
Project Plan Development & Management


Added on  2020-05-08

19 Pages3324 Words131 Views
1-3, 9 Cong4-6 Akila7, 8 AliSwinburne University of TechnologyFaculty of Information and Communication TechnologiesINF30019 Information Systems Project Management Guideline: Look at http://www.projectmanagementdocs.com/ for some other templates andsome explanations of different parts of the project plan.
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FINAL PROJECT PLAN1Introduction and Objectives of the Project Plan 1.1 Overview of the OrganizationProvide some information about <organization name>. Describe the strategic goals ofthe <organization name> and how top management plans to achieve these goals. Next,explain specifically how <project name> relates to these organizational goals.1.2Current Situation and Problem/Opportunity StatementThe aim of this section is to clearly outline how the proposed project will benefit theorganization. The current situation in <organization name> is first explained. Thisincludes a detailed description of the relevant environmental conditions. Second, adescription of the business problem or opportunity is provided. This includes a detailedassessment of the business needs that are currently being met or not met. Finally, the gapthat exists between the current situation and the stated objectives of the project isanalyzed. 2Project Charter [5 Marks] (Note this section should not be revised after it has been written)2.1Project Information Project Start Date:<Enter <project name>’s expected start date here>Project End Date:<Enter <project name>’s expected finish date here>Project Manager:<Enter the name of the project manager here>Project Sponsor:<Enter the name of the project sponsor here>2.2Project objectivesProvide a list of what <project name> will accomplish in terms of the products/service that will be produced. Also, indicate the target benefits of <project name.>2.3Project approachList the approach that the project will take.
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2.4Roles and ResponsibilitiesList the different people who will be working on <project name>. This list would includethe project manager and all the key stakeholders who will be involved with <projectname>. Also, record their role, their positions, and their contact information.NameRolePositionContact Information<Enter person’sname here><Enter the person’srole on <projectname> here><Enter thisperson’s positionhere><Enter an email addressthat can be used for thisperson here>Frank WhiteProject ManagerProject Managerwhite@organization.org<Add rows asnecessary>2.5Project ConstraintsList and describe any project constraints that have been identified during the planningphase of <project name>. These constraints will affect the scope, schedule, budget, andquality of <project name>.2.6AssumptionsAny assumptions that have been made during the planning process for <project name>must be specified.2.7Preliminary Schedule and Budget EstimatesProvide a rough estimate of how long it will take to complete <project name> and howmuch it will cost.2.8Plan Modification RulesDescribe the rules for modifying the Project Charter. For example, only the project manager has theauthority to change this document.
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2.9Approval SignaturesProject Manager:As project manager on <project name>, I have reviewed the information contained in theProject Charter and agree to its content.NamePositionSignatureDateThe signatures above represent stakeholders’ agreement and acknowledgement of theinformation contained in this document.3Project Scope Management plan 3.1Product descriptionDescribe the solution that will be provided to address the problems/ opportunity.3.2Project DeliverablesProvide a summary of the deliverables of <project name>. Only a list of the high-level deliverablesis provided here. More information can be found in the Work Breakdown Structure.3.3Scope StatementProvide a list of what is in and out of scope of <project name>:3.4Work Breakdown Structure DevelopmentDescribe how the work breakdown structure (WBS) will be developed. This describes whichapproach (such as top-down or bottom-up approach) will be used to develop the WBS, as well aswho will be involved in the development. Produce a WBS in diagram form.3.5Scope Change Management ProcessExplain how changes in <project name>’s scope will be addressed. This involves a description ofhow any changes in scope will be identified, addressed, communicated, and documented. Provide alist of the members of the Change Control Board who will be approving/rejecting any changes, aswell as the procedures in place to request a change.
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