
An Introduction to Employee Relations


Added on  2020-06-05

16 Pages4954 Words295 Views
Professional DevelopmentPolitical Science
An Introduction to Employee Relations_1

An Introduction to Employee Relations_2

INTRODUCTIONThe employee’s relations are defined as the management of relationship between employees,Working in organisation. The objectives of the employee relations for business success is to developand maintain good relationship between the workers and management for more productivity andachieving goal of organisation. Maintaining employee relationship is basic requirement of anysuccessful organisation it helps the firm in achieving their goal. Without managing these relations,the company would not able to reach their aim (Buttliere and Buder, 2017). Strong employeerelations give better productivity, it creates employee loyalty, it helps in conflict reduction,employee relations help in motivating employees. Aldi company has been selected in this study.Supermarket chains with more over 10,000 stores in 18 countries. Aldi has more than 30,000employees working in UK. This report is based on Aldi's employees’ relations. This report, willdiscuss on the various topics, which are beneficial for the Aldi's worker's relationships and help toimproving productivity of business. TASK 11.1 Explain the unitary and pluralistic frames of referenceThere are two different perspectives of employees relations such as unitary and pluralisticframes of reference. Both are having different perceptions and views, for employee’s welfare inAldi company. Unitary frames of references are a style of thinking, values of assumption todetermine employee relations in company. The management think that workers and employers worktogether for common goal, value and interest (Effective Workflow for Collaborative DecisionMaking, 2009). Value chain activities are developed by evaluating individual’s interest and actionchosen by employees of Aldi. Unitary process helps in analysing different types of teams that willbe beneficial for organizational goals and objectives which will increase efficiency of company.organisation's management and all the employees are common objectives, purpose to achieve goal.Sometime conflict starts from two people in organisation it effects other employees as well in firmPluralistic frames of reference are a refer that collections of different set of values, beliefs,behaviours and attitudes. Organisation have different powerful subgroups, each group has its ownlawful loyalty, their objects and leaders. It helps in providing organisational and personal objectivesas well as the benchmark for effectually, efficiently functionally of Aldi to describe their employee’srelations. Pluralist occurs when disagreements between managers and workers due tomisconception and lack of communication in company. it can be both rational, inevitable formmanagerial and employee groups. Company is adopting polices and structures according toworker’s values, perceptions, attitude and behaviour. Unitary and pluralistic frames play mostimportant role in Aldi company for development of the employees and organization in different
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ways, it is helpful for generating better results and analysis. However, to protect the values andinterest of employee, the workers have their trade union which is the association that aims atprotecting the right of workers in any circumstances. These unions stand for staff againstemployees. In this the union are effective because the members of association focuses onnegotiating with management for the sake of employee benefits and interest.1.2 Alteration in trade unionism which affect employee relations.Trade union is considered as a society where employees and labours unite. The objective ofthis to providing and promoting their interest and goals. It focusing on development of theemployee relations. It helps to improving attraction and growing the relations in manpower. Tradeunion affects the social policies and those factors that makes balance of workforce. Differentchanges in trade union have direct impact on the employee relationship in Aldi (Brett andThompson, 2016). These changes mainly relate to the evolution of employee relations in theorganisation and its unification with industrial relations. This is on relating to the traditional conceptof industrial relation that merely indicated the formation of those institution that regulates theoccupation with a prime objective of determining the employment related rules.It was much focussed on the procedures of collective bargaining that later developedtowards the system of rewarding the workers as a way of appreciating their efforts. This is referredto be a major change in trade union that positively impacted upon the concept of employeerelations. As a result, to which, Aldi is now required to protect the interest of their appointedworkers and regulate their treatment to avoid any state of partiality at the workplace (Stilwell andet.al., 2016). Such type of development has also resulted in deterring several aspects of HRM with afocussed approach of dealing the employees in the most effective manner. It together resulted inmuch developed organisations that duly consider the welfare of their employees and leads the workin a participatory manner. The employee related policies are much more developed in terms of fairlyremunerating the workers and engaging them in the process of decision making. 1.3 The role of the main players in employee’s relationsIt is not simple to maintain good relationship between the employers and employees. Firm isa group of individuals that people are effort simultaneously to attaining the goal. There are someimportant key players in organisation to maintain the employee’s relationship. They are mostessential for the company. The Aldi also has some crucial member for managing workers.11Role of the manager: - The managers in Aldi company play the many more important worksthat is good for organisation as well as the workers. There are following essential role of themanager in the organisation.oThe manager should behave equally with all the worker in workplace, they should
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