
Amazon's Market Strategy and Growth


Added on  2020-11-23

9 Pages2608 Words471 Views
International Marketing
Amazon's Market Strategy and Growth_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................31.Drivers of globalisation that can help impact the expansion of Amazon into the UK market......................................................................................................................................................32.Identify and justify one specific target market that Amazon-fresh should target in the UK...43.Analyse and evaluate the global environment for Amazon as a multinational company........54. Evaluate global strategy and international strategy to grow Amazon further in globalmarkets. ......................................................................................................................................6COCLUSION ..................................................................................................................................8
Amazon's Market Strategy and Growth_2

INTRODUCTIONInternational marketing defines a new game plan with an extension of market across theborder, which functions in making a business more approachable throughout the country(Vellas, 2016). It regulates market on international platform which satisfy need and wants ofconsumer in an appropriate manner. Amazon is an American multinational company which focusing on building morebusiness across borders by creating a net of e-commerce marketplace. It has diversified intovarious platforms such as Amazon Prime, Amazon Art, Amazon video, Amazon Business,Amazon drive etc.. It deals in 606 million product which showcase whole market in a way to getconnected with the world. The file covers a whole new scenario of recent drivers of globalisation. It focuses on themarket segmentation of Amazon fresh and global environment of Amazon (Schramm-Klein andZentes).The file will talks about every knowledge from different section of amazon and how themarket works internationally. 1.Drivers of globalisation that can help impact the expansion of Amazon into the UK market. Increase in number of buyers directly impacting on market. Market starts taking growthby keeping the needs of consumer in international market. Market has diversified with variousproduct and finding new drivers to tackle challenges of reaching door to door across borders(Morschett, Schramm-Klein and Zentes, 2015). Drivers are forced to get a business on growingsegment or a way to tackle all challenges which are coming as a barrier to get success inachieving goals.There are some important drivers which play a vital role in growth of Amazonintentionally which is as follows-Technological advancement- Markets are moving towards e-commerce. Portals arebecoming more familiar with customers to get fulfil needs and wants in more easier manner.Amazon examines various needs of different consumers across borders and provide appropriatefacilities to fulfil every demand in an appropriate manner. Advancement in technology anddesigning various portals to get connected with consumer across borders give more opportunityfor Amazon in diversifying its product. Technology allows people to get connected across border
Amazon's Market Strategy and Growth_3

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