
Securely Managing Log Data using Cloud-based Syslog System


Added on  2019-09-30

19 Pages5470 Words212 Views
Project Dissertation ProposalProject Title: Highly Secured Cloud Based Syslog Disaster Management and DisasterRecovery Site with Encrypted Log DataBy:Thalpe Liyanage Rajitha AbhishekaStudent ID:K1658825Supervised by:Dr. SAMEERA DE ALWIS
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Executive SummaryThe aim of the paper is to explore into the highly secured cloud based syslog disastermanagement system and also disaster recovery site using encrypted log. Syslog is a functionthat helps the servers to send messages on critical events that is being taking place in an area.It is a centrally located server and messages from this server is transmitted to other locations.There are various log management process that the business has to follow while using it tosave messages. Moreover, cloud based system gives a better opportunity to secure the dataand save it from getting misused. The study will explore into this system and the ways itbenefits the disaster management companies while handling critical situation. For the purposea secondary and primary research tool is adopted and used so that the entire information onthe system is known. For primary method as survey will be conducted with the help ofquestionnaire and will be filled by the disaster management companies. This will help theresearch to get an accurate outcome of the survey.
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Table of ContentsIntroduction................................................................................................................................1Background................................................................................................................................2Aim and Objectives....................................................................................................................3Literature Review.......................................................................................................................4Technologies and Resources......................................................................................................8Method and Work Plan..............................................................................................................9Research approach.............................................................................................................................9Research philosophy........................................................................................................................10Data collection method....................................................................................................................10Sampling method and size...............................................................................................................11Data Analysis method......................................................................................................................11Gantt chart................................................................................................................................12Discussion................................................................................................................................12Conclusion................................................................................................................................13References................................................................................................................................14
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Highly Secured Cloud Based Syslog Disaster Management and Disaster Recovery Site withEncrypted Log DataIntroduction Disaster management is a process by which the lives and property of people in theeconomy is saved and managed from vulnerable natural and man-made disasters. The rate ofnatural disaster has been increasing over the years and this had made it important for thedisaster management companies to take a step to protect the loss that take place. Even withthe progress in scientific and material solutions, the impact of disaster management has notdecreased to that extent. Thus, disaster management forms an integral part of the policyframework of the economy to save the poor and underprivileged people from the negativeimpact of such disaster (O'Brien et al. 2006). Disaster impacts property and huge loss to theorganization as well that exists in and around the property. According to Song et al. (2013)disaster management is a prevention process that involves engaging in such an activity thatwould help in reducing the impacts of disasters. Even though all disasters cannot beprevented, its impact can be reduced to an extent that there is no harm to life and property.Technology is improving in conducting disaster management work. The technology ishelping the disaster management person to carry out a good deal of control and prevent theharmful impact. However, it is seen that while implementing the control process.Disaster has been a common phenomenon in the Indian economy as about 59 percentof the landmass of India is prone to earthquake, 40 million are prone to floods and other areasare prone to various other types of disaster that hits the country from time to time withdifferent intensities. This has caused great loss to the private, community and public propertyand thus the issue has been concerned on the global issue. The annual loss of India due tovarious disaster that take place every year is estimated to be $9.8 billion. Among these lossmost of the loss has come from floods (Thakur 2015). Thus, this gave a wakeup call and hasmade adequate investment in the reduction of risk from disaster loss. Various steps has beenPage | 1Name: Thalpe Liyanage Rajitha Abhisheka Student ID: K1658825
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