
Investigation Whether Communication at the Workplace Enhances the job Satisfaction Level Lesson 2022


Added on  2022-10-14

23 Pages7600 Words21 Views
Chapter One
Title: Investigation whether communication at the workplace enhances the job satisfaction
1.1 Introduction
In this chapter, the themes will be introduced which sets put the underpinning the
dissertation. In this chapter, the overview of the research, the objectives, problem
statement of the research, layout and the research questions will be stated.
1.2 Introduction to the topic
Most of the institutions are striving for the effectiveness of the organization. It can be
done by increasing modernized and ambitious of the nation. It was recognized by the
employees that if they will happier in the organization then they will work with the will
motivation and their attitudes towards the work will be better. The workforce of the
organization should be motivated so that organizations cam competes with the other
firms. There are many theories which relate to the human relations approach such as
Abraham Maslow and Frederick Herzberg. These approaches will illustrate the
communication of the topics of both social and the work between the employees.
There are many tasks which have to be performed in the business so people are
dependent on each other for that work and also need the help of each other to get success.
So it is analyzed that the objectives and the goal of the company can be attained with the
help of the employees of the organization as they are the most important resources of the
company. As per the Author Locke, "Being satisfied in ones" job enhances the profit of
the organization and the growth in the operations. As per the author of the (Chiang, et al.,
2008) for the part of the human interaction communication is essential. The positive and
the negative output in the company can be evaluated by effective communication. The
conflicts arise in the organization when there is the break down in the communication and
it also has an undesirable effect on the human relationship. If any messages sent in the
organization is not sent properly or it is not decoded properly to the other member then it
Investigation Whether Communication at the Workplace Enhances the job Satisfaction Level Lesson 2022_1

creates the issues for both the sender and the receiver. If the communication is done
appropriately then it has a good impact on the receiver.
When the supervisor allocates some duties to the subordinates of the company then
different subordinates react differently. Thus it can be said that effective communication
at the working place results in enhancing job satisfaction. Human research approach
simply indicates that people are much aware much about putting the people first and the
needs of the individual. Sometimes there are the employees in the organization which talk
unlikely and not related to the work like in an informal manner. There could be any topic
in which they talk informally such as about their fantasies, personal life, feelings, interest,
beliefs, thoughts, etc. Not only communication in an informal way talks about their own
life they also talk about their colleague’s personal life. To achieve the goals and the
objectives of the organization, the theories of the human resource should be aware of the
social interactions and personal needs. In this theory, the major focus has been put on the
individuals as they are the most important source and the valuable asset of the
organization. So there are the certain things required for the success of the organization
such as committed workforce, motivating, effective communication, job satisfaction so
that the goals of the organization can be achieved and the tasks can be accomplished to
attain the competitive advantage. The communication should be happening in the
organization about the various types of work.
1.3 Organization background
The law enforcement agency was established in the year 2008 August by the president of
the public. The major objective of this agency is to coordinate, manage, lead and
implement the national efforts of the Republic in Seychelles to combat drug offenses. The
main objective of the agency is to prevent drug offenses to achieve effective deterrence.
The main mission of this agency is to provide the quality policing services to reinforce
the social partnership and the strengthening the force. There is the six main section of this
agency which are operations, administrations, marine, boarding, airport, and
investigation. The operations of the agency are operated by the chief officer in whom
they talk about the significant changes needed in the organization. There are certain
channels which are used for communication such as the meetings, emails, informal staff
Investigation Whether Communication at the Workplace Enhances the job Satisfaction Level Lesson 2022_2

meetings, etc. The workforce in the agency is of the 125 employees who have to provide
training so that they ensure the good working environment in the organization. It was
expected by the employees that they act as professionally and commit their work on time
with a positive attitude. In the agency, the communication channels are top-down
hierarchy wise.
1.4 Problem statement and research questions
Earlier no research has been ever conducted to evaluate the contribution of the
communication to enhancing job satisfaction. The satisfaction of the employees can be
achieved when there is the communication level between the managers, employees,
supervisors, etc. The productivity of the organization can also be improved when there is
the job satisfaction level among the employees will increase. As per the views of the
Mullins, the impact of the attitude and devotions will be positive if there is a higher level
of satisfaction in the workplace. So it is evaluated that internal communication is very
important in the agency to attain the job satisfaction level of the employees.
The communication has been declined in the agency when there is the pertinent issue
arises and the flow of the communication between the ordinary employees and the top
management declines. The communication barriers have been seen in the agency between
upward and downward communication. As per the views of the Vroom, the organization
can attain the goals when the managers understand the needs of the employees and also
satisfy the needs of their subordinates. At the beginning of the year of the assessment
program, research has been carried out of the 25 employees. The topic which is chosen in
the research is asked by the employees so that the proper research interview can be
conducted. The views of the employees were that the agency is no longer get by with the
evaluation. Every employee in the research was not happy with their agency and their
working conditions and they were also not paid well so that they are also satisfied. So it
was creating the disputes in the organization as the information was insufficient so they
have to develop the method to motivate and engage their workforce. Due to the bad
communication and poor relationship with the superiors, they intend to transfer their job
from one place to another is identified. In the survey, it is also evaluated that the
employees are dissatisfied and have low morale which results in the declining
Investigation Whether Communication at the Workplace Enhances the job Satisfaction Level Lesson 2022_3

productivity. The performance of the employees has been concerned after conducting the
research. So the impact on the performance and the attitude of the employees are
concerned about raising the staff. So the research and investigation have been conducted
on the relationship between the job satisfaction level and the communication and their
primary significance on the organization.
1.5 Aims and purpose of the study
The main aim of this study is to enhance the level of satisfaction among the employees by
investigating where internal communication is good in the agency or not. The effects are
also evaluated by the investigation on the agency through ineffective communication.
This topic has been chosen by the author as it is easy to fund out and there is a great
interest of the author in the workplace. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the
relationship between communication and job satisfaction level.
1.6 Research objectives
There are certain objectives which have been evaluated which are stated below:
To research the connection between job satisfaction and communication
To evaluate the certain factors which enhance job satisfaction and
There are certain factors which hurt the job satisfaction level and communication
so to identify that.
To attain the objectives stated below the following research questions have been
Through which sources the employees of the agency are getting the maximum
What are the points which result in the barrier of communication?
What are the points which are affecting job satisfaction?
Are the employees of the agency are satisfied with the quality of the
Investigation Whether Communication at the Workplace Enhances the job Satisfaction Level Lesson 2022_4

1.7 Chapters of the organization
Chapter one: In this chapter, the major focus will be put on the overview and the
background of the reach, aim, and objectives of the research, problem statement, brief
outline and research methodology of the connection between the communication and
the job satisfaction.
Chapter two: In this chapter, the literature review by the different authors will be
stated which is stating the nature of the job satisfaction and nature of the
Chapter three: The methodology and the design of the research will be stated in this
chapter which also includes the sampling, questionnaire, research instrument, etc.
Chapter four: After the methodology in this chapter the findings on the
investigations will be presented on the job satisfaction level and communication.
Chapter five: In this chapter, the discussion and the analysis will be done on the
findings which have been done in chapter four.
Chapter six: In this chapter, the conclusion of the overall research will be stated and
the recommendation to improve the results.
Investigation Whether Communication at the Workplace Enhances the job Satisfaction Level Lesson 2022_5

Chapter two
2.0 Literature review
Certain authors have represented the number of themes related to the communication in the
workplace which has linked up with the job satisfaction level of the employees. The major focus
of the authors have been put on the intra organizational, definitions of the communications,
channels of the communications, issues, and theories of the job satisfaction level, barriers to the
ineffective communication, etc.
2.1 Definition of the communication
When any useful information in the organization is exchanged between the receiver and the
sender then the flow of information from one place to other is called the communication. As per
the reviews of the author of the Kalla, if the information is conveyed then it is the process of the
sharing the message and the ideas for the particular period then it is termed as the
communication. It can be verbal, non-verbal, writing and written, etc. Communication is very
important in the business as it encounters each person in the organization. Communication is the
important skills which are required in the business to attract the customers and to maintain the
quality of the relationship. Through the process of communication, the information is transmitted
to the other people so the trust between the two people is also developed. As per the author in the
business, communication is the heart which not only maintains the relationship with the
employees but also helps in transmitting effective information to the other person.
Communication can also be stated as passing the information to one entity from the another.
Effective communication is very essential in any organization as it helps in planning, organizing,
and leading, managing and controlling the different activities of the company. Communication in
the organization is also done by body language, eye contacts, gestures, etc. Communication is the
skill in which people in the organization share both professional as well as personal life. To
fulfill the wants and the needs of employees in the organization, communication is needed. It
helps in improving the morale and the efficiency of the company as well as builds a good
working relationship.
2.2 Intra organizational communication
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