
Important Function Of Human Resources Management


Added on  2022-06-08

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Human Resource Management
Contents of the Assignment:
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Section 1:
Explain the role and functions of HRM applicable to workforce
planning and resourcing an organisation
Explain the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to
recruitment and selection
Section 2:
Explain the benefits of different HRM practices within an
organisation for both the employer and employee
Evaluate the effectiveness of different HRM practices in terms of
raising organisational profit and productivity
Section 3:
Analyse the importance of employee relations in respect to
influencing HRM decision making
Identify the key elements of employment legislation and the impact
it has on HRM decision making
Section 4:
Illustrate the application of HRM practices in a work-related
context,using specific examples
The aim of the Recruitment Process assignment is to let on, have the knowledge and to put
in practice the effective principles of human resource management (HRM). The centre of all
HRM operations from any single company are the people and they are able to attract, hire
and keep possession of the skilled workers.
Important Function Of Human Resources Management_2

This assignment will discuss the strategies and approaches that can be used in HRM to
optimise the engagement of workers, and how that of HR practises to achieve competitive
advantage. I will also discuss the value of training, cultivation and growth to create and
expand the organization's skills base to ensure it is important to the ever-changing market
Through the assignment I will redact the way that employers collaborate with their
employees and the appraisal of the good relationship between them at the workplace. The
HRM process law along with the very best practices will make an employer of a business to
be the ,,employer of choice “in the labour of the markets.
Section 1:
Explain the role and functions of HRM applicable to workforce
planning and resourcing at Google.
In the next task I will explain the role and function of HRM that can be applied to workforce
planning and resourcing within the Google company,which is the organisation I chose to talk
about due to their popularity and because it was much easier to find lots of information about
it.This task requires to prepare a report within the organization I chose and to evaluate the
current practices the organization is using.
Created in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, in the last decade Google has been graded
amid one of the top most organisations to work for. The company's protocols and regulations
are considered to be centric to workers, and have been designed to provide their staff with
the greatest amount of incentives. The business has grown over the time and so has the
Human Resource Department that does focus on employee development as each quarter
the organisation scales new heights.The corporation has branches around the globe in 14
states and 36 countries. Many of these include India, China, Australia, Israel, the UAE and
Turkey etc. Its head office of operations are based in California, with the highest number of
workplace framework that benefits the world and has rarely ever seen (Matulich and Kuntze,
n.d.).It has been found out and recognized today that the company's success owes the most
high quality human capital (Lombardo,2015).Just as a fact when the company went public
in 2004, Sergey Bin said that all is for Google people (Matsangou, 2015).
The truth is that for a company to manage its employees effectively, a combination of
Personnel and Human Resources Management strategies is important. Administrative
details and ensuring that right people are in the right position at the right time. Also need to
mention that staff records need to be kept properly and that regulations are followed closely.
By having people inspired to do the best things and preparing them to have the right aptitude
the organisation will be able to achieve the goals.
Definition of HRM:
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,,HRM recognises that workers are the key tool for achieving sustainable competitive
advantage, that human resource practices would need to incorporated into the business
approach, and also that human resource professionals support operational managers
achieve both performance and profitability objectively.”
The purpose of this HR report is to inform the management team about the issues and
activities related to the recruitment and selection that took place last April. The report
outlines statistics and results concerning the hiring and on-board process, employee attrition
rate, health and safety record, employee wellness strategy and workplace etiquette
Based on the results and findings, the HR team was unable to achieve its April goals with
the hiring and onboarding process, health and safety management and welfare
implementation. Despite significant workforce-related improvements, the team remained
short of its intended objectives.
Purpose of HRM:
Essentially, the purpose of the HRM is to maximise an organization's productivity by
optimising its employees effectiveness, hence a resource manager's obligations that fall into
three main spheres: job definition and design, benefits and compensation, staffing and
Various strategies and steps for different positions within the company are used by Google's
Functions of HRM:
HMR has been described as a process of human resource development through guidance,
integration, staff motivation and individual goals to achieve organisational goals.While
ensuring that all human resource management functions are interdependent, interrelated
and dependent on the particular situation is not easy.Most of the functions are carried out as
a single management activity.
The HRM functions can be broadly divided into two categories:
A. Managerial Functions: B.Operative Functions:
Planning Procurement
Organising Development
Staffing Compensation
Directing Maintenance and motivation
Coordinating Integration
Controlling Industrial relations
In my perspective the HRM's following functions can be adequate in providing the perfect
match of talent and skills to meet organisational goals:
Supporting the organisation to obtain the right types and numbers of employees to obtain
the organization's strategic and operational objectives.
To make sure they will generate a favourable environment for employees who assist in the
development, growth and use of their skills.
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Helping employees in sustaining high standards and enhancing the production through
attainable job design, procuring them with adequate guidance, performance and based on
that with the feedback and double way communication meaning here employees to
employer and the vice versa.
Maintaining a harmonious relationship between employer and employee;
Ensuring and delivering a healthy workplace environment.
Other important HRM activities include HRM job design, planning,job analysis, employee
hiring, employee motivation and executive and employees remuneration etc.
HRM Strategy: To be able to manage all the work practices appropriately the HRM team of
the company will have to develop their strategies and opt for the right decisions. By choosing
the right strategies in all of the roles and by giving each the right responsibilities will help the
organization have a good direction in managing.
HRM Practices: The HRM practices which are the main ones and most important like
training and management and recruitment will have to be adequately handled and just so the
employees can commit to the goals and objectives of the organisation that can be achieved.
HRM Outcomes: If the HR of an organization would like to be successful it is important that
they will motivate the people and the retention as well. Only so the achievements will be
Behavioral Outcomes: The workers will need to demonstrate a good and strong reaction to
the strategies and the policies of the company as just by doing so they will create a greater
business environment
Performance Outcomes: The performance will come out just from a great conduct and well
thinking strategies of the HRM team.
Financial Outcomes: the company will have a good production and satisfaction of their
customers if the HRM will have only positive results within their practices.
Explain the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to
recruitment and selection
Based on the quality of the HR, the organisation had successfully grown. In general among
their employees the company stresses Excellence and Smartness. Within the organisation
one of the priceless values and practices of the HR team also includes carefully selected
recruitment and selection strategies, techniques, methods and high-quality employees
retention. To ensure appropriate workforce in the organisation the process of the recruitment
practices and the selection process is well established. Also the organisation retention
programmes are designed to hold outstanding employees.These programmes also draws
the organisation’s employees. Today the company ranks as one of the best places where
people wish to work. The HRM department indicates success in the selection, recruitment
and retention of employees, therefore comes the popularity and the positive perception
about the company.
Recruitment is the process to discover individuals to work for a firm/organisation.
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Selection refers to the methods used to select the best or the very appropriate candidate
for the vacancy.A recruitment and selection process has 10 stages. Recruitment process is
composed of the first six stages. The last four form the process of selection:
Find out the vacancy
Do a job analysis
Creating a job description
Creating a job specification
Advertise the job
Send application forms or apply for a curriculum vitae (CV)
Collect CVs / application forms
Creating a shortlist
Hold interviews / testing
The Selection process and techniques
Depending on the vacant position that a company has offered to be taken by some possible
candidates the techniques of selection that are chosen is to find the right candidate that has
the required knowledge and skills to match the role in the position offered.Some of the
techniques used for the selection process that are the most popular within the organisations
includes assessing written applications,conducting panel interviews and checking
Based on the result of one of the selection techniques the recruitment decision should not be
based only on that.A combination of one or more techniques must be applied on the
candidates in order to assess the skills,knowledge and the capability.
If a company chooses to use the selection techniques in addition to an interview, the
candidates must be informed and offer time in order to prepare themselves.
The examples of the selection techniques are as it follows:
1. Structured interview format:the techniques is it useful to get to know the candidate,his/her
presentation and the communication skills.The interview can be increased by its
effectiveness using the competency and behavioural technique by applying questions about
the past behaviour to the candidate in similar situations as he/she will face in the new
position in that way the assessor will predict a future behaviour of the candidate.
2.Telephone,Skype and video interviews:this type of selection it is usually used when there
are candidates that are coming nationally from a big distance than where the branch or the
company is based or when are candidates that are applying for a position from
overseas,therefore before the assessor will meet the candidate face to face it is need to take
place a telephone,video or skype interview before the final recommendation it is made.Also if
there are a large no of candidates that will be reduced by this kind of interview before the
face to face interview.When this type of interview is taking place the questions applied to the
candidate must be concise and to remember that the candidate relies on verbal feedback.
3. Work simulations:This type of selection is actually divided into:a)work samples:if there are
a large no of candidates this technique takes place to shortlist the candidates no before the
interview.There is not a very popular technique due to time consuming and intensive
resourcing.b)The leaderless group discussion:with this technique usually it is tested the skills
the ability of the candidates to coach, leader, teamwork, building relationships, customer
service. It is usually recommended four a group of candidates and they are made to carry
discussion between each other about different topics.c)The in-tray test;this type of technique
Important Function Of Human Resources Management_6

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