
(PDF) International Trade Policy for Business


Added on  2020-01-28

11 Pages3440 Words69 Views
Languages and CultureEconomics
(PDF) International Trade Policy for Business_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................1PEST ANALYSIS.......................................................................................................................1ENTRY PLAN AND POSITIONING STRATEGY..................................................................3BENEFITS OF INTERNATIONAL MARKETING TO BUINSINESS...................................4ACADEMIC THEORY ANALYSIS.........................................................................................5CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................7REFERENCES................................................................................................................................8
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INTRODUCTION Globalization has created a significant impact on the growth and development of thebusiness unit which helps in developing a significant impact on the business growth in thishighly competitive economy. Companies are adopting different measures to enhance the growthand development aspects in the economy. National boundaries have faded gradually byincreasing measures of international trade within the economy. Aljukhadar and Senecal (2011)stated that expanding the business reach for different organizational units helps in creating highand effective growth aspects within the economy. However international marketing is a complexand highly competitive process for the business. Global process of planning, organizing andexecuting conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods, and services have tobe analysed to develop a significant brand identity within the economy. The present study will develop an in-depth study on the business operations of Marks andSpencer in the international market. The British multinational retailer has developed a significantbrand identity within the market (Marks and Spencer, 2015). The company is operating itsbusiness in more than 48 countries around the world which has helped the retail unit in attainingsignificant brand identity within the economy. The present report will deal with different aspectconsidered while analysing the international trade policy for the business. It will effectivelyevaluate the factors associated with global operations and planning aspects. PEST ANALYSISM&S is a well established fashion retail unit which is successfully operating in more that48 countries around the world. The organization has attained a renowned brand identity withinthe economy. Well structured and effective business operations of the company has developedsignificant growth and development measures. M&S is currently planning to expand its businessoperations in the leading market of Australia which will help the business in developing asignificant growth and development aspect in the economy (De George, 2011). Australia is adeveloped nation which has developed significant growth aspect within the economy. Theexpansion of business unit in Australian market will help the business unit in attaining high andeffective growth aspects. The PEST analysis for the international expansion options is discussedhenceforth. 1
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Political factors: These factors play a significant role in defining the business operationsof the company and attaining high and well defined business objectives for the company.The political factors play a significant role in planning and developing international tradeaspects for the business unit. Australia is a developed country which has attained politicalstability within the economy. The country has developed liberal trade policies within themarket. The government regulations and restrictions on the business operations areminimum. UK and Australia has developed favourable trade relations within theeconomy which will help the business unit in creating a significant impact on businessgrowth aspect. M&S has established online stores in Australia (Simkin, 2008). Thecountry can now develop a physical store to enhance sales in the tourist economy. Economic factors: The economic factors has a significant impact on the growth anddevelopment of the business units in the foreign market. These factors include growthrate, population rate, inflation, currency value, employment and educational factors etc.Australia is a developed nation which has attained effective growth and developmentmeasures within the economy. The growth rate of the country is high. The inflation rateof the business is low which will help M&S in creating significant growth aspects in theeconomy. Social factors: Social factors have significant and well defined impact on the growth anddevelopment aspects of the business unit. The Australian population is influenced by thewestern culture and has created a significant impact on organizational developmentmeasures. Social influence on consumer trends has a significant impact on businessanalysis. Analysis of these factors will help M&S in analysing the market demands andtrends in the new market. Australia is one of the leading tourist destination in the word.High rate of tourist will help the company in developing an effective and well definedimpact on brand image by delivering product availability for the business (Wood, 2008). Technological factors: Technology has a significant role in developing growth anddevelopment measures for the business unit. The technological factors are the crucial partof the business growth. Australia has developed effective and well defined technologicalinfrastructure for he business growth. Expansion in Australian market ill help thecompany in developing effective and well defined growth aspects. Moreover, effective2
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