
Roles and Duties of Organizations in Heritage and Cultural Management


Added on  2023-03-29

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Heritage and Cultural Management
Roles and Duties of Organizations in Inheritance and Cultural Industry
There are different types of ownership held by heritage and cultural site because of
the collaborations by different organizations they are operating with. Generally the
ownership of these heritage comes under the government sector and nonprofit
administration (NGO) but there are many other heritages too which come under
private sector, main reason is that it takes higher value to keep them in preserve so
private sector bother about the historical monuments and took this responsibilities
in matter of few heritages, concern about the revenue they made from making
these authentic places .Possession of historical venues make available high
attribute i and give identity and culture to the generations. Some impact of
ownership are as follows: -
Political: - Government provide safety and took the responsibility to
take care of authentic, cultural and historical jurisdiction. They invest revenue
which they earn from tourist, and give these monuments time to time service of
heritages so it will go long lasting. In particular interval of time government make
project to give time in repairing, polishing, and other things. They hire specialist
and expertise from the country and from foreign countries, so it looks attractive,
and provide facilities for the visitors. Natural view and historical things draw
attention of travelers due to this, they found many myths and actuality.
Government framework all the legal rules and strictly wants them to follow as
according to the norms, they majorly put efforts in making a good plan. For
example: - they put national parks, wild life in this heritage and cultural
management department so along with the monuments they also want to take care
of these wildlife and very few alive animals flora and faunas.
Institutional: - Private institutional activity hold some of the heritages.
They basically concern about the history, and bother in respect of heritage and
culture so, they take initiative and responsibility to take care of these heritage
which comes under them. Their main aim is to preserve these identities and marks
of past. Private institution improves the quality and draw all the things in that
similar way so it looks good and that places automatically intrigue many of
visitors. Whatever the gross they gain from these visitors they barely share with
government except taxation. For example: - there is very famous authentic place
names as “kosovo” special thing about the place is it comes under private
institutions, and they improved it very well, although even government also
support them to do so.
Collaboration: - Collaboration meant to be togetherness of public and
private organizations for some of projects. Reason behind the collaboration is to
work as a team for improving these ethnic venues they are pride of their country
and somewhere they have faith in them and local people think them as a privilege.
For attracting the tourist, they both as a squad make plans like for example: - They
establish many adventures sports, games, dance and music and other cultural
traditional events so it will give consumer satisfaction and hospitality it’s also a
main element through this will they attract more people. There is also a negative
effect of collaboration generally their form of doing work is totally different unlike
government only think about the improvement and consumer satisfaction where
areas, private sector look for profit maximization, private organization seeks
highly profit from these heritages but government bind them to work for services
and goods in respect of transferred property and sometimes due to this resultant it
leads to conflicts among them. Although when both organizations are working
together its somewhere a competition between them to come up with the same
public presentation.
In UK there are many organizations who works for the culture and heritage
management and some organizations are willing to work for this. Some of the
organizations are Government departments, private institutions, public
organizations, nonprofit organizations (NGO), conservation groups and voluntary
bodies. Under non-governmental organizations there are commission of England on
other hand historical building and venues related to the cultures. So, that are
accountable to take care of these monument in case of repairing, polishing, and
preserve these venue, beauty, archaeologist sites and natural historical scenery,
portrait, sculptures, furniture, jewelries, traditional art and maintain the beauty of
that heritage, conserving their natural local habitats too and providing facilities to
clients and do fun activities there so these activities intrigue to the visitors and
pleasure them by great gratification.
Such in case of the organizations they do their work differently and do
in different ways by different point of view and objectives but in all of them there is
one thing common that is the objective of preserving and responsible for take care
of these heritages, but as according to the different roles and responsibilities they do
their work as their motives. If we take government organization as an example, in
this case they keep focus more of the preservation and conservation, so on they
invest large amount of vogue on these as according to the other organization they
treat as a symbol of honor so they put more efforts. In case of the private
organizations they don't put that much efforts and share help as compare to the local
government because they have other motives like gain profit and government don't
consider this objective as much the sincerely do work in favor of the consumer.
In case of non-government organizations, they make short term targets
and focus on them like initially they started work on natural habitat and wildlife
they work hard. By aware, promoting and helping or produce facilities. So they
keep their local habitat alive and that was one of the smartest move, and result of
that step was tourist actually attract by that place. And come there to visit their
national parks, literally it was effective and booming program. After accomplishing
that project successfully, they come for architectural sites and so on they make short
term project and pre - plan everything. They took suggestions from the expertise
too, for enhancing and make the place more influencing. They took decision to hire
the expert escorts, guides who knows more than 3 languages so on this will keep the
visitors to understanding the history and story and about the heritage. In their own
language as well it’s also provide comfort zone to them. As according to the latest
factors also effect on these heritage and cultures too as by using the new updated
technologies so through these technologies we easily connected by the large
number of the people. Government can have updated all these heritages and cultural
stuff on the websites so people can also attract by these things too and indirectly
inviting many clients. Through this they are offering large number of visitors so it’s
also a source of gaining benefit in terms of profit like these few changes if they
started establishing then soon they will become the prosperous industry.
Roles and Duties of Organizations in Heritage and Cultural Management_1

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