
Understanding Employee Motivation Theories


Added on  2020-06-03

18 Pages5233 Words82 Views
Organisational Behaviour
Understanding Employee Motivation Theories_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3TASK1.............................................................................................................................................3LO1 Influence of culture, politics and power on the behaviour of others in an organisation3D1 Evaluation of relationship between culture, politics and power ......................................5TASK 2............................................................................................................................................6LO2 Motivate individuals and team to achieve goals............................................................6TASK 3............................................................................................................................................9LO3 Evaluation about the cooperation with others................................................................9TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................11LO4 Concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour in business...........................11D2 Evaluation of Relevance of Team Development Theories ............................................14CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................15REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................16
Understanding Employee Motivation Theories_2

INTRODUCTIONOrganisation behaviour is the study that how the people communicate within the groups.This study is doing for the purpose of making the business more efficient and effective. so, themain purpose of study the organisation behaviour is to manage the workers of the organisationby applying the various approach. Organisational behaviour theories mainly used to manage theworkers for the purpose of maximise the output from different departments(Moore and et. al.,2012). Spatial plc, Is a software company who is providing software solutions and a globalleader in managing geospatial data.In this project report going to describe about organisation culture, politics and powerwhich influence individual and team performance, motivational theories, how effective teamopposed to ineffective team and the concepts of organisational behaviour within the organisation.TASK1P1 Influence of culture, politics and power on the behaviour of others in an organisationOrganisation culture defines that how the employees are going to complete the tasks andinteract with each other. The organisation culture includes various things like, values, beliefs,rituals and symbols which effects the working style of the employees in the organisation.Corporate culture joins the all employees in the organisation and provides them a direction topaccomplish the organisational objectives. The biggest challenge in the organisation is that toexchange the organisation with the changes in the culture and motivate the employees to acceptthe changes (Osland and Turner, 2011).Organisational politics means the informal, unofficial and efforts from behind to sell theideas which are going to influence the organisation, increase the power or to achieve theobjectives of the organisation. Organisation power refers to the possession of the authority over others. Power is used tolead the organisations which results in positive and negative outcomes in the organisation. Allthese things, organisation culture, politics and power affects the overall performance of theindividuals and the organisation also. It includes both positive and negative effect on individualand the organisation.
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Some of the effects of the organisational culture, politics and power on the individualand the organisational performance mentioned below:Organisational culture: It includes that how employees complete the task andcommunicate with each other. In culture we consider the rituals, beliefs, values andsymbols. The organisation is the group of people where the different kinds of employeeare working belonging to the different cultures. For every employee it is not necessary toadjust in the new culture than this will affect the such individuals performance. Wholeorganisation is the depends upon the communication between the departments.Sometimes, person belongs from different culture who does not know the regionallanguage cause difficulties in understanding the business operations and if the individualsperformance in not better it effects the working of the whole organisation(Pinder, 2014).Vice versa, If the culture of the organisation suits the employee than it increases the focusof the employee in the organisation and they start enjoying their work. If the individualsperformance increases the the performance of the whole organisation is also increases.Organisation politics: -Decrease overall productivity: Politics lower the output of the individual and the also affects theoverall productivity of the organisation. It is commonly said that the employees who are playingpolitics in the organisation pays less attention on the work. They are more interested in legpulling. They are spending most of the time in criticising their co workers. Because of that theemployees not give attention to the organisation targets and they are failed to achieve themwhich affects the overall organisations profit.- Affects concentration: The persons who are interested in playing the politics are more interestedin spoiling other persons image in front of their superiors. This will effect their overallconcentration in the organisation (Sinclaire, 2011).-Spoils the Ambience: Politics leads the negative environment in the organisation becauseeveryone is busy in manipulating the things. It spoils the relationships amongst the employees.- Changes the Attitude of the employees: Politics in the organisation changes the overall attitudeof the employees. Even the employee who is serious and responsible also loses the interest in thework. Internal politics not allows the employees to give their 100 percent. Sometimes they notallows to grow people who is working very hard affects their performance.
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