
Essential Hotel Marketing - TUI UK


Added on  2021-02-21

10 Pages2883 Words85 Views
hospitality marketingessential
Essential Hotel Marketing - TUI UK_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3P1Deseribe the key roles and responsibilities of marketing function within the organisation...3P2 Discuss how roles and duty of marketing related to the wider organisational context..........5P3 Compare the ways in the different hospitality sector and use marketing mix.......................6P4 Develop a marketing plan for the hospitality organisation to meet the objectives................9CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................11REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................12
Essential Hotel Marketing - TUI UK_2

INTRODUCTIONMarketing is consider as the process or set of activities for creating, communicating,delivering and exchanging offer that have the value for the customers, Client, partners andsociety at large (Chatterjee and Chatterjee 2019). Along with this it help in understanding andaddressing customers needs and desire which not only benefits customers but as well asemployees. Hospitality marketing is all about applying the marketing strategies and techniques inthe hospitality industry. This report is based on the TUI UK which travel and tourism industry. Itheadquarter is located in Luton London. This report briefly explain about the organisation rolesand responsibilities which are essentials for growth and development. Along with this, marketingplay an vital role in to promote and expand business effectively. Beside this this report explainabout the various hospitality sector with the help of marketing mix. At last the business plan ismade for development and meeting objectives in a well define manner. P1Deseribe the key roles and responsibilities of marketing function within the organisationMarketing refers to the activities which is undertaken by the company to promote thebuying and selling of product and services effectively. It include advertising, selling anddelivering the product to the consumer or to the other business. In the regards of TUI themarketing managers is responsible for creating brand image and market for the company. Soorganisation have to emphasis on the marketing activities which is important for attracting moreand more customers. Here are some roles and responsibility which are explained down below: Listening to the customers needs: For development and growth it is important to getcloser to the customers and figure out what they actually need. It is the major responsibility ofmarketing departments to plan the necessary outcomes for providing better services to theconsumers. In the context of TUI the marketing departments must ensure about the needs ofcustomers regarding the hotel services which include bookings, parking facilities. This can beachieved by the taking proper feedback and make changes for satisfactory services. Advertisement and promotion: It is most basic and essential duty for the marketprofessional is toadvertising and promotion of a product or service. This involves the creativefactor which involves ad campaigns, and include catchy phrases and powerful images, as well asdeciding where and when to place the advertisements. For the organisation like TUI marketingmanager must ensure that advertisement is done on a large scale which help with the help ofvarious tools such promotion on TV and print as they covers larger audience.
Essential Hotel Marketing - TUI UK_3

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