
Introduction to Management: Functions, Ethics, and Emotional Intelligence


Added on  2023-06-04

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Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentDesign and Creativity
Introduction to management
Introduction to management
Introduction to Management: Functions, Ethics, and Emotional Intelligence_1

Introduction to management
In simple words management entirely means managing an activity. This is to suggest
that when we talk managing an activity means to make an activity to succeed (Anderson et al,
2018 p.75). For example, let’s consider a new organization wanting to start a business. The
aim will how will the business be controlled? What is the exact number of employees we
need to have? What capital do we need to start? All these questions are involved in
management .Therefore, it means that coming up with solution for these question is what we
define as management.
Generally management we can say that it is purely needed by all organization. Either the
organization is commercial, social or political it needs management concepts so as to achieve
the goals planned for. This suggests that management is needed whenever people work
together and strive so as to achieve a common goal (Alvesson & Willmott, 2012. p.32).
Managers are seniors and more experienced and they control other workers in the
In my discussion about what I have learned in the entire course have tried to identify three
artefacts from the models which fully describes what have learned as a manager. Each
module gave an artefact which provided adequate information to answer the three questions
that is; what is management? What is involved in management of the organization? And what
are key functions managers need to address in order to be effective?
These artefacts describes various concepts in management.
The first artefact is based on function of manager by Fayol as discussed in lecture 2.
Management has been identified as the social process that entails responsibility for the
economical and effective regulation and planning operations that helps the organization to
fulfil its purpose in the market. Management originated from different approaches and it
always faced by drawbacks which manager work hard to control. Some of these functions in
the workplace includes planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling.
The second artefact is based on ethical and responsible management practices in the
organization (Crane & Matten, 2016 p.20).For an organization to achieve its goals effectively
then managers have to follow all the ethics needed within the organization. This means that
Introduction to Management: Functions, Ethics, and Emotional Intelligence_2

Introduction to management
the manager's behaviour and values form the core part of the organization. Good behaviour
and values from managers in the organization lead to better performance within the
organization. In this artefact, I as a learner have been able to understand those ethics, values
and behaviour are apt for the manager.
The last artefact is the issue of emotional intelligence in workplace and how managers can
control emotions and motivate workers. Emotions in the organization affects the
performance. Every worker goes to work with different emotion and feelings every day. This
means that unless managers find apt measures to control emotions then the performance of
the organization will fluctuate that is decreasing. Generally, a manager in an organization
must find ways or mechanism that target to motivate, control emotion of employees and also
boost the emotional intelligence. This is to suggest that motivation depends on the leadership
skills and how managers work to control employee’s emotions within the workplace.
Introduction to Management: Functions, Ethics, and Emotional Intelligence_3

Introduction to management
Part B.
In this section have identified various concepts which will help me as a manager. The
idea in the discussion is based on familiarizing with the key concept used in management.
This means understanding and manipulating the artefacts identified in the entire course.
These artefacts in my reflection are based on ethical and responsible management practices,
describing function of manager by Fayol as discussed in lecture 2 and applying issue of
emotional intelligence in workplace and how managers can control emotions and motivate
Reflection from the artefacts.
(a).Artefact on function of manager by Fayol as discussed in lecture 2 in module 1.
This section gives a clear description on function of a manager in the organization as
it has originated in management. Therefore, managers plays the following roles.
It involves checking out the future effects or actions and then trying to come up with
strategies needed to handles future course anticipated in the organization (Becker et al, 2013
p.67).Therefore planning in real sense bridges the gap between where the organization is for
now to where it wants to be in future. This suggests that is purely a future course of actions in
the organization.
Refers to the process of bringing together all entities such as financial, physical and human
resources in order to develop a strategy for achieving the desired goals of the organization.
According to Henry Fayol , business organization entails bringing together all useful
materials such as raw material, human labour, tools, and capital .Therefore organizing as a
process in the organization involves;
Introduction to Management: Functions, Ethics, and Emotional Intelligence_4

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