
Human Resource Management: Assignment Solution


Added on  2021-04-24

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Leadership Management
Running head: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT0Human Resource ManagementApplication of Quality of Life in Human Resource Activities
Human Resource Management: Assignment Solution_1

HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT1Relevance of Quality of Life to Human Resource ManagementIn today’s competitive business world, organisations generate a competitive advantage overothers by effectively managing their human resource activities. The human resourcemanagement (HRM) is referred to the system implemented by a corporation for managing itshuman capital. It includes functions relating to the management of human resources whichconcerned with recruiting, motivating and managing people in a company (Wright andMcMahan, 2011). With the growing demand for skilled labour, hiring and retaining talentedemployees has become a key focus for HR department in companies since it provides them acompetitive advantage. However, HR professionals face multiple challenges while managinghuman capital such as high attrition rate, lack of upward communication, job dissatisfaction,unproductive workers, disputes, lack of motivation, and others. All these factors are linked toemployees’ quality of life in the workplace. Quality of work life is defined as a degree towhich employees are able to satisfy their significant personal needs through their experiencein a corporation (Koonmee et al., 2010). Employees’ quality of work life is substantiallyrelevant because it directly influences their work; therefore, organisations focus onimplementing strategic human resource policies for performing HRM activities such as jobanalysis, HR planning, training and development and maintaining health, safety and securityfor improving employees’ quality of life at the workplace. This essay will focus on analysingwhat factors influence the quality of life of employees and evaluating its relevance to humanresource management. Further, this essay will focus on examining how the quality of worklife applied to different human resource activities by analysing different examples.Quality of work life enables members at all levels in a corporation to participate in theshaping of the organisation’s cultures, environments, outcomes, and methods. There are anumber of factors which influence the desirable quality of work life of employees such asadequate and fair compensation, opportunities for development, safe and healthy workingenvironment, opportunities for career growth, constitutionalism, quality of work, socialintegration, and special relevance to work. Work is an integral part of people’s life, and itdirectly influences their overall quality of life. According to Yeo and Li (2011), quality ofwork life directly influences employees’ job satisfaction level and their performance.Therefore, HR department focuses on improving quality of work life of workers since itresults in improving their performance as well. Employees who are satisfied with their workare more likely to perform better since work is not a burden for them. Lack of positive quality
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HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT2of work life can negatively affect employees along with the organisation. Low quality of liferesults in poor morale, occasional sabotage, reduction in productivity, absenteeism, poorperformance, disputes and others (Gayathiri et al., 2013). Ultimately, consequences of thelow quality of work life resulted in negatively affected the organisation. Therefore,employees’ quality of work life is highly relevant to human resource management since itdirectly influences their and company’s performance which require organisations toimplement appropriate policies for improving employees’ quality of work life.While performing different HRM activities, such as job analysis, compensation management,HR practices, training and development, performance appraisal, and workplace safety,managers have to ensure that they maintain employees' quality of life. For example, duringrecruitment and selection process, HR managers should ensure that they hire candidates withright qualifications and select them for right position so that they did not get dissatisfied bythe work and receive growth opportunities (Jackson et al., 2011). The HR managers shouldcarefully perform job analysis process in order to ensure that they understand each aspect ofthe job which allows them to match them with job applicants’ qualifications carefully. Afterhiring a candidate, managers should use effective HR practices for ensuring that theemployee is satisfied with his/her job. Effective HR practices directly influence the quality ofwork life of employees and it also positively influences the firm’s overall growth (Clarke andBrooks, 2010). Each worker should receive appropriate compensation for his/her work inorder to ensure that he/she is able to live a decent life and afford basic amenities.Furthermore, employees’ who perform excellently and exceed their targets should receiveincentives for their performance. As per Equity theory of motivation, an employee’s outputshould be equal to his/her input which ensures that he/she is satisfied with his job (Brattonand Gold, 2017). Moreover, HR policies for training and development of employees alsoimprove their quality of work life since provide them opportunities for growth and improvetheir lives.In recent years, organisations focus on implementing effective HR practices for positivelyinfluencing the work life of employees which improve their performance as well. Forexample, Google Incorporation is one of the leading firms in the technology industry, and itis able to improve its performance based on effective HR planning. The company is able tohire talented employees from worldwide because of its effective HR structure which providesfacilities such as free lunch, unlimited sick leave, free tuition and training, support fromsupervisors, planned family vacations, and time to work on personal projects (D’Onfro,
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