
System Development Proposals for Cultural Diversity and Ethical Values


Added on  2023-04-22

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Part 1 Task 3 Implementing the Processes for Communications Policy
You must use the newly developed process from the previous task to complete the following:
1. Implement the newly developed processes from Part 1 Task 2 Developing Processes for
Communications Policy. Ensure that these processes show your ability to:
a. Communicate information to support others to achieve work responsibilities
b. Facilitate others’ contributions to consultation on work issues
c. Provide feedback on the outcomes of consultations
d. Resolve issues raised or refer them to relevant personnel
2. Locate the Observation Form in the following pages.
This form will be used to document your performance as you demonstrate the skill
requirements outlined herewith.
Review the requirements outlined in the Observation Form. You are required to
demonstrate all the requirements outlined in this form.
3. Complete the form by:
a. Providing a specific description of how you completed or demonstrated each
requirement outlined in the Observation Form.
b. Providing other details relevant to your completion or demonstration of the
requirement, as required (e.g. strategies you used to communicate with and
influence your colleagues, etc.).
c. Completing the Learner Declaration section.
4. Submit the completed and signed Part 1 Task 3 Implementing the Processes for
Communications Policy Observation Form to your Assessor.
Simulated Workplace Pathway
Complete this task through a role play activity. Refer to the Communications Policy
from Part I Case Study Overview and the following link to assist you and your
volunteers in completing the task:
Key Performance Indicators
You will require access to the following:
Three (3) volunteers to assume various roles in consultation, including:
o One (1) volunteer to implement the resolution of issues with;
o one (1) volunteer that must raise an issue;
o one (1) volunteer to act as the relevant personnel.
Role play activity must be observed by assessor
A safe environment to conduct the role play activity
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Submit the completed and signed Part 1 Task 3 Implementing the Processes for
Communications Policy Observation Form and the video recording to your
Part 1 Task 3 Implementing the Processes for Communications Policy Observation
Skill Requirement 1
Describe consultation processes you implemented to ensure employees have the opportunity to
contribute to issues related to their role.
Consultation Process 1
In order to support the staff of Bounce Fitness as well as to direct them towards the goal
of the business, the management of the organisation aims at maintaining a friendly
atmosphere in the work place. As a result, the leaders would be able to make the staff
understand about the importance of the business goal and can easily lead them to achieve
it efficiently. It would be beneficial to improve both the verbal and the non-verbal
communication skill among the employer and the employees. Excellent communication
skill of the lead would help the business to maintain a strong collaboration among the
staff in the work place.
The leader focuses to maintain transparency among the management and the employees,
so that the staff would get the opportunity to cope up themselves with the organisational
changes. It would help to minimise the distance between the management and the
organisational staff.
Consultation Process 2
In order to develop a strong communication policy, the leaders of Bounce Fitness require
to take feedback from the staff, so that the issues they are facing in the work place can be
solved and hence, the performance level of them can be improved. In addition, for
increasing the satisfaction level of working, the leader of the organisation also need to
facilitate the performance level of the employees.
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The staff of the organisation has been faced from a common problem, they would not be
capable to complete their projected works within the deadline. In this context, the
manager of Bounce Fitness tries to motivate the employees to understand the importance
of completing an assigned work within the deadline.
Assessor comments:
Skill Requirement 2
Describe two (2) instances where the resolution processes you implemented ensured that
issues raised were resolved promptly and referred to relevant personnel.
Instance 1
If the workload would be high in the business, then the leaders would require to have
the power to deal with the organisational challenges. In order to minimise the work
pressure, the manager of Bounce Fitness can divide the entire works among the
employees in such a way, so that they would be capable to complete their tasks within
the deadline. Excessive work pressure leads to increase the employee turnover rate in
the organisation. However, under the effective leadership, Bounce Fitness would be
capable to convince the employees and minimise the pressure on them.
On the other hand, in order to maintain transparency among the management and the
employees, the manager of Bounce Fitness aims at organising a business meet up
once in a month. As a result, the higher level of management would infer the goal of
the business in front of the staff and the employees would identify the importance of
achieving the business objectives. Apart from the leader, the higher level of manager
would try to motivate them.
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Instance 2
The leaders of the organisations are capable to minimise internal conflicts among the
employees. In this context, the leader of Bounce Fitness always aims at following the
organisational lawsuits, so that each of the staff in the work place gets the equal
treatment. It would in turn prevent the work place discrimination and the confliction
among the employees can be avoided. It is the other approach of maintaining
organisational ethics.
In order to complete the projects within the deadline, the management of Bounce
Fitness divided the entire tasks into sub parts and set small timeline for completing it.
This refers that the team leader of the organisation is very strict about the timeline of
submitting a projected work. On the other hand, the leader and the employees would
not need to tackle the entire project once in a time. This would improve the quality of
works of the staff.
Assessor comments:
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Skill Requirement 3
Describe how you took responsibility for formulating, organising and implementing plans,
processes and strategies that impact the workplace.
How you took responsibility for formulating the consultation process
In order to increase the collaboration among the team members, the leader of Bounce
Fitness can divide the entire works into the groups based on the specialisation. For
instance, the leader can make the plan successful by creating the groups of accounts
section, gym trainers, and supervision team. As a result, it would successfully increase
the interaction among the team members and it would be reflected on their performance.
Consequently, the clients would be happy with the services of the organisation.
In order to organise the monthly meet up between the management and the
organisational staff for increasing transparency among them, the leader needs to inspire
the manager of Bounce Fitness to include it is the company policy. As a result,
transparency policy would lead to the employees to confront difficult situations.
How you took responsibility for organising the consultation process
In order to successfully implement the communication policy, the leader tries to arrange
face to face discussion session with the group members. As a result, he can solve the job
related issues after identifying it. Therefore, maintaining the work balance is one of the
prime objectives of the management of Bounce Fitness for maintaining a strong
interaction among the employers and the employees.
In order to meet the timeline, the leader of Bounce Fitness would increase the
commitment of the employees. As a result, they would understand the importance of
submitting a project within the deadline and the leader would be capable to deal with
the organisational challenge. In this context, the leader of Bounce Fitness would take
the help of time management team for supervising the progress.
How you took responsibility for implementing the consultation process
In order to increase the satisfaction level of the employees towards the works, the
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management of Bounce Fitness proposes to provide performance appraisal scheme to
the eligible employees. It would drag the interest of them to improve their performance
level for receiving it. It would in turn improve the overall performance level of the
In order to improve the client base, the leader of Bounce Fitness can increase the
listening power of the trainers, so that they can determine the problems or demand of the
clients from the organisation apart from getting the fitness training. As a result, the
manager provides a feedback form to the clients and tries to find out their difficulties for
further improvement.
Assessor comments:
End of Observation Form
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