
Impact of Globalisation on Business Activities - Doc


Added on  2021-02-19

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Leadership ManagementData Science and Big DataLanguages and CultureEconomics
Impact of Globalisation on Business Activities - Doc_1

Impact of Globalisation on Business Activities - Doc_2

Title: To identify the impact of globalisation on business activities of multinational
organisation. A study on Unilever.
It refers to the procedure used for interaction as well as integration between peoples,
government and organisation at worldwide basis. This factors is consider as necessary for a
company to adopt globalisation due to various reasons like through it they able to enlarge its
business operations and functions at worldwide basis, enlarge marketplace, enhance profitability
ratio and many more. It generally takes place due to advancement in communication as well as
transportation technology. Globalisation is beneficial of company as well as country as it helps in
enhancing profitability ratio, international trade, leads to cultural exchange, improve technology
and many more. But it also has some limitations like it create de localization which leads to
unemployment at developed countries, leads to inequality to political as well as social tensions
and so on. Organisation taken for respective research is Unilever which is a British Dutch
consumer products organisation that is operating at international level. It is founded at 1929 by
William lever, James Darcy Lever and Samuel Van Den Bergh. Its headquarter is located at
London, United Kingdom as well as respective company offer numbers of products like food and
refreshment, beauty and personal care as well as cleaning products. There are also several brands
which are operating by respective company such as Lipton, Surf, Sunsilk, Knorr, Dermalogica,
Lux, Pukka Herbs, Pot Noodle, Rani, Colman's, Buavita, Sealtest, Jif and so on. This research is
conducting for analysing impact of globalisation on business activities of multinational company.
So in order to identify respective factor research of this research analysis by creating
questionnaire which help in collecting appropriate information related to topic.
Chapter 1- Introduction
Research project description
This portion of respective project will explain blueprint of the research that describe
about different chapters which are explained in respective investigation. In this research
proposal, project is conducted through six chapters, which are defined below: -
Chapter 1- Introduction
This section of research contain information related to research aim, objective and question on
which whole project is based on. Along with this it will also include analysis for knowing reason
Impact of Globalisation on Business Activities - Doc_3

for selecting research topic i.e. identify the impact of globalisation on business activities of
multinational organisation. This section will also include list related to activities and timescale
required to conduct those activities.
Chapter 2- Literature review
The respective segment of report will include information brief information about the literature
review as well as it will also consider different articles that are based on objectives of this
Chapter 3- Methodology
The respective section of project will include different considerations which help researcher in
gathering appropriate information related to project title. In this project this section contains two
portion i.e. research approaches and research methodologies. Here, research approach is defining
as plan or process which consists of different steps or stages based on assumptions which
provide detail information of method used for collecting data, analysing it and interpreting it. On
the other hand, research methodologies is define as tools or method that is adopted by project
manager in order to collect data related to topic.
Chapter 4- Data collection and analysis
In respective segment of research analysis will be done of those data which are collected by
project manager by adopting questionnaire method.
Chapter 5- Conclusions and Recommendations
This segment of research will include conclusion as well as recommendation of project. In
conclusion section there will be explanation of whole research topic in summarised form
whereas recommendation is consider as areas where research can be improved for getting more
appropriate outcome.
Chapter 6- Personal reflection statement
This segmentation will cover personal reflection on the basis of three section, in which first will
include reflection related to research method used in project, second section explain reflection by
considering research methods which could have been used in respective research. Along with
this third section will consider areas for further research.
Research aim
To identify the impact of globalisation on business activities of multinational
organisation. A study on Unilever.
Impact of Globalisation on Business Activities - Doc_4

Research Objective
To identify the concept of globalisation in respect of a business organisation.
To determine benefits and drawbacks of globalisation on business activities of Unilever.
To identify ways through which Unilever can enhance their growth and success at global
Research Question
To identify the concept of globalisation in respect of a business organisation?
To determine benefits and drawbacks of globalisation on business activities of Unilever?
To identify ways through which Unilever can enhance their growth and success at global
Reason for selecting this research project
Project manager of respective investigation select theme i.e. impact of globalisation on
business activities of multinational organisation because by this they want to gather in depth
knowledgable related to globalisation as well as its effectiveness or impact. By this they able to
develop proper strategies or plan of action that will leads to operating of business functions in
impressive way. Along with this, it will also help project manager of respective research in
identifying opportunities through globalisation so that they can advise effective strategies to
multinational company which will aid organizations in gaining advantages like enlargement of
business and enhancement of profit ratio. In addition to this, respective research project manager
wants to collect data which help global level organisation for developing their policies and rules
for to conduct business action at worldwide basis.
Activities and timescale
Gantt Chart
Gantt chart is formed by Henry Gantt in year 1915. This is describing as a technique that
is used by research or investigator of a research in order to illustrate schedule of activities of a
project in graphical or bar chart form. In respect of researcher of Gantt Chart developed by
researcher is mention below: -
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Impact of Globalisation on Business Activities - Doc_6

Chapter 2- Literature review
Literature review is defining as scholar paper that will include current information about
the substantive findings and theoretical as well as methodological share related to a specific topic
on which research is conducted. It is considering as secondary method of collecting data which
will not consider experimental work that are new or original. It is beneficial for researcher due to
various reasons such as it helps in generating new idea, approaches or perspective, it will save
time as well as money of researcher. Along with this it will also help in identifying additional
source or information which project manager not able to identify.
Literature review
To identify the concept of globalisation in respect of a business organisation.
As per view point of Sammy Collins, 2019, Globalisation is considering as procedure adopted
for interacting and integrating among the individuals, firms and governments at international
level (Globalization Concept, Causes and Consequences, 2019). For a for example
enhancement in numbers of customers, increase profit ratio, expand business operations as well
as so on. It will also lead to liberalization for import as well as export that help company in
operating or expanding their business at international level. For conducting its enterprise
transaction as well as activities at particular country in effective manner. It can also help in
identifying chance for companies to expand their business at worldwide level so that firms can
attain number of advantages. For example, by this company able to enhance their customers base
that leads to increase in sales as well as profitability ratio. Moreover, this will also help country
as well as company in expanding their economy which will also leads to increment in standard of
living of a particular country peoples. Along with this globalisation also enhance supply chain
management of a company through which they able to supply their products and services from
one place to another in effective way. Globalisation is also assist an organization in conducting
Impact of Globalisation on Business Activities - Doc_7

much effectual marketing so that they can expand its enterprise operations at multinational level
in effective as well as appropriate mode. Through this a firm also able to enhance their
performance because through globalisation they able to adopt advance technology which leads
management in accomplishing task in more impressive style.
To determine benefits and drawbacks of globalisation on business activities of
As per the view point of Crystal Ayres, 2019, globalization is essential for each and every
organisation who want to expand their business at international level and gain high profitability
ratio. Like everything has its pros and cons same like that globalisation is also have its benefits
as well as drawbacks, such as benefits like it allow to pool resources- Through globalisation an
organisation able to pool resources through other companies which make their work easy and
effective. Through this they also able to design as well as manufacture product more effectively
which help in attracting customers and conducting more properly. Along with this it will also
enhance customer base- through implementing globalisation at workplace a firm can conduct its
business functions as well as operations in effective way at wide location. This will also help in
enhancing customers base at diverse location where company is operating (19 Advantages and
Disadvantages of Globalization, 2019). By globalisation company can also enhance its
profitability ratio in effectual manner. In addition to this, globalisation also have some
limitations for example by it some fraud people or company can cheat other very easy which will
also reduce trust of customers from firms. Along with this there are also several ways a person
can adopt in order to cheat others. Globalisation also leads to enhance in risk of security at huge
To identify ways through which Unilever can enhance their growth and success at
global level.
According to the view point of Qamar. C., 2019, for every firm expansion is necessary because
by this company able to increase its profits margin along with market portion. For this a
company can adopt several methods that will help them in expanding its business at global level
such as partnership, joint venture, franchises and so on (International Business Expansion
Methods, 2019). Through these methods a company able to expand their business in effectual
style and they can also offer product and services to huge number of service users. Some of the
major method which Unilever can adopt for expand its enterprise in booming manner at world-
Impact of Globalisation on Business Activities - Doc_8

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