
Human Resource Management - Sample Assignment


Added on  2021-04-21

11 Pages2610 Words32 Views
Running head: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENTHuman Resource ManagementName of the University:Name of the Student:Author Note:
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1HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENTProposal of a specific work or leave arrangementsThe typical profiles of the various types of workers in the organization are discussedas follows;The defender (Manager)This particular worker seeks stability, predictability and security. They like wellestablished and stable organizations which give clear goals and set the routines of the careerpaths.The friend (Work friends/ colleagues)These types of workers seek friendships, belonging as well as fulfilling relationships.These workers have excellent social activities and seek opportunities to help others. They arevery good team workers.The star (Expert performer)They seek respect, social esteem and recognition. These workers like the visible perkswhich are linked to their positions, job titles, opportunities to shine and clear hierarchicalstructures.The director (Board members)They seek control, power and influence over other people as well as resources. Theseemployees like leadership or managerial roles along with visible and clear responsibilities forresources and people, promotion and career prospects (Boxall & Macky, 2014).The builder (Contractors)
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2HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENTThese workers seek material satisfactions, money as well as above average living.They like reward and performance to be strongly linked with their professions. They are moredrawn to the professions which have visible routes of promotion and above averagepayments.The expert (Team leaders)These employees seek specialization, mastery and knowledge. They like the roleswhich require specialist skills and knowledge. They are motivated by the environments wherethe personal development is led to form recognition of the expertise.The creator (Creative mindset/ Leader of the team)They seek creativity, change and innovation. They have a liking towards problemsolving, innovative organizations, developmental activities and challenging environments.They involve themselves into the generation of new and innovative ideas (Kossek & Lautsch,2012).Work Life balanceManaging a healthy professional and personal life balance can be a challenging taskand at times, it becomes more intimidating especially during economic stagnation as well asuncertainty. Achieving a healthy work life balance highly requires managing the personal aswell as professional life in various manners that keep the workers’ energy flowing. It isimportant for any organization to offer their employees with a balanced work life as it keepsthem happy. The organizations must give due attention to different things which fulfill andenrich the workers. This includes fitness and health, career and work, relationships andfamily, community services, spirituality, passions and hobbies, recreation and rest and alsointellectual stimulation. In order to have a proper and balanced work life, employees should
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3HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENTanalyze their current situation and maintain a time log of everything (Swaminathan &Rajkumar, 2013).Moreover, the organizational managers and leaders must organize social gatheringsand encourage their employees to bring their family members along with them. In addition tothis, the employees must be motivated to determine their priorities. The employees must bemotivated to spend some serious time reflecting on what is more important for them. Inaddition to this, they must set specific goals and schedule scrupulously. Moreover, settingrealistic and fair limits can also prove to be beneficial on the long run. Furthermore, clearlycommunicating these limits and boundaries to the co-workers, partners, family members andsupervisors is also immensely important. Last but not the least, employees must take propercare of their health and it should be on the top of their priority list (Sturges, 2012).Work patterns and the demands of these workers;The defenderThe activities of the defenders typically involve setting up of organizational goals andobjectives. They also need to perform some marketing functions, conduct market research,product planning and competitive evaluations.The friendTheir working patterns are similar to that of the employees of any organization. Theyperform their daily activities of achieving daily targets and also fulfill the duties of helpingtheir co-workers and socializing with others.The star
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