task then it will be resolved effectively. For becoming successful leader, individuals have
to earn some skills and capabilities which can be earned by them thorough facing obstacles and
challenges (Dunne and et.al., 2016). Some characteristics that are required to become a
successful leader are leadership motivation, compassion, listening ability, integrity and honesty
which can be acquired by them through taking support of some leadership theories which are
given as below:
Traits theory: All leaders have few things in common as they listens effectively the
difficulties which are faced by teammates then communicate effective solution to them for
solving these. These all things are related with traits or behaviour which is having by an
individual. It is well known fact that great leaders have good behaviour as they treat their
teammates equally or any partiality is possessed by them during activities or functions. In
addition, this approach is a way of studying personality or behaviour which is possessed by an
individual during its whole life. In context of Carnival Corporation and plc, their leaders have to
take support from this theory as it helps them in understanding that how certain traits can impact
on their leadership. This theory is described as below:
Guide To Leadership And Management PDF_3

The big five personality factors:
Leaders needs to have good communication skills because by using these they can easily
influence their teammates or other individuals for performing the given duties or tasks.
Connection between knowledge, skills and communication is also important because it helps the
leaders in resolving several problems that are occurs in workplace at anytime. The big five traits
of this theory are given as below:
Neuroticism: This trait is related with tendency to depression, insecurity or hostile in a
challenging situation. Therefore, it is very important for a leader to treat their staff more
effectively and calmly so that their working behaviour not be affected in negative manner. In
context of Carnival corporation their leaders keep out their feelings like anger, anxiety or
depression from their behaviour so that any kind of impact not be posed on the working
behaviour of employees as well on the business function of firm. Through this, good healthy
environment will be formed at the workplace.
Extraversion: This trait states that, a leader should be energetic, assertive and talkative
so that if any problem is facing by its teammates then it can be resolved in a short span of time-
frame. This trait is beneficial as it helps the organisations in retaining loyalty of employees with
the firm for a longer period of time. With the help of this trait, leaders of Carnival corporation
will be able in increasing goodwill of their firm in competitive market.
Agreeableness: This trait includes cooperativeness, trustworthiness etc. which should
be possess by leaders at workplace so that new and innovative ideas will be generated by their
staff members that can be used in decision making. For e.g. if leaders at workplace will not
consider the opinions and suggestions of team member then it will creates dissatisfaction and
demotivation among the staff members. Therefore, it is essential for team leaders of Carnival to
encourages their teammates so that they feels motivated at workplace and supports the firm in
achieving growth and sustainability in market (Grint, Jones and Holt, 2016).
Conscientiousness: Leaders should mainly focuses on goals and objectives of firm
along with not engaging themselves in any interrupted activities that can restrict them in
achieving desired goals. This trait is beneficial for leaders of Carnival Corporation as it will
help them in achieving desired targets of firm in given time-frame.
Openness: Successful leaders are informed about the surrounding. They should get
knowledge about everything that is important and unimportant for them. This trait also helps the
Guide To Leadership And Management PDF_4

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