
Human resource management of King Edward VII


Added on  2022-08-17

18 Pages3144 Words13 Views
Human resource management of King Edward VII College
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Human resource management of King Edward VII_1

Table of contents
Brief report.................................................................................................................................2
Emerging trends and practices...............................................................................................3
Changes to the industrial and legal requirements..................................................................3
Staffing requirements.............................................................................................................4
Philosophies and values.........................................................................................................4
Recommendations for human resource strategic directions...................................................5
Technology and systems........................................................................................................5
Email draft..................................................................................................................................6
Human Resources Strategic Plan.........................................................................................10
Operational Priorities Plan...............................................................................................10
Recruitment, selection and induction...............................................................................10
Workforce development...................................................................................................11
Supporting and valuing the workforce.............................................................................12
Workforce Skilling...........................................................................................................13
Human Resource Information Management....................................................................13
Overview of costs and benefits of human resources services indicated in operational
priorities plan...................................................................................................................14
Human resource management of King Edward VII_2

Brief report
The future plans of the Kind Edward VII College includes the launch of additional
Sydney campus, one in the threshold of Brisbane and another one in Sydney. Both of the
Sydney campuses would be inaugurated in the mid-2016. The operations are already in
progress and are being supervised by the CEO and finance managers. The revision of
selection and recruitment policies are yet to be attained. As a matter of specification, the
posts to be filled up are receptionist, student service officer and 4 trainers (Kinged.org.uk
2020). In case of the Melbourne Sydney campus, staffing functions would be stagnant until
the number of the students substantially increase. According to the estimations, the number of
students would increase to 50 in both the Sydney campuses. The Humanistic Strategic Plan
would cater to the areas of Equal Employment Opportunities, Diversity, Information systems,
Induction training, designing of the job training schedules, performance management and
professional development of the student. For this, the following objectives have been devised:
To formulate diversity policies for recruiting staffs in flexible working shits
To acquire advanced HR information systems for expanding the scope and arena of
the supply chain network
To introduce formal systems for designing jobs and conducting the analysis
To conduct audits and reviews for the occupational health and safety policies
(Kinged.org.uk 2020)
To introduce rewards and recognition schemes for luring the staffs towards the issues
To acquire systems and devices for recording the professional development based on
the information management
To develop budget for training schedules and staffing needs
To adopt formal systems for the execution of succession planning
Human resource management of King Edward VII_3

The objectives also pertain to attain mastery in the provision of vocational training,
revision of the infrastructure and revision of the staffing needs. The strategic management is
reflected from the plans to upgrade the competency skills of the managers. Choices also
persists in the delivery of the services to the clients and the customers. According to the
arguments of Bailey et al. (2018), these choices reflect the initiative to empower the staffs
and drive their performance towards growth and development. Along with this, the plans also
cater to capitalization of the market needs for diversifying the courses. In order to live up to
the expectations of the customers, they would be provided with the opportunity to avail
online classes. Competitive pricing structure, innovative teaching methods and state of art
facilities are the components of the marketing plan of the college.
Emerging trends and practices
According to the emerging trends, there is a potential for offshore delivery, which is
one of the aspects for expanding the scope and arena of the supply chain network. Mention
can be made of targeting the students on the states and territories, which would add diversity
to the courses of the college. Conducting portfolio analysis of the current courses would
enhance the awareness about their feasibility in terms of the academic establishment of the
students (Sparrow, Brewster and Chung 2016). If the applications are filed for achieving the
government funds, it would be a fruitful act for achieving financial flexibility. For attaining
the maximum value, the latest legislations need to be implemented in the supervision of the
statutory bodies of law. Negligence in this context would act as a deprivation for fulfilling the
educational needs of the students. Low prices offered by the competitors can be one of the
means of attracting the customers.
Changes to the industrial and legal requirements
Improvements in the market share and increase in the number of the students are two
most crucial plans. For this, audits would be conducted for assessing the feasibility of the
strategies and plans. In this context, Marchington et al. (2016) highlights the importance of
Human resource management of King Edward VII_4

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