
Introduction to Human Resource Management


Added on  2022-11-23

13 Pages3830 Words2 Views
Leadership Management
Introduction to Human Resource Management_1

Table of Contents
ESSAY 1..........................................................................................................................................3
MAIN BODY..................................................................................................................................3
ESSAY 2..........................................................................................................................................8
MAIN BODY..................................................................................................................................8
Introduction to Human Resource Management_2

TOPIC- Some organizations have extremely high levels of absence. A) What are the causes of
this? B) What should an organisation put in pace to proactively manage this?
Employee absenteeism is related to frequent absence of employees from their work. In
other words, it can be categorized as habitual absence where the leaves are not authorized or paid
by the management. For an organisation, rapid increase in employee absenteeism is a matter of
concern as this will affect their productivity and motivation level (Anisimov and et.al, 2017).
Such practices affect employee interest, their performance standard and their ability to meet
desired organisational objectives. Employee absenteeism not only affect employees; it also
creates a huge impact on the organisation as well. The essay will outline information related to
employee absenteeism and rapid increase in level of employee absence in the organisation. The
essay will also define the major causes of employee absenteeism and several strategies which are
helpful for reducing employee absenteeism in the organisation.
Employee absenteeism is known as unauthorized absence of an employee from their job.
This is a result of failure of an employee to report to their job in their specific timings without
any approved leave from the organisation. Absenteeism in workplace is also known as “bottom
line killer” which influences the availability of workforce and probability of organisation. Such
practices followed by employees are usually unplanned which create an adverse impact on the
organisation performance. Absenteeism in workplace is known as absenteeism rate which is a
key HR indicator that helps the management in identifying problems within the organisational
culture. Absenteeism can be defined as employee absence from work which is not approved by
management (Brewster, Gooderham and Mayrhofer, 2016). This can create a barrier for an
organisation when they face unexpected and repeated absence of the employees in the workplace
which will lead to inability to meet organisational objectives and lack of discipline in the
organisation. It can be seen that there are four types of absenteeism which are explained
Introduction to Human Resource Management_3

Authorized absenteeism involves absence of employee from work by taking permission
from their management.
Unauthorized absenteeism is the absence of employee from work without taking any
permission or informing the management before taking a leave.
Willful absenteeism refers to employee absence from duty willfully.
Absenteeism caused by circumstance beyond once control refers to employee absence
from their work due to circumstances which are faced by an employee which are not of control.
Such circumstances involve accidents or sudden sickness.
Employee absenteeism effects employee as well as employer and such influence can be
seen through incline in labor cost, influence on customer service, reduced activity of
organisation, high pressure on existing team members and low workplace motivation. For
calculating employee absenteeism rate in the organisation, the below mentioned formula is used:
Absenteeism rate = number of mandays lost/number of mandays schedule to work × 100
CAUSES - Employee absence or absenteeism is one of the major concern or issue which
is faced by an organisation (Collins, 2020). There are several reasons which causes employee
absenteeism in an organisation and it can be seen that such factors create huge impact on the
employee as well as employer. The absence of employees or employee absenteeism rate in an
organisation can be a result of various factors. Some of these causes of incline in absence of
employees are discussed below:
Burnout and overworked employees leads to high stress which affects the employee
performance. This is one of the major reasons for causing employee absenteeism in an
organisation as by creating high work pressure and job stress can lead to employee absenteeism
(Harzing and van Ruysseveldt, 2017). High work pressure creates stress for an employee which
directly influences the interest and motivation level of employees to work within an organisation
and thus results into absence of employee in their working hours and such factors can also
negatively influence the organisational position and goodwill in the industry.
Workplace harassment is another cause of incline in absence of employee in the
organisation as this can create a negative influence on the willingness and interest of employees
Introduction to Human Resource Management_4

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