
Learning Through Play in Early Childhood


Added on  2020-02-23

12 Pages3298 Words43 Views
Impact of Play on Literacy Development
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In the preschool years, playing provide the young children a meaningful and engaging
context for learning significant literacy skills and concepts. There are several researches
which emphasize that there is a great significant of the learning through play on the literacy
level in the early childhood setting. According to Denise H. (2016), the starting of reading the
instructions should take place in a natural environment, therefore their usage of literacy and
language will soon replace the practice and skill of skill acquisition. This procedure can be
very helpful for the beginners’ instruction reading which is mostly presented in the play
environment of the early childhood learning. Playing can work as a suitable activity for the
development which can be a significant part of the emergent literacy and it has bought a new
insight in the notions of literacy development as well.
Scope of the literature
This literature review will trigger the concept of playing in the early childhood and its
impact on the development of literacy. This research will impact the ongoing research on the
codependence of playing and the capabilities of learning literacy at the early age. After
identifying the gap in the existing literature, the research will continue to that direction.
Literacy and Playing
According to Olivia N and Bernard (2006), if the children are engaged with writing
and reading activities within the play environment, their learning procedure is enhanced to a
great extent. Using the play blocks and Play-Doh for expressing their ideas and creating, the
children can also be able to make sense ozf such experiences in their later lives. With playing,
the literacy interactions can be easily fostered; therefore it can be supportive and facilitative
for the development of literacy acquisition in the children. The literacy development depends
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both on the development of listening and speaking because these are the ones which provide
the base of the emerging literacy. A recent study has indicated that the teachers experienced
that most of the students who have been starting their schools at the age of four or five, are
incapable of speaking audibly or being understood by other children. They are also unable of
replying to the simple instructions or counting to five or identifying their own names.
Therefore their literacy is hindered compared to the other students. As stated by Saracho
(2004) the students who have been performing in a poor way in their early years, have also
shown poor performance in their later years of school achievements. They have not been able
to communicate to others which later turned into poor outcomes in their academic
achievements. Many researchers have indicated that playing provides the students
opportunity for discovering the world while incorporating and expanding new ideas. Playing
at the early age also nurture the imagination capability of the children. Famous linguist
Vygotsky said regarding the notions of playing as a strong means of the learning that, “In
play a child is always above his average age, above his daily behavior; in play, it is as though
he were a head taller than himself (Olivia N. and Bernard 2006). As in the focus of a
magnifying glass, play contains all developmental tendencies in a condensed form; in play, it
is as though the child were trying to jump above the level of his normal behavior
Literacy in early age
According to Saracho (2004), in the early years, children tend to develop the
linguistic competence through communication with others, which in the later years enhance
their capability of developing further communication abilities. This linguistic competence
helps improving their knowledge and facilitates the growth and learning. When a child
engages him or herself in playing, they tend to learn how language is working; therefore they
gain the understanding of interacting with other people around them. Eventually they are
capable of connecting the spoken and the written languages, which in later life help them in
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school. Therefore, most of the researchers agree to the fact that playing is a significant factor
to studying as developing literacy through playing can be very much crucial for children.
According to Banerjee, Alsalman & Shehana (2015), the early literacy and play are
two interconnected concepts. As literacy can be defined as the capability of reading and
writing, through playing the children voluntarily engage themselves in activities they enjoy a
lot. According the social construction theory, the literacy skills can be evolved in a natural
way while the children play. It should be noted, in the previous times the concept of learning
has been done in a more controlled and strict manner, but it has affected the students
negatively. The children used to give up what they knew about learning and entirely
committed to the strict method of learning. However, the researches for the past 20 years,
have indicated that there is always a positive connection between playing and learning. Play
has a great part to enhance in the development of the social, emotional and cognitive
development of children. These social interactions tend to encourage the children in learning
form the genuine experiences. The social interactions during play do not really act as a pivot
for formal instructions as they are more purposeful.
Concepts related to learning literacy while playing
Banerjee, Alsalman & Shehana (2015) indicates that both literacy and language start
developing from the very first day of life. It is also believed that developing the literacy skills
can be enhanced from the language that is being spoken around the children. The children can
develop their language and literacy skills through various kinds of settings, like, the printed
books they see or the stories they hear from the parents or the caregivers. While playing the
children also participate in the writing and reading experiences which enhance their learning
and develop the skills for learning. The researchers who have been working on the
relationship between play and the development of literacy, propose that the most children
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