1HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Minutes of the Meeting: Theorganizationiscurrentlyhaving5sitesupervisorsandmoreorless30 groundskeepers. The organization is currently having a major decline in the number of customers due to the loss of a majority of the older customers. The organization is experiencing great client dissatisfaction due to the improper maintenance of the gardens and the flowers. The organization is observed to be significantly affected due to lack of attention of the employees in cases of providing the chance of proper exposure of the plants and flowers to the sunshine, water. Along with that the employees are observed to be significantly careless in cases removal of the flowers. The organization is observed to have a negative impression on the customers as the much needed communication among the employees of ROTPL and the customers of the organization is absent. The employees of the organization are observed to be dissatisfied with their jobs as they are facing significant amount of discomfort in properly conducting under the leadership of Daniel Black. The application based knowledge of the employees are not anywhere equal to the knowledge of Black and that is significantly barring them from performing with the desired level of perfection in the absence of their leader Black. The thought process of Black regarding the knowledge of the employees and the customers is wrong and is a major source of job dissatisfaction for the employees of the organization. The organization is observed to suffer from the inappropriate allocation of the task among the young and old employees.
2HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Black’s leadership is subjected to significant amount of ineffectiveness as Black was observed to complain on the faulty conduction of the employees rather than telling them the right path to do the task.