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Introduction of Management


Added on  2022/12/29

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This document provides an introduction to management, specifically focusing on Apple Inc. It discusses the company's corporate mission, marketing initiatives, and corporate and competitive strategies.

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Introduction of management
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a) Introduction of Apple
Apple Inc is being considered as the leading multinational technology company that
develops, sells and designs the online services, computer software and consumer electronics. In
the year 1976 the company was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne.
Targeting the premium customers, the company has spread its worldwide services. Within 2019,
the company has developed more than 500 stores in all over the globe ( 2019).
Analyzing the corporate mission of the company it has been identified that the company aims to
provide best experience to the users by bringing the creativity and innovation in its software and
hardware services. Apple believes in making great product by maintaining its quality for
ensuring its long term sustainability in the market. Analyzing the marketing initiatives of Apple
it has been identified that the company aims to bring the musical revolution through its iTunes
and iPods. Inclusion and diversity can be considered as the biggest strengths of the company,
which influence the internal corporate culture of the company ( 2019). Apple is
popular in the market due to its cultural acceptance abilities and its consistent progress.
Analyzing the growth of the company for last five years, it will be identified that the company
has made an important contribution towards empowering the women all over the globe. In every
year, the company tries to empower large numbers of women as well as underrepresented
minorities. Near about 53% of Apple employees are from underrepresented categories. In
between the year 2014 and 2018, Apple has increased the 7 % of women staff resources, which
has helped the company to encourage the community (Koçaş and Akkan 2016).
Apple maintains its equal pay regulation around the globe, which not only helps to
develop the strong corporate strategy of the company but also it has influenced the employee
retention strategy in the company. In case of improving the skills and abilities of individuals,
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Apple gives the opportunity to the experts. By supporting individuals towards developing their
abilities, Apple develops its successful operation networks. Apple is being considered as the
multigenerational company that employs the age group between18 to 87. Ensuring the positive
support towards the employees, Apple aims to bring the individuals development. Analyzing the
key marketing initiatives introduced by Apple, it has been identified that the company aims to
grab the attention of the customers by bringing the technological innovation and uniqueness.
Emphasizing the unique value proposition strategy the company promotes its products in the
market ( 2019). By strengthening the ecosystem, the business strategy of Apple has
brought the vertical integration for exercising the software and hardware services. By focusing
on the emotional appeal of the customers, the marketing Strategy of Apple has focused on UVP
marketing strategy by beautifully designing the boxes by adding the right products. In order to
gain the competitive advantage from the market, Apple introduces the social media marketing
strategy, which has played an important role for increasing the market share of the company
(Nagle and Müller 2017).
e) Corporate and competitive strategy adopted by Apple
The corporate strategy of the Apple it has been identified that following the diversified
targeting strategy, the company has mainly focused on grabbing the attention of upper class and
upper middle class customers. In the high competitive business environment, creating the market
demand, the premium pricing strategy is being followed by Apple (Liozu 2019). In case of
maintaining its uniqueness in the market, Apple has adopted the premium pricing strategy by
offering the small number of products in the market. Introducing the limited edition of products
it has maintained its uniqueness in the market and contributed towards the high market share and
profitability rate. In order to make people starve towards the new products on Apple, the halo
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effect has been created by the company. Ensuring the high quality user experience the products
of the company, are being designed adding the high values and aspirational status of the brand.
In the emerging business environment, increasing competition due to low cost android
smartphones has brought the saturation in developed markets. In this situation without
compromising with the premium pricing ranges, separate operating system has been introduced
by the company, which has not helped to maintain its uniqueness but also it has played an
important role for ensuring its high market share in the market (Nagle and Müller 2017).
Analyzing the pricing, marketing as well as operations of business, it has been identified
that the intensive growth strategy is being followed by the company. In order to develop the
effective competitive advantage in the market, Apple focuses on bringing the uniqueness in its
information technology and consumer electronics. Being one of the leading companies in the
globe, Apple follows the generic strategy for determining the competitive advantage in the
market. In order to maintain its sustainable position in the market, the company has tried to gain
the customer loyalty by introducing the innovation excellence ( 2019).
Introducing the wide ranges of differentiate product in the market, from the last few years, Apple
is maintaining its competitive position which has increased the accountability of the company.
By adopting the differentiation strategy, Apple has successfully distinguished its competitors
from the year 1980. Introducing the innovative designs in its products, the company has grabbed
the attention of large numbers of customers in the market. Following the high differentiation
strategy the products of the company are being provided to the retailers by adding different
offers. Both the direct and online product selling processes are being used by the company.
Adding the retail strategy of minimum advertised price, the company prohibits the retailers to

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sell the products in minimum ranges. Introducing smartphones, iPod, MacBook and others
products in the market, the differentiation strategy of the company has been maintained.
Reference list 2019. retrieved from:
[Accessed on 10th June, 2019] 2019. retrieved from: [Accessed on 10th June, 2019]
Koçaş, C. and Akkan, C., 2016. A system for pricing the sales distribution from blockbusters to
the long tail. Decision Support Systems, 89, pp.56-65.
Liozu, S.M., 2019. Make pricing power a strategic priority for your business. Business
Horizons, 62(1), pp.117-128.
Nagle, T.T. and Müller, G., 2017. The strategy and tactics of pricing: A guide to growing more
profitably. Routledge.
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