
Online Job Recruitment Website www.seek.com.au


Added on  2020-05-16

43 Pages6318 Words204 Views
Online Job Recruitment Website www.seek.com.au_1

RECRUITMENT VIA ONLINE RECRUITMENT WEBSITE SEEK1EXECUTIVE SUMMARYThe purpose of this research is to delve deep into the online advertisements of recruitment in theAustralian job recruitment website www.seek.com.au. The research is mainly aimed atinvestigating the similarities of the advertisements on the job portal aimed at recruiting HumanResource Managers and professionals through Seek.com.au. The structure of the advertisements,the terms and keywords used in such advertisements are examined and understood and theirimpact on the job seekers are analyzed. It is seen that there are certain terms and keywords whichare repeatedly and regularly used in such advertisements, and the objective is to attract attentionof the high quality top professionals in the industry. The psychological tendencies of the jobseekers are to look for a job that is rewarding and sufficiently paying with opportunity of growthand good work culture. Literature review is done and the background and context of the onlinerecruitment process is understood before the commencement of the secondary data analysis. Theliterature review throw light on different perspectives of the online recruitment process and alsoexplores the limitations of the nee methods of recruitment. The literature review offers a strongbackground to the secondary data research that follows. Findings state that there are muchsimilarities in the advertisements posted online by the employers and these are mainly aimed atluring young enthusiastic professionals of the industry. Recommendations state that there mustbe some innovations in the advertisements of human resource recruitment process via online jobportals.
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RECRUITMENT VIA ONLINE RECRUITMENT WEBSITE SEEK2Table of Contents1.0 PROJECT TITLE......................................................................................................................42.0 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................42.1 PROBLEM STATEMENT....................................................................................................52.2 RESEARCH AIMS...............................................................................................................62.3 RESEARCH QUESTIONS...................................................................................................63.0 CRITICAL LITERATURE REVIEW.......................................................................................63.1 BACKGROUND AND INNOVATIONS IN RECRUITMENT MODELS IN HUMANRESOURCE................................................................................................................................63.2 OVERVIEW AND LIMITATIONS OF THE NEW RECRUITMNET PROCESS INHUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT..................................................................................73.3 GOOD AND SUSTAINABLE RECRUITMENT ADVERTISEMENTS ANDPRACTICES................................................................................................................................84.0 A DETAILED PRESENTATION OF THE METHODOLOGY OF THE RESEARCH.........94.1 RESEARCH APPROACH....................................................................................................94.2 RESEARCH DESIGN.........................................................................................................104.3 DATA COLLECTION METHOD......................................................................................114.4 DATA ANALYSIS.............................................................................................................114.5 RESEARCH ETHICS.........................................................................................................115.0 FINDINGS FROM SECONDARY DATA ANALYSIS........................................................12
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RECRUITMENT VIA ONLINE RECRUITMENT WEBSITE SEEK35.1 THEME 1: SIMILARITIES IN TERMS OF CAREER PROGRESSION ANDANALYSIS................................................................................................................................135.2 THEME 2: ON GOING TRAINING AND SUPPORT......................................................195.3 THEME 3: FLEXIBLE CULTURE AND WORK ENVIRONMENT...............................216.0 DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS IN LIGHT OF PREVIOUSLY REVIEWED LITERATURE.......................................................................................................................................................257.0 CONCLUSION........................................................................................................................267.1 RECOMMENDATIONS.....................................................................................................277.2 LIMITATIONS....................................................................................................................277.3 REFERENCE:.........................................................................................................................287.8 BIBLIOGRAPHY....................................................................................................................317.9 APPENDICES.........................................................................................................................32
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RECRUITMENT VIA ONLINE RECRUITMENT WEBSITE SEEK41.0 PROJECT TITLEHUMAN RESOURCE MANGEMENT: RECRUITMENT VIA ONLINERECRUITMENT WEBSITE SEEKAND HOW POTENTIAL CANDIDATES AREATTRACTED VIA JOB ADVERTS ON THIS WEBSITE.2.0 INTRODUCTIONHuman resource is one of the most important department of a company as it is given theresponsibility of recruiting efficient employees on whom the company will run. Human resourcemanagement is a dynamic field of study as the processes change with time in an endeavor toensure a more effective method of employee recruitment and retention (Cascio, 2018). Theonline job portals are the recent medium of recruiting in a cost effective but efficient manner. Itdoes not require much capital to post recruitment advertisements in online job portals and theaudience reach can be customized according to need (Antoun et al., 2016). Therefore, more andmore companies are taking the online way for fulfilling the company requirements. In the year1995 six major newspapers from USA, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the LosAngeles Times, the Boston Globe, San Jose Mercury News, and the Chicago Tribune put a jointeffort in starting a website called CareerPath.com which was the first online job portal. Thewebsite has now changed its name to careerbuilder.com (Careerbuilder.com, 2018). Since thenthere are innumerable websites for job search and recruitment all over the world in all countries.Seek.com is one of the most popular job searching sites in Australia. It is owned by theSeek Limited, and has its headquarters in Melbourne and is a public limited company.
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RECRUITMENT VIA ONLINE RECRUITMENT WEBSITE SEEK5Figure 1: New Job advertisements in Seek.comSource: (Seek.com.au, 2017)2.1 PROBLEM STATEMENTTraditionally recruitment advertisements were posted mainly in newspapers in theclassified sections. The main limitation in this regard was it could not be tested whether theadvertisements were spotted by the proper target audience or not. The advertisements had to bepublished in all the newspapers and many redundant sections of the population who would not intake up the job were automatically included in the target audience. This was the main problemwhich gave rise to the now popular online recruitment system which is much more efficient andtarget specific (Brandão et al., 2017). There has been increase in the ratio of job requirement and
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RECRUITMENT VIA ONLINE RECRUITMENT WEBSITE SEEK6candidate profile (Mahmood, 2017). Better people are applying for proper jobs. However, in thenew system of recruiting via online job portals there has been found much similarities in thestructure and the languages of the advertisements. This aims to research in this regards thesimilarities of the advertisements on job sites and their impact on job seekers.2.2 RESEARCH AIMSThe aim of the research is to understand various perspectives about emerging trends ofHuman Resource Recruitment process through the online job portal Seek.com, especially inrecruiting Human Resource Manager for big companies. There are various commonalities seenin the advertisements posted for recruitment of HR managers in Australia, the research aims tounderstand these commonalities and why these common terms are used in the advertisements.2.3 RESEARCH QUESTIONSHow the companies attract best professionals to apply for the positions?What are the various commonalities found in the job advertisements posted inSeek.com for the post of HR manager?Why such commonalities are used?What impact does such common terms exert on the professionals searching forjobs?3.0 CRITICAL LITERATURE REVIEW3.1 BACKGROUND AND INNOVATIONS IN RECRUITMENT MODELS IN HUMANRESOURCEIn the article “Employee engagement, human resource management practices andcompetitive advantage: An integrated approach” the authors elaborate how the stakeholders of
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RECRUITMENT VIA ONLINE RECRUITMENT WEBSITE SEEK7HRM process needs to move beyond just the usual approach of human resource management andrequire to imbibe engagements like socialization, training and education and performancemanagement (Albrecht et al., 2015). Already there are a number of theories and frameworks thatstate that how innovations brought in the HRM practices result in “competitive advantage”. Theresearch suggests that the expert job applicants are progressively looking for positions and rolesthat includes scope of challenge taking and fast growth. On the other hand, Kehoe & Right(2013) states how the perceptions of the employees about “high performance and innovation inHR practices” relate to the overall organisation behaviour and success. They have refuted justinnovation as the driving point and included perceptions and cognition into the picture alongwith innovation. The findings of this research suggest that such perceptions positively affect theorganisational behaviour and success therefore the employee expectation of innovations must beideally implemented at all levels. In the article “On-line consistent ranking on e-recruitment:seeking the truth behind a well-formed CV” the authors have pointed out how the job marketsare gradually moving towards a complete online digital recruitment system and how algorithmsand programs sort out CV of the candidates to short-list the best ones (Faliagka et al., 2014), somore than just innovations in process, machine intelligence in recruitment also comes to play.3.2 OVERVIEW AND LIMITATIONS OF THE NEW RECRUITMNET PROCESS INHUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENTHuman resource is a complicated process as it deals with the most complex resource of acompany, its employees. Unlike other resources human beings are emotional beings withcomplicated needs and desires. In the article “The link between perceived human resourcemanagement practices, engagement and employee behaviour: a moderated mediation model” theauthors have highlighted this point and also stated that a mediation model that is linked and
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