
Importance of Employee Relation in Human Resource Management : Report


Added on  2020-07-23

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Professional Development
Importance of Employee Relation in Human Resource Management : Report_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1P1- Explain the purpose and the functions of HRM, applicable to workforce planning andresourcing the chosen organisation of your choice................................................................1P2- Explain the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment and selectionfor the chosen organisation.....................................................................................................2P3- Explain the benefits of different HRM practices within the organisation chosen of yourchoice for both the employer and employee...........................................................................4P4- Evaluate the effectiveness of different HRM practices in terms of raising the chosenorganisations profit and productivity......................................................................................5TASK 2............................................................................................................................................6P5- Analyse the importance of employee relations in respect to influencing HRM decisionmaking for the chosen organisation........................................................................................6P6- Identify the key elements of employment legislation and the impact it has upon HRMdecision making for the chosen organisation.........................................................................7P7-Illustrate the application of HRM practices in a work-related context, using specificexamples from the chosen organisation.................................................................................8CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................9REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................10
Importance of Employee Relation in Human Resource Management : Report_2

INTRODUCTIONHuman resource for an organisation includes personnel carrying out operationalactivities at different levels in the venture. Management of these individuals calledemployees is of crucial importance for any business and its venture related activities. It isthe most essential form of resource for a venture as the success as well as achievement ofthat firm is just a reflection of the efficiencies and effectiveness of human resourceappointed thereon. In order to generate skills and expertise in the concerned employees,Human Resource Management (HRM) team is set up by an organisation in order to gainbenefiting results through introducing training and developmental programmes. For adetailed evaluation of this management system, the present report evaluates HRM practicesof Hotel Hilton, which is a global brand providing hospitality services to its customers. Inthe context of hospitality industries, it is essential to train the employees in order to servethe customers in more efficient way. TASK 1P1- Explain the purpose and the functions of HRM, applicable to workforce planning andresourcing the chosen organisation of your choice.The basic purpose of adopting HRM team is to make the appointed employeessound and effective in their workings. It is adopted by undertaking various training anddevelopmental programmes for those employees (Brewster and Hegewisch, 2017). Thisactivity is undertaken in order to achieve the well desired and well planned aims plusobjectives of an organisation. HRM plays important functions in the context of achievingdesired or beneficial results for the mentioned hotel in this report. Some of the functions ofmanagement system, i.e. the role to be played by HR manager appointed in concernedhospitality firm are described in detail as under: Employment concerns: The cited hospitality venture operates in order to serve itscustomers or visitors in an effective way and thus, attain gaining results. Here, therole and responsibility to be performed by HR manager is to appoint thoseemployees in the organisation who serves customers in well behaved manner(Cascio, 2018). In other words, recruitment as well as selection procedure ofemployees is the function to be performed by HRM team in mentioned firm. The1
Importance of Employee Relation in Human Resource Management : Report_3

HR manager is also responsible to train selected employees for the work they needto perform for an organisation.Morale and mentoring: Mentoring refers to providing guidelines to appointedindividuals in a business venture. This mentoring is to be undertaken by the HRmanager of cited hotel. They are responsible to provide effective guidelines toemployees regarding their roles as well as responsibilities to be performed (Lussierand Hendon, 2018). Also, manager has the authority to imply moral suasion onemployees for certain considerations.Legalities: It is the responsibility of HRM team appointed that the guidelinesissued and responsibilities delegated to employees are in accordance with the lawimposed for protection of labour rights in an organisation. Various laws or actshave been introduced by the concerned government in order to protect the rights ofemployees and to provide protection against exploitation (Rees and Smith, 2017). Strategic: Strategic planning is generated in respect of setting new targets to beachieved by an organisation. HR team plays an important function in the context ofproviding or recruiting required individuals to attain the aims as well as objectivesderived in strategic planning. Other functions performed by HR manager include providing personnel growth anddevelopment for the developmental procedure of cited hospitality firm. The entirehospitality venture relies on HR department for ensuring smooth functioning of theiractivities relates to the venture. P2- Explain the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment andselection for the chosen organisation.There are various approaches that can be used by cited organisation to undertakethe process of recruitment and selection of employees. All these approaches along withtheir advantages as well as disadvantages (Goddard, 2017). A detailed evaluation of thesemethods of selection with their strengths as well as weaknesses is presented as under: Internal sourcing: As per this approach, employees are appointed from within anorganisation in order to perform the required duties or responsibilities. The cited2
Importance of Employee Relation in Human Resource Management : Report_4

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