Coping with Bill's Emotional Needs through Assertive Communication
Added on 2019-09-24
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Running Head: Leadership and ManagementLEADERSHIP ANDMANAGEMENT[Document subtitle]
Leadership and Management1Table of ContentsTask 2...............................................................................................................................................1Scenario 1.....................................................................................................................................1Answer 1...................................................................................................................................1Answer 2...................................................................................................................................1Answer 3...................................................................................................................................2Answer 4...................................................................................................................................2Answer 5...................................................................................................................................3Answer 6...................................................................................................................................4Answer 7...................................................................................................................................4Scenario 2.....................................................................................................................................4Answer 1...................................................................................................................................4Answer 2...................................................................................................................................5Answer 3...................................................................................................................................5Answer 4...................................................................................................................................6Answer 5...................................................................................................................................7References........................................................................................................................................8
Leadership and Management2Task 2Scenario 1Answer 1In order to take a right decision, it is necessary for me to control my emotions for Bill. At first, I will demonstrate my focus towards the team and corporate objective. The strict focus towards thecorporate goal enables me to take a decision from a professional viewpoint rather than emotionally. At second, I will use visualization method to control my emotions towards Bill and his actions (Cabello, 2016). The visualizing will give me a relaxing experience through which I can control immediate emotional responses. Both of these actions will help me to demonstrate a high concentration towards Bill actions and corporate objectives or problems of concerned staff members. Answer 2In order to identify the feeling of Bill, I can use the principles of emotional intelligence. According to the viewpoint of Gilbert (2017), Empathy is a right source to measure and evaluate the feeling and perspective of an individual. Here, I need to be empathetic with Bill to see from the perspectives of his and respond naturally. It will help me to get significant information about the awkward behavior of Bill and what the main reasons behind it. With the help of such knowledge, I can significantly address the employee’s as well as Bill problems. Apart from this, I also need to use self-control practices to identify the feeling of Bill. It is because self-control practices will prepare me to manage my emotions and take an action as per the rules and regulations. Moreover, the conflict management practices will also help me to identify the feeling of Bill and recognize a particular solution to the problem.
Leadership and Management3Answer 3Learning Styles Each person prefers different learning styles as per their interest and preference. House (2017) explained the learning styles as common methods that people utilize to learn. There are seven types of learning styles that utilized by a wide range of individuals. These learning styles involve; visual, aural, verbal, physical, logical, social, and solitary. An example of a visual learning style can understand through the following example:Look the presentations and illustrations and make detailed notes rather than involved in the discussion.Personality Types: There are mainly five personality types. These personality types include; openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. For example; being energetic and talkative is an example of extraversion personality type. Communication Styles: Each person has a unique communication style. There are four basic communication styles; aggressive, assertive, passive-aggressive, and passive (Joseph, 2015). Some important example of passive and aggressive communication styles are: Passive: “I just want to keep the peace.”Aggressive: “I am right and you are wrong.” Answer 4Bill Learning Style Recently, Solitary learning style completely demonstrates the learning method of Bill. He also prefers to work alone and use self-study. As a result, he left away from his staff members and
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