
Integrated Marketing Communication for Hospitality Organizations


Added on  2023-06-06

14 Pages3880 Words200 Views
Integrated Marketing Communication for Hospitality Organizations_1

MAIN BODY ..................................................................................................................................3
Evaluate different marketing channels and how they serve communication objectives for
various hospitality organisations..................................................................................................3
Devise communication objectives and justify appropriate channel selection and integration....5
Application of the communication objectives in relation to the marketing communications mix
Integrated Marketing Communication Plan-...............................................................................7
Design and produce content appropriate to the channel and communication objectives and ....8
Determine the communication strategies that can be used to help achieve these objectives. ....9
Evaluation of integrated marketing plan....................................................................................10
Review the success of the monitoring and impact of the integrated marketing communications
plan ............................................................................................................................................10
Integrated Marketing Communication for Hospitality Organizations_2

Intergraded market communication helps the company to integrate all the methods for
promoting their product and services and brand promotion to attract their target customers.
Company are using communication channels to deliver the message in clear and consistent form,
the main target of the company is that they ensure the consistency of the message and the
completing use of media. If company use this marketing tools to promote their brand, so they are
able to maximize their profits and achieve their target effectively and efficiently. This report
discuss that how The Berkeley hospitality company is a reputed chain of hotel which operate
many franchise all over the world, so they need to use communication marketing tools to
promote their brand. (Blakeman, 2018). They can use integrated marketing communication tools
to promotion their products such as advertising, sales promotions, personal selling, public
relation, direct marketing, social mediad marketing, mobile marketing and so on.
Evaluate different marketing channels and how they serve communication objectives for
various hospitality organisations
The Berkeley is a five- star deluxe famous hotel brand of Britain which is operating their
business in various different countries all over the world. It have almost 73000 rooms with more
than 800 hotels globally which was functioning in issuing premium standard of services in their
business (Galloway, 2020). IT was located in Wilton place, Knightsbridge, London which is
owned and managed by May bourne Hotel groups . But in the year they has shorted the name
and regenerate it into The Berkeley. The main headquarter of the company is located in
Dunstable, United Kingdom. The Berkeley is the UK's largest hotel chains they operates hotels
in different locations.
Marketing communication play a important role to promoting their products or services it
provide different media tools which is used by the marketers for communication their target
customers (Goldfarb and Tucker, 2019). The Berkeley is a well known hotels chains, so they can
use different marketing communication tools such as
They can use pricing strategy to attract the new customers, so that they can provide good
experiences with them and satisfies their needs which is beneficial for their performance.
Integrated Marketing Communication for Hospitality Organizations_3

The Berkeley company use social media marketing platform to advertising their brand
which is efficient to share the information or aware the customers about the hotel features
and facilities which is offered by the hotel chains and other motive is that they makes
different with their competitors of other hospitality sectors.
They can use marketing mix strategies to delivering the best quality to its customers,
along with they can offering the disguised category its services like premium and luxury
hotels (Halli, 2020).
The can designed online website, in this website they consist the all relevant information
regarding the The Berkeley and they can offering the current market.
They can start different campaigns and schemes to connect with their target customers
and they can provide several package for their most frequent customers this techniques
give benefits to the company to achieve their target and earn maximize profit.
Marketing communication are support the company to promoting different values to their
audience and different business sections, it helps the company to remove the various kind of
barriers which create miscommunication. The marketing communication is used by the The
Berkeley company to maintain working environment and staff and employees doing smooth
working and manage their work properly which helps to reduce their burden. The second
communication strategy support the company to provide best quality of product and services to
the customers which is directly related to the generate more revenue, so that company are able to
perform well and set the success by following different value and principles which helps to
consider the important part of the company (Kemp, Randon McDougal and Syrdal, 2019).
Digital marketing is popular now a days mostly company use this tools to promote their brand
and boost their sales by doing making customers aware about the exclusive services which is
offered by the company its users. The marketing channel of miscommunications which is used
by the The Berkeley hotel company to advertising their brand and conduct campaigns which
support the company to reach their target audience, this tools is beneficial for promoting the
public image and assist to make the target customers aware about its product and services. This
promotional tools promote the digital or advance technology, so that customer are able to book
their rooms online and get many offers which is beneficial for the company too and encourage
the customers to reach the company towards its users.
Integrated Marketing Communication for Hospitality Organizations_4

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