
Human Resource Management Methods - PDF


Added on  2021-02-19

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Human ResourceManagement
Human Resource Management Methods - PDF_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1LO 1.................................................................................................................................................1a) Purpose and Importance of HR Function in Chocola Fantastica, Giving its Current Growthand Future Plans for Further Growth......................................................................................1b) Strengths and Weaknesses of Current Selection Methods Used in Chocola Fantastica....2c) Potential Improvements to be Made in Chocola Fantastica to Improve their SelectionProcess....................................................................................................................................3LO 2.................................................................................................................................................4a) Evaluate benefits of graduate training schemes and internships to organisation andemployees...............................................................................................................................4b) Explain benefits of different flexible working arrangements to organisation and employees................................................................................................................................................5c) Analyse ways of motivating employees by the way Microsoft design job roles...............6LO 3.................................................................................................................................................7a) Explain Employee Engagement and its importance in building effective employeerelationship in Microsoft........................................................................................................7b) Critical evaluation of engaging employee approaches and its importance in improvingcommunicate at workplace.....................................................................................................8c) Key element of UK employment legislation & explain how those legislation impact on HRdecision...................................................................................................................................9LO 4...............................................................................................................................................11a) Create a person specification for receptionist..................................................................11b) Advantages and disadvantages of current methods of advertising at Chocola Fantastica12c) Recommendations for advertising job of Receptionist....................................................13CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................14REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................15
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INTRODUCTIONHuman Resource Management refers to the term which focuses on different processessuch as managing, planning, organising the personnel in a business with the help of which it ispossible to make the achievement of goals and objectives of an organisation in an effective andefficient way. Cholcola Fantastica and Microsoft are the companies chosen for the completion ofthis assignment. Chocola Fantastica provides their customers with chocolate based greetings cardacross UK and Microsoft which was founded in the year 1975 and is headquartered inWashington. It provides their customers with products such as Windows, Skype, Xbox andservices such as Azure, Bing, Linkedin, Office 365 and many more. The following assignmentwill focus on purpose of HR Function and its importance to organisation along with strengthsand weaknesses of current selection methods. In addition to this, it will also provide personspecification for the job role, advantages and disadvantages of the current methods of advertisingjobs in organisation internally as well as externally. Further, it will focus on benefits of trainingschemes and internships programs and flexible working arrangements to employees as well asemployers and evaluation of ways by which Microsoft motivates their workers will also be done.Lastly, the assignment will make its focus on employee engagement and its importance inorganisation along with key approaches to engaging workers and how they improvecommunication at workplace. The key elements of UK employment legislation, and influence ofthese legislation on HR decision making process will also be discussed. LO 1a) Purpose and Importance of HR Function in Chocola Fantastica, Giving its Current Growth andFuture Plans for Further GrowthHRM is an important function of an organisation with the help of which it is possible tomanage the workforce in an organisation. In an organisation, employees are the most importantasset which could make sure about the efficient running of all the processes of the company.Proper management of workforce will help the company to achieve competitive advantage overits competitors in the marketplace. So, the description of HRM, its function, purpose and theirimportance has been provided as under:Compensation and Performance Management: Compensation refers to the pay which isprovided to employees for work they had done in the organisation. Performance management is1
Human Resource Management Methods - PDF_3

related to making improvement in the efficiency level of employees in performing task(Anderson, 2013). The purpose of this function is to run the operations of organisation withoutbeing effected and also to provide customers with better services. It is important functionbecause it helps in improving customer satisfaction and efficiency level of employees. Staffing: It focuses on hiring employees in an organisation. The purpose of this HR Function isto eradicate the issues of lack of workforce in organisation. It is an important function becausethe selection of wrong candidates will impacts upon profit, sales, incomes and revenues of theorganisation. Training and Development: It refers to improvement in the current skills and efficiency ofemployees along with their personal and professional development. The purpose of this HRFunction is to improve the functioning of organisation, to reduce per unit cost of production andincrease employees' confidence. The importance of this HR function is related to achievement oflow cost productivity to gain competitive advantage over the competitors. Cholcola Fantastica is passing through a bad time as the staff turnover of thisorganisation has increased much which has impacted upon the quality of its products andservices in the market. So, in order to deal this situation and make everything good again, it isimportant for the company to make its focus on removing these issues. It will be done with thehelp of creating an effective communication channel in between employees and management sothat it could be possible to know about reasons due to which employees are quitting theorganisation. Further the implementation of quality management approaches will also bebeneficial for Chocola as with the help of these approaches it will be possible to know about theareas of deviations, so that improvement could be made and good quality products could beprovided to customers (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). b) Strengths and Weaknesses of Current Selection Methods Used in Chocola FantasticaSelection refers to the process of selecting and short-listing of right candidates for thevacant posts in an organisation. The process used for selection in this organisation is conductingassessment test in English Comprehension and Maths. Achieving 50% marks is important toachieve in both of these tests. After that interview will be conducted of 15 minutes. So theprocesses of selection of Chocola Fantastica is conducting are Ability and Aptitude Tests andDirect Interview. 2
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