
Human Resource Management Report - Waitrose


Added on  2020-07-22

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Leadership ManagementHealthcare and Research
Human resource management
Human Resource Management Report - Waitrose_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3TASK1.............................................................................................................................................3P1. Different purpose and function of HRM ..............................................................................3P2. Strength and weaknesses of approaches related to recruitment and selection .....................5TASK2.............................................................................................................................................7P3. Benefits of HRM practices....................................................................................................7P4. Effectiveness of HRM practices in increasing profits and productivity...............................8TASK3.............................................................................................................................................9P5. Importance of employee relations that influence decision making .....................................9P6 Key elements of employment legislation and its impact on HRM decision making.............1TASK 4............................................................................................................................................1P7. HRM practices in work related context................................................................................1CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................3REFERENCES................................................................................................................................4
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INTRODUCTIONHuman resource management is one the important part in order to carry out theprocedures of organisation in effective manner. Further HR department helps in managing theinternal employees in such manner that helps in achieving the organisation objectives (Barney,Ketchen and Wright ,2011). Company has to perform different task, duties and function forwhich advance planning is made by HR manager that allows them to coordinate all the activitiesin most appropriate manner. Under this assignment the company which is preferred I.e. WaitroseLtd. Which is UK based supermarkets having large food retail chain that deals in groceries itemsand wine products comprises of 352 stores and large employee base which were subdivided intodifferent departments according to their specialisation. Further, HR team also formulate policiesand procedures according needs requirement of internal employees. It discuss about the functionpurpose of HRM, Strength weaknesses regarding the source of recruitment, benefits of differentHRM practices and importance of legal act and regulation for the protection of employees.TASK1P1. Different purpose and function of HRM Their are different function and purpose in every organisation performed by the HRMteam of Waitrose Limited (Cox , Arnold and Tomás ,2010). Further, it discuss about importanceregarding the optimum utilisation of resources that help in accomplishing the daily targets ofcompany in most proper manner. Various types of plans are established by HR manager in orderto identifying all the needs and wants of workforce for achieving goals of organisation.Different purpose that are associated with Human resource management are described below:- Maintaining employee relation:- It is utmost duty of manager to maintaining theemployee relations in good manner. Further, helpful at the time when all the employeeswork for mutual objectives and goals of organisation. When superior communicate withtheir subordinate in informal manner then they easily know about all the issues andproblems that employee facing and they provide further direction to sort out difficultiesin their working style.Team spirit:- HR manager of Waitrose Limited must ensure that all the employeesworking in different department has an spirit of team at the time of performing dailyactivities of organisation. Today there are different challenges that faced by employeesfrom external environment so it is important that coordination and harmony must be
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establish among members so they provide satisfactory services to their clients in respectto their products and services.Optimum utilisation of resources:- Company at the time of performing task oforganisation it is essential for business to optimally utilise all the resources in mosteffective manner. For this it is important for HR manager to plan in advance that stockand inventory demanded in future must be maintain properly so that no shortage arises infuture. Further employees uses all the assets in optimum manner which reduce the cost ofproduction and enhance productivity of business.Legal laws:- Company require to adhere with all rules regulations that applied on theirstructure enforced by government (Crook and et. al. ,2011). Further, HR manager requireto make their own principles and legal laws that allow them to maintain decorum andethical practices in the working style of company. Corporate culture:- Organisation has to maintain ethical practices in their internalworking style that help them to avoid all the fraudulent trade practices that help them toestablish such culture that increase their goodwill and brand image and all thestakeholders are ready to invest in such company.Various functions performed by HR department of Waitrose Limited are stated below:-Planning:- One the important function of management in which HR manager has to planin advance all the function and policies which they have to follow at the time of carry ontheir daily activities. These also ensure in accomplishment of vision and mission oforganisation because they predict all the funds they needed in upcoming projects ofcompany which ensure proper execution of assignments on stated time period forenhancing growth and productivity.Staffing:- Under this step HR manager of Waitrose limited has to adopt most effectivemethod of recruitment through which they can recruit right candidates for the vacant jobpositions. Further they also organise different strategies under it so that they appoint skilland professional employees which full-fill all the requirement of employees. Controlling:- It is utmost duty of manager to control all the factors related to functions ofmanagement. Further make strategies through which they compare the actualperformance with standard performance of employees and if any deviation arises take the
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