
Impact of Technology and Globalisation on Business Management and Travel and Tourism Management


Added on  2023-06-15

11 Pages2553 Words163 Views
Business Management
and Travel and Tourism
Impact of Technology and Globalisation on Business Management and Travel and Tourism Management_1

Table of Contents
SECTION A.....................................................................................................................................4
Question one...........................................................................................................................4
Discuss how developments in technology and social media have impacted on the way
companies and organisations market their products and services..........................................4
SECTION B.....................................................................................................................................7
Question two...........................................................................................................................7
discuss how globalisation as a phenomenon has impacted on a country...............................7
Impact of Technology and Globalisation on Business Management and Travel and Tourism Management_2

Impact of Technology and Globalisation on Business Management and Travel and Tourism Management_3

Business management is defined as the process that coordinates as well as organise
business activities. Managers of business oversee business operations and help employees reach
their high productivity level. Business managers are responsible for supervising and train
employees that facilitates business to accomplish its operational and financial objectives. Travel
and tourism industry are the major contributor in economy development. Travelling is defined as
the activity which is related to going on a long journey and tourism is related to travelling to
specific place for the purpose pleasure. Tourism and travel industries are interdependent on each
other. This report covers the impacts of technology advancement and social media on
organisations marketing process. Along with that, second question is related to positive and
negative impacts of globalisation on specific country are discussed in this project report.
Question one
Discuss how developments in technology and social media have impacted on the way companies
and organisations market their products and services
Technology advancement: Technology advancement is defined as the latest way through
which organisation produces as well as deliver organisational product and services that help
business to reduce the requirement resource input requirement for production and delivery.
Advancement in technology is the wireless broadband that provide advantages to business to
conduct organisational operations in efficient, improve organisational efficiency, productivity
and help to gain competitive advantages (Alves, Sousa and Machado, 2020). Advancement of
technology help business to deliver work through electronic medium, simplify organisational as
well as progress tracking, help to develop efficient marketing strategies that enable business to
target right audience. Technological advancement help business to enhance customer services
through getting their feedbacks and organise all business accounting data in efficient manner that
help to attain determined goals and objectives on time with great efficiency.
Impacts of technology advancement on marketing of organisation
Advancement is digital technologies impacts on travel and tourism organisations to
market their products and services in specific market place. Technologies are continue evolving
that helps business to reach wide customer base and attract them towards organisational
Impact of Technology and Globalisation on Business Management and Travel and Tourism Management_4

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