
Assignment On Investigation Of The Influence Of Training And Development Programs


Added on  2022-10-06

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Assignment On Investigation Of The Influence Of Training And Development Programs_1

Topic: Investigation of the influence of training and development programs for developing
effective performance of casual and part time employees- “A case study of Swarovski”
1.0 Research Statement
This research focuses on examining the issue of faced by the causal and part time
employees in Swarovski. Swarovski being one of the most reputed jewellery producing
companies in the global market have always focused on the promoting the development and
growth of their employees. The company had implemented a new workforce management
technology in the year of 2016, which aimed at reducing the turnover rate by improving store
productivity and employee engagement (Sillitoe, 2016). The company has been able to
improve the staff turnover rate by 25% in the United Kingdom and able to meet the staff
demands in comparison to consumer demand (Sillitoe, 2016). However, recently, it has been
seen that the causal and part time employees are facing issues in maintaining highest level of
productivity. In this context, it has been found out these casual and part time employees do
not receive adequate training to function at par with the regular and permanent sales staffs.
Therefore, it is critical to evaluate the different challenges faced by these employees so that
effective training and development programs can be developed to improve the performances
of the employees.
1.1 Research Objectives
The purpose of the research is investigation of the different factors affecting the
training and development program of the casual and part time employees. In light of this
context, the following objectives has been formulated:
To examine the different factors negatively affecting the performance of the casual
and part time employees
To highlight the loopholes in the new workforce management system for improving
the existing system
To recommend suitable strategies for improving the existing training and
development manual
1.2 Research Question
What are the different factors negatively affecting the performance of the casual and part time
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What are the loopholes in the new workforce management system for improving the existing
1.3 Research purpose
This research aims to bring awareness among the management within the organisation
in respect to the challenges faced by the part time and causal employees and factors
negatively affecting the performance of these employees. This has helped in developing
strategies for improving the effectiveness of the training and development policies for
increasing the productivity of the employees. Moreover, different employees have different
training needs so it is essential to understand the role of customisation in developing
specialised training programs for these employees.
2.0 Literature review
2.1 Introduction
Ramdhani, Ramdhani and Ainissyifa, (2017) states that the advent of globalisation
and fast changing nature of business has made global organisations realise their challenges.
Training and development of workforce has been identified as one of the major factors
contributing to growth and sustainability of modern organisations. Therefore, it is necessary
for companies to train their employees and provide them with the opportunity to grow so that
they can contribute effectively to the productivity of organisations. Moreover, it is necessary
for firms to prepare their employees for uncertainties so that they can take right decisions.
Training has multiple benefits for organisations and their respective employees such as
building the organisational capabilities which facilitates in implementing change. It also
improves the retention rate of the employees, especially the talented and skilled employees.
Sung and Choi, (2014) stated that training and development processes signify the
commitment of a firm towards its employees and improves their level of motivation. These
factors are directly linked to the development of employees and overall productivity of the
2.2 Training and development
Anitha, (2014) claimed that training and development programs are required for
continuous improvement of the workforce. Training is necessary for bridging the gap
between the current performance levels of the employees with that of the desired level of
output. However, there are different ways of providing training to employees such as peer
cooperation, participation by subordinates, coaching and mentoring. This helps the
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employees in being more active towards their job role and contribute effectively to the
organisational productivity by improving their own performance.
Haider et al., (2015) states that training is not essential for developing new skillsets
but helps in improving the creativity and thought process so that better decision can be made
for improving productivity. It also facilitates in dealing with clients and consumers in more
objective way and provide them with the desired level of satisfaction. Ramdhani, Ramdhani
and Ainissyifa, (2017) opined that training is essential for developing self-efficacy which
helps in enhancing the performance of the employees. The author also states that training can
be considered as a planned intervention which facilitates in improving the individual
performance. It implies that employees need to continuously improve their own skills for
addressing the goals of the organisation.
Dhar, (2015) argued that training and development programs also helps the employees
to decrease their level of frustration and anxiety developed due to job stress. The employees
that are unable to match upto the performance quality of the organisation are expected to
leave so it is necessary for the organisations to training these employees for providing them
with adequate skillsets so that they are highly motivated to perform. Sung and Choi, (2014)
provided an valuable insight by stating that the greater the gap between the desired skills on
job and the current skill level increases the dissatisfaction level so the organisations need to
reduce the job dissatisfaction and promote a culture that facilitates continuous growth of
employees. Jaworski et al., (2018) supported the above claims by stating training and
development processes are effective ways of improving the satisfaction level of the
employees in the modern workforce. The author also stated that employees receiving
appreciation from the higher of management feel satisfied and adjusted withier job and have
less intentions of turnover. Sung and Choi, (2018) stated that employees that are trained are
more easily able to perform their job and provide satisfaction to the consumers in comparison
to the ones that have not received it. Moreover, employees that have received training and
development programs attain higher level of job satisfaction which is reflected into their
2.3 Importance of training
Jaworski et al., (2018) stated that training is one of the most important tool for
business entities to revamp the level of performance of the employees which facilitates in
achieving organisational success and growth. It implies that training and development is
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important and beneficial for organisations and their employees. Employees are expected to
be productivity when they have received the highest quality of training which shows that
direct positive relationship between the two factors. Sung and Choi, (2014) states that
training and development is also essential for inspiring the workforce to perform at their
highest potential as it helps them to understand the importance of their job role and key
responsibilities they have to perform. The general benefits of training and development are
increase in morale and satisfaction, motivation and effectiveness in processes. This directly
affects the financial gains of the organisation and helps improving the adaptive nature of the
firm to technological changes. Moreover, it is one of the most effective ways of
reducing turnover within organisations.
2.4 Employee performance
Ferrar et al., (2018) states that analysis of the past literary sources show that it is
expected that the employees having high level of job satisfaction are expected to have high
productivity at work. Moreover, it improves the chance of retention for longer tenure in
comparison to the ones that are not satisfied with their job. It also shows that employees have
low levels of satisfaction are demotivated which is reflected in their performance levels.
According to Sung and Choi, (2018), employees that are satisfied and happy with their job
are easy to motivate and push to achieve higher targets for the organisation. This can only be
possible by ensuring effective training and development programs that makes the employees
well equipped to handle and perform their job roles. Sung and Choi, (2014) states that
training and development programs are also used for creating a better work environment that
helps in improving the motivation level of the employees.
As stated by Anitha, (2014), organisations that are focused on utilising knowledge as
a medium of gaining competitive advantage over their competitors need to develop systems
that ensure continuous learning and effective method of training and development. It has been
stated that highly skilled employees are more suited and skilled to achieve their respective
target which helps the companies in achieving sustainable competitive advantage. Training
and development has been considered as one of the major departments of training and
development as facilitates the employees in achieving highest level of objectivity and
motivates them to improve their skills at both personal and professional level. Employee
performance achieved in the process of training and development can be considered as
improvement achieved in skills, abilities and knowledge.
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There are multiple ways in which companies can help employees in improving
performance. It can be classified into five factors such as developing, monitoring, planning
rewarding and rating. The planning stage requires developing goals, setting strategies,
outlining schedules and tasks for competition the objectives of the company (Ramdhani,
Ramdhani & Ainissyifa, 2017). The monitoring phase is essential for understanding the
method required to check the progress of the employees while performing the task which
indicates the growth level after the training program. The developing stage help in improving
the lack of performance of the employees monitor during the previous days. It shows that the
monitoring face is essential for identifying the gaps between skills and performance of the
employees. The rating phase determines the overall performance of the employees as per the
execution of the task and the reward phase is known for providing recognition and monetary
benefits and non-monetary benefits respect to outstanding behaviour and performance of the
2.5 Relationship between training and employee performance
Majority of the studies today provide an evidence that human resource management
has a huge impact on the performance of employee in any organisation, making at a strong
positive relationship. As per Kraft, Blazar and Hogan, (2018) training and development
programs is a vital part of human resource management practices and implementing the same
results in extensive development of the skills, knowledge and capabilities of employees in an
organisation resultant in a huge improvement in the outcome of their performance. This
positive relationship ultimately contributes to use organisational growth. The study by Ferrar
et al., (2018) depicts the positive correlation between training and employee performance. It
can be well understood from this finding that an organisation cannot acquire higher returns
without good utilisation of its human resources, and that can only happen when an
organisation manages to meet their employees' work related needs within a timely and proper
manner. Training and development is the only way to meet the deprived needs of an
employee and build their required competence level on the job so that they are able to meet
their organisational goals in the end.
As mentioned in the works of Dhar, (2015), learning training influences the
organisational performance by means of greater employee performance, and it is also said
that the same is an important factor in the achievement of corporate goals. However,
implementation of employee training programs is an effective way of covering the gaps in
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standards and actual performance, leading ultimately to improvement in overall employee
As discussed by Kraft, Blazar and Hogan, (2018), bridging performance gaps points
to implementation of relevant training programs for the sake of development of particular
employee skills and abilities, and in turn enhancing employee performance. Training
facilities organisations in understanding. Their employees are not doing well and there is rise
in the need of knowledge skills and attitude moulding as per the needs of the organisation.
There are different reasons for the poor performance of the employees, some of which are
demotivation regarding their competences, low confidence about their capabilities or high
work life balance conflict. All these aspects are necessary to be considered by the
organisation while selecting appropriate training interventions, for helping organisations
solve all the problems and enhancing employee motivation levels for participation and
meeting organisation expectations by showing desired levels of performance. As stated by
Anitha, (2014) such superior employee performance is only a result of proper training
intervention methods leading to high employee motivation levels and fulfilment.
As per Haider et al., (2015) employee competencies alter with the change of
employee training programs. It's not just enhances the overall performance of the employees
for effectively performing the current job, but it also enhances the knowledge skills and
attitudes of the workers required for the future job needs, hence contributing to superior
organizational performance. With the help of training employee competencies and developed
it also enables them to improve their job related skills effectively and in turn improving
organization's achievement of objectives in a competitive manner.
3.0 Method
Research methodology is the process of gathering information using effective tools
and techniques to achieve the goal in the research. It consists of frameworks and assumptions
that are necessary for gaining knowledge on the research topic. This research has focused on
the use of the Saunders’ research onion to identify the different methods to be used in the
various steps of gathering information investigating it (Kumar, 2019). Saunders’ research
onion includes the approach, philosophy, design, sampling technique, data collection,
analysis, reliability and validity. This research has developed a single research design and
used a longitudinal study to collect data on trainees working in the organisation for over a
period of time.
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Research philosophy is the process of implementing value, assumptions and beliefs to
gather knowledge on the research problem. The philosophical stance determines the
assumptions which helps in shaping up the research question. Different types of assumptions
are made at every stage of the investigation, irrespective of the fact that the researcher is
aware or not. This research has chosen the positivist philosophical stance to gather and
evaluate data. Positivism facilitates in quantification of the data collected and focuses on
collecting factual knowledge (Quinlan et al., 2019). Observation is the starting point of
positivist stance which is used for gathering facts. The role of a researcher is limited to data
collection and analysis. This means a scientific method is used to collect data systematically
and perform a statistical analysis on the collected data. As per the philosophy, human
experience is one of the main source of gaining knowledge and uses an ontological view
which considers that events and elements are observable and discrete and interact with people
in determined, regular and observable manner.
In terms of the approach, it has to be linked to the previous layer of the research
onion. Research approach determines the logic behind the process of gathering data and how
the data collected will be utilised. Deductive and inductive are the two classifications in this
approach. However, the study has chosen the deductive approach in this investigation as it
facilitates in proving the existing theories (Taylor, Bogdan & DeVault, 2015). The deductive
approach will help in gathering relevant information on the part time employees to compare
and contrast on their training needs and changes required. Deductive approach can also be
used for developing hypothesis and helps in measuring causal relationship between variables.
Research design is the most key part of the overall research methodology section as it
determine the overall plan for gathering and evaluating the collected data. This study has
developed a single research design. Research design also determines the selection between
qualitative and quantitative research methods. There are mainly three research designs and
they are descriptive, explanatory and exploratory. The exploratory research is used for
shaping the research problem by performing extensive research on it and does not have the
objective of providing any conclusion (Flick, 2015). The descriptive design focuses on
explaining the phenomenon effectively and describing the behaviour within the research
framework. This research has used the explanatory research design to examine the cause and
effect relationship between the training and development program with performance
management. Explanatory research uses a highly structured method to evaluate causation
between two or more variables. However, this study is mainly based on comparison of data
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