
Leadership and Organizational Change


Added on  2020-01-28

18 Pages6942 Words49 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
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TABLE OF CONTENTSLiterature review..............................................................................................................................3Introduction..................................................................................................................................3The overall concept of leadership and change management ......................................................3Significance of leadership in managing change...........................................................................7Different leadership behaviour in change..................................................................................10Leadership behaviour during change.........................................................................................12Strategies which can be used by leaders to make changes happen............................................13Research Gap.............................................................................................................................14References......................................................................................................................................16
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LITERATURE REVIEWIntroductionLiterature review is one of the important sections of research as it helps the investigatorto develop suitable theoretical base on the selected topic so that he/she can make in-depthanalysis of related aspects and enhance their knowledge in terms of generating best possibleoutcomes. Herein, the main focus of researcher is to indulge studies and researches made bydifferent authors and scholars on the related topics so, on the basis of this, secondary analysis canbe carried out. In the present study, investigator aims at analysing leader behaviours in themanagement of change during the change period. However, different aspects has been consideredto carry out the literature review as it focuses on change management, leadership styles, itseffectiveness and importance in bringing change within the organisation. The overall concept of leadership and change management In the present era, leadership has become very important for the growth and success of anorganization. In simpler terms, it is defined as the process of leading and directing efforts ofpeople within a company towards accomplishment of their objective and goals. In addition tothis, good and strong leadership also play very crucial role in getting competitive advantage overother market players. According to Williams and Turnbull, (2015) leaders are termed as one ofthe most valuable human resources in the business enterprise (Williams and Turnbull, 2015).Nowadays businesses have started focusing more and more on establishment of appropriateleadership which can contribute a lot in the growth of companies. Leadership is important formanagement because it helps in development of better and effective personnel which can furthersupport in developing satisfactory products to all customers. The most important characteristic ofleadership is that it is an interpersonal process which supports leaders in guiding and influencingefforts of employees towards accomplishment of common goals and objectives. On the other sideof this, Zaccaro, (2007) has explained that leadership is important for businesses because itdirectly influences the behaviour of people within an organization (Zaccaro, 2007). Managementcan be termed as the process of getting various activities and things done by people. Therefore,good and effective leaders are required to encourage employees in accomplishment of their task. As per the view of, Hackman and Wageman, (2007) the significance of leadership can beunderstood by the fact that it initiates actions within a business enterprise (Hackman and3
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Wageman, 2007). The top management performs the function of formulating strategic plans andstrategies further, it can be stated that leaders are the one which communicates those strategies toemployee at lower and middle level. Another importance of leadership is that it helps inenhancing motivational level of all staff members (Kilburg and Donohue, 2014). There arevarious kinds of monetary and non-monetary rewards which are provided by leaders to employeeagainst their outstanding performance. This creates a sense of satisfaction among workers andalso encourages them to deliver better performance in the future. However, MacKie, (2014) hasargued that leadership is not an easy task and leaders are required to deal with various challenges(MacKie, 2014). Effective leaders are the one which are able to understand and meet the needs oftheir respective team members. It can be stated that addressing and recognition of each teammembers needs is very complicated. On the other hand, there are different styles of leadershipwhich are available in front of leaders. Selection of appropriate and most suitable style is adifficult task for all leaders. In the present scenario, the rate of employee turnover relies onleader and leadership style to a great extent. Styles such as participative create sense ofsatisfaction among workers and also encourage them to stay within organizations for long period.On other side, the use of autocratic leadership style can results in creating dissatisfaction withinpeople in organizations (Kaiser and Overfield, 2011). This is due to the fact that employee arenot involved in the decision making process. Therefore, it can be expressed that leadership is notan easy but its right use can provide organizations with several kinds of benefits. As per the view point of, Perkins, (2009) change management can be termed as theprocess of implementing changes and getting positive outcomes from the same. In the presentscenario changes at regular intervals has become vital for companies. Nowadays, need anddemand of people in market changes very drastically (Perkins, 2009). Therefore, it is required bybusinesses to make modification in their existing products and services in order to meetcustomers demand. This helps in creating sense of satisfaction among customers and alsoencourages long term loyalty for them. The reason why changes have become essential forcompanies is that it makes them capable of satisfying the dynamic needs of customers. On theother hand, Kombarakaran and et.al., (2008) has asserted that nowadays changes at regularintervals has become necessity for organizations. Further, modification in strategies, productsand operations results in making business competent and sustain in the marketplace(Kombarakaran and et.al., 2008). 4
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