
Human Resource Management Practices Assignment (pdf)


Added on  2021-02-20

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Human Resource Management Practices Assignment (pdf)_1

Table of ContentsIntroduction......................................................................................................................................3Task 1...............................................................................................................................................3P1- Explain the purpose and functions of HRM that are applicable to workforce planning andresourcing an organisations-...................................................................................................3P2-Explain strengths and weakness of different approaches to recruitment and selections-.5Task 2...............................................................................................................................................7P3. benefits if HRM practices within an organization for both the employer and employee.7P4. Analyse the effectiveness of Human Resource Practises in the organizational profit andproductivity.............................................................................................................................8TASK 3............................................................................................................................................1P5. Examine the importance of employee relations in respect to influencing HRM decisionmaking....................................................................................................................................1P6-Identify the key elements of employment legislation and the impact it has upon HRMdecision making-....................................................................................................................1TASK 4............................................................................................................................................3P7. Application of Human Resource Management practices.................................................3Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................7References .......................................................................................................................................8Books and Journals.........................................................................................................................8
Human Resource Management Practices Assignment (pdf)_2

INTRODUCTIONHuman resources management(HRM) is a function of organization which focuses onrecruitment, selection, training and development programs, performance appraisal, payrollmanagement of employees(Buller and McEvoy, 2016). It is a effective and essential part ofbusiness, which helps the manager in analysing the each candidate of organization and also makeoptimum utilization of the human resource effectively and efficiently as they helps in achievingthe specific organizational goal. The HR also builds the relationship between the employer andemployee’s. In other words, human resource management is a process of managing peoplepresent in workplace. As the manager of TESCO is focuses on the different various HRM practise and policiesas well as laws, rules and regulation. The human resource of each organization deals withdifferent various laws and regulation, which helps management in making decision, planning,managing employees as well as the organization. In context with TESCO, the manager consider the various laws such as employmentright Act, working time regulation Act, pension Act, National minimum wagers Act and so on.Some of the HRM practices are organizational culture, recruitment & selection of employees,training & development programs, Compensation As the HRM practices is very beneficial forboth employee as well as the employees and also helps in organization productivity andprofitability. Task 1P1- Explain the purpose and functions of HRM that are applicable to workforce planning andresourcing an organisations-The Human Resource Management is used for organising and managing demand andsupply of workforce for operating business activities in an organisations. The human resourcemanagement should provide a healthy an safe environment for employee's, working in anyorganisations(Chowhan, 2016). Also there should be accurate transparency of informationbetween employees while operating business activities in a firm. A strong relationship should becreated between employee-employee, employer-employee and employee-employee. The HR
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manager plays an important role in communicating with other departments while collectivelyachieving short and long term goal of an organisations.Purpose of HRM in workforce planning- The main purpose of HRM is recruiting, selections, performance appraisals, providingtraining sessions to workforce in an organisations(Cook and Forde, 2016). If it is talked aboutTESCO, HR manager mainly focuses on managing the workforce, fulfil the demand and supplyof human resource, satisfying need of workforce at individual and at organisational level forcollectively achieving short term goals, as well as improve efficiency in business activities toimprove brand value across the globe. Functions of HRM in workforce planning:There are various functions of HRM like staff planning, recruitment, selections,performance appraisals, reducing conflicts, compensation, monetary and non-monetary benefitsthat are been given to every employee's of an organisation(Donate and Sanchez de Pablo, 2016).When talking about TESCO, HR manager effectively uses these functions for attainingcompetitive advantage for growing and exploring business at global market. Some of the keyfunctions are mentioned below:Recruitment and Selections: It is very important function in allocating right humanresource, at right time and at right place depending on the requirement of vacant job profile in anorganisations. A recruitment procedure is said to be positive approach whereas selection isnegative approach. Every team leader uses various methods for selecting and recruiting humanresource in their organisations. If it talked about TESCO, HR manager critically uses recruitmentand selection process for hiring right candidate on the basis of requirement at specific job profilein an organisation. Thereafter, the leaders have given emphasis on recruiting employees fromexternal source for hunting talented applicants through various effective platforms. Theseinitiatives taken by HR manager will help in hiring productive employee's in an organisations. Training Sessions: While applying this functions in work culture helps leader to improvethe performance of every staff at individual and at team level, for increasing sense of loyaltytowards an organisation. When talking about TESCO, HR executive could introduce trainingsessions through various activities that engage every employee in a team, which allow workforceto show their hidden talent in front of everyone in working environment. The leaders should giveemphasis on providing a culture where employee build strong relationships between every
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