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Improving Organisational Performance: Tools and Techniques for BUNI Travel


Added on  2023/06/12

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This report discusses the tools and techniques that can help improve organisational performance for BUNI Travel, including performance appraisal, 360-degree feedback, key performance indicators, personal development plans, and reward and recognition. It also explores the role of employee well-being in improving motivation and performance. The report includes a PESTLE analysis for BUNI Travel as well.

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Business Management
People and Performance
Assessment 1
Case Study: BUNI Travel
Semester 2
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Introduction p
What tools and techniques will help improve
organisational performance? p
The role of employee wellbeing in improving motivation
and performance p
Conclusion p
References p
Appendix p
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Performance management can be described as tool used by managers of company
for monitoring as well as evaluating work of employees. It allow managers of
company to develop an environment in which different people can perform different
abilities and produce work in efficient and effective manner (Adivar, Hüseyinoğlu and
Christopher, 2019). It is a tool which assist managers of company to manage people
as well as their performance in company. This project report includes analysation of
BUNI that is a local travel agent based in Bolton. It has small workforce which is
working with traditional personnel department but they are not working to improve
performance of organization. This project report includes description of different tools
and techniques for purpose of improving performance of organization. It also
includes role of well being of employees in order to improve motivation and
What tools and techniques will help improve
organisational performance?
It is important for company to improve their performance in order to attain goals and
objectives. Success of an organization is depended on performance of company as
well as employees. There are various tools and techniques which is used by
companies in order to improve performance of organization (Agarwal, 2021). HR
managers of BUNI can use these tools an techniques in their organization that
provide them success and opportunity to improve performance of company.
Explanation of these tool in context of BUNI is mentioned below:
Performance appraisal: It can be described as a tool that will helps company for
improving organization performance. It is a tool that is used for purpose of linked
goals of individual along with common organizational goals. In order to get right
result from using this tool, employee of company needs to ensure appraisal process
conducted in organization fair as well as honest that is based on two ways of
communication (Birdsall, 2018). If honesty is not made in organization, it can be
demotivate employees and also leads to poor performance. Appraisal is a technique
that allow HR manager of BUNI to identify people who are not performing good in
organization and also not performing their job in right manner. Performance
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appraisal technique is important fro growth of an organization as well as employees.
It allow company to know which employees is productive for company and which
employees is creating liability. It allow employees for purpose of finding best career
opportunity. It is tool which can be used by HR manager of company in order to
improve satisfaction as well as motivation of employees.
360 Degree feedback: It is another tool which can be used by HR managers for
purpose of improving organization performance. It is a method used for evaluation as
well as assessment of performance and capabilities of employees. It helps HR
managers of BUNI to know how employees are performing in organization. It is a tool
that allow HR managers to know employees of organization about their performance
through detailed assessment on basis of views of people with them they work (Kroll,
and Moynihan, 2018). These people can be manager, customers, clients, colleagues,
supervisors and others. Results of these tools are kept confidential and also
presented to employees by their managers. It is a tool that is used usually for training
and development in which opinion of others are given to employees and allow
employees to improve their work. It is a effective and efficient tool which helps to
review process as it consist opinion of other people instead of only review of
Key performance indicator: It is also a tool which is used by managers of company
as it provide various ways for measuring performance of organization and its units,
individual employees and project in order to attain goals and objectives of company.
It is a tool that is used to enable performance conversation that are data driven and
rich. It is also used in order to make effective decision for company (Luu, 2019). A
well designed KPI tool work as navigational instruments for company and provide
clear picture for current level of performance of organization in order to find out
ability of business for attainment of their goals and objectives. KPI is an important
tool which is used by company in order to monitor their health and make correction in
it. It is also important for company in order to measure progress of their operation.
This tool allow HR managers of BUNI to analyses pattern of company over a certain
period of time. It also helps company to make adjustment and also to solve problems
occur in company.
Personal development plan: It is also a tool that is design in efficient manner that is
based on needs, awareness as well as wants of action which provide support to
personal as well as organizational development. It is a common tool which is used by

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company in order to identify type of training needs of employees. It is used in order
to develop an action plan that helps to fulfill needs of employees. It allow individual to
develop ways in which they can grow and improve themselves and also find out
ways in order to attain their goals. It is tool that create interest of individual in
company and also assist them to improve their performance. It order to attain high
performance in an organization, different types of tool are used by companies that
play essential role in organization.
Reward and recognition: In order to improve performance of organization, HR
managers of company need to adopt reward and recognition tool Employees who
are contributing their best and working hard when does not get recognition and
reward become demotivated and it deviate them from goals and objectives of
company (Pagán-Castaño, Maseda-Moreno and Santos-Rojo, 2020). It is important for
companies to have reward and recognition program in organization that is an
important part for management of performance of organization. In order to improve
performance of company, alone financial incentives and rewards are not enough but
organization also needs to provide them recognition that is important in order to
maintain their morale.
The role of employee wellbeing in improving motivation
and performance
Employee well being can be described as optimization of health of employees. It is
not only related to physical well-being but also other components are also included in
it. It is important for employers to ensure employee well being in organization which
play crucial role in maintaining good employee and employer relationship. It is
important for employees to improve well being as it create positive impact on
business and also allow company to get success in market place. Importance of
employee ell being is also increase wit recent outbreak of covid-19 outbreak.
Employers needs to understand impact of well being of employee on performance of
employees as well as on business. If employees feel distressed and worried than
they are unable to focus on work (Pulakos, Mueller-Hanson and Arad, 2019). Employee
well-being helps HR manager of BUNI for purpose of improving motivation and
performance of company. It is important for purpose of improving motivation of
employees. Providing employee well being improve working relationship among
employees and employers and provide them opportunity for improve motivation and
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satisfaction of employees. It create significant impact over performance of company.
Role of employee well being for improving motivation as well as performance of
company is mentioned below:
Reduce absenteeism and healthcare costs: With improve employee well being,
different issues in organization has improved including employees stress, sickness
and burnout that assist them for resolving issues occur in organization. Sedentary
lifestyle of employees will increase possibilities of high blood pressure, diabetes as
well also their diseases (Salas‐Vallina, Alegre and López‐Cabrales, 2021). Employees
feel burnout at workplace that create negative impact over health of employees and
also increase absenteeism level. Improving well being provide them opportunity to
reduce absenteeism that is important in order to reduce cost of business. There are
various benefits that an organization can with well being program as it provide them
cost effective solution to them.
Increase employee engagement: It is another benefit that an organization get on
basis of employee well being. Employee well being provide various benefit of
company and increase engagement of employees. At time of implementation of well-
being program in an organization, employee feel motivated, connected and health of
them is elevated that results in happiness of employees. All these factors of these
employee well being program contribute to improve employee engagement. Also
employee engagement of employees is influenced with recognition of employees
and also with good practices related to feedback.
Improve productivity: It is identified that employee well being improve productivity
of employees. It is identified that smokers takes off time from work in order to do
smoking whereas fat people are taking more leaves in compare to normal people
(Van Waeyenberg, Peccei and Decramer, 2020). Some employees who are able to
handle stress in better manner are not feel burnout. With optimized well being of
employee. Employees are focused for their work and increase productivity of
Improve morale of employees: At time of covid-19, it is identified that it is essential
for an organization to improve morale of employees. With introduction of employee
well being program in organization, HR managers can improve morale of employees
by taking initiatives like mental health workshops as well as fitness competition
among different teams and department which will improve morale of employees. It
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make them feel that employers are worrier about their health and well being and
create positive image of organization in minds of consumer.
Attractive employer branding: It is important for managers of company to attract
as well as retain employees. Market is very competitive and in order to identify
talented employees, managers needs to adopt various strategies as there are
various choices available or employees now a days (Zhang, Wang, and Jia, 2022). For
this, employees well being provide benefit of company as it is a point which is
consider by employee at time of identification of new organization. It is a basis that
allow managers of company to get success for company.
From above mentioned project report, it can be concluded that performacne
management is one of important process that allow HR managers of company to
manage human resource as well as their performance. There are different tools and
techniques includes in organization for purpose of improving performance of
employees and business. These techniques includes 360 degree feedback,
personal development plan, key performance indicator, performance appraisal.
Employee well being is another strategy adopted by HR managers for purpose of
improving performance of employees and also improve motivation of employees.
Employee well being allow managers to monitor performance of employees and
provide them different ways to make improvement.

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Books and Journals
Adivar, B., Hüseyinoğlu, I.Ö.Y. and Christopher, M., 2019. A quantitative performance
management framework for assessing omnichannel retail supply chains. Journal of
Retailing and Consumer Services, 48, pp.257-269.
Agarwal, P., 2021. Shattered but smiling: Human resource management and the wellbeing of
hotel employees during COVID-19. International Journal of Hospitality
Management, 93, p.102765.
Birdsall, C., 2018. Performance management in public higher education: Unintended
consequences and the implications of organizational diversity. Public Performance
& Management Review, 41(4), pp.669-695.
Kroll, A. and Moynihan, D.P., 2018. The design and practice of integrating evidence:
Connecting performance management with program evaluation. Public
Administration Review, 78(2), pp.183-194.
Luu, T.T., 2019. Discretionary HR practices and employee well-being: The roles of job
crafting and abusive supervision. Personnel Review.
Pagán-Castaño, E., Maseda-Moreno, A. and Santos-Rojo, C., 2020. Wellbeing in work
environments. Journal of Business Research, 115, pp.469-474.
Pulakos, E.D., Mueller-Hanson, R. and Arad, S., 2019. The evolution of performance
management: Searching for value. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and
Organizational Behavior, 6, pp.249-271.
Salas‐Vallina, A., Alegre, J. and López‐Cabrales, Á., 2021. The challenge of increasing
employees' well‐being and performance: How human resource management
practices and engaging leadership work together toward reaching this goal. Human
Resource Management, 60(3), pp.333-347.
Van Waeyenberg, T., Peccei, R. and Decramer, A., 2020. Performance management and
teacher performance: The role of affective organizational commitment and
exhaustion. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, pp.1-24.
Zhang, Z., Wang, J. and Jia, M., 2022. Multilevel examination of how and when socially
responsible human resource management improves the well-being of
employees. Journal of Business Ethics, 176(1), pp.55-71.
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A PESTLE analysis for BUNI Travel
PESTEL analysis is a tool which is used by managers of a company in order to
identify external factors that create impact over operation of company,. These factors
provide bo5th threat and opportunity for company and explanation of these factors in
context of BUNI Travel is mentioned below
Political Factor Economic Factor
Due to Brexit, government of UK has made
various changes in their rules and regulation.
It create problems for business of BUNI
Travel as they needs to also made changes in
their organization. Government has also
impose lockdown in order to control
outbreak of global pandemic. It also create
problems for business of BUNI Travel.
It is a factor that consist factor that create
impact over cost of company. Education rate
in UK is high that provide opportunity for
business of BUNI Travel as they can get
skilled and talented labors for their business.
Social Factor Technological Factor
It is a factor that is linked with values,
culture and belief and also includes
demographic factors in their operation.
People of UK prefer traveling that provide
them opportunity to attract those customers
in order to increase profit of company.
It is a factor that create competitive
advantage for company. BUNI Travel can use
effective software that allow them to
improve professional efficiency and also use
social media for purpose of promotion of
products and service of company.
Environmental Factor Legal factor
BUNI Travel is not creating any negative
impact over environment that provide them
opportunity in business as there is increasing
environment awareness among people of
It is another important factors as there bare
various laws and legislation impose by legal
authorities over business which is to be
consider by BUNI Travel in order to ensure
smooth running of their business.
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