
Leadership And Management Theories And Models In Healthcare Services In UK


Added on  2023-06-10

11 Pages3570 Words329 Views
Leadership And
Management For Health
Leadership And Management Theories And Models In Healthcare Services In UK_1

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
Application of leadership and management theories and models to healthcare services in UK.
CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................9
Books and Journals:..................................................................................................................10
Leadership And Management Theories And Models In Healthcare Services In UK_2

Leadership is the practice and behaviour of individuals where they influence others to
follow their ideas and concepts (Podsakoff and Podsakoff, 2019). It is very essential for an
organisation to follow effective leadership styles within their companies to manage their
employees well and enhance their performance for achieving organisational goals and objectives.
On the other hand, management is another practice of managing employees in such a manner
which will help the organisation to utilize their available resources in an appropriate way. There
are various kinds of leadership and management theories which can help an organisation to
manage their employees and utilize their available resources in a effective manner to achieve
organisational growth (Aboramadan and et. al., 2021). The following essay will covers various
kinds of leadership and management theories, models or framework and critical evaluation of the
application to Post COVID 19 health related services in the UK.
Application of leadership and management theories and models to healthcare services in UK.
Leadership refers as an art of influencing, inspiring, directing, motivating while guiding
subordinates and followers towards organisational goals and objectives. Leaders help in
communicating and sharing organisational vision to their team members so that they can
understand what they are required for in an organisation (Lord and et. al., 2020). Effective
leadership is the foundation of original and borrowed ideas to engage employees to realise the
business needs. Leadership theories signifies the qualities of a good leader. There are various
leadership theories and models like Hersey and Blanchard Situational Leadership Theory,
this leadership style states that leadership styles of leaders are affected by the circumstances and
situations around them (Raza and Sikandar, 2018). This theory further states that an effective
leader always work according to the situation and change their leadership style as per the
requirement of their organisation to manage the situation effectively (20 Types of Leadership
Models and Theories in Management, 2022). Hence, the factors of the surrounding environment
is essential for leaders to understood and make decisions according to the situation to influence
more subordinates in a better way. The main objective of this leadership theory is that it focuses
on the followers ability and capability rather than focusing upon workplace environment. Here,
leaders basically change their leadership styles and behaviours according to their followers needs
Leadership And Management Theories And Models In Healthcare Services In UK_3

and requirements. The main benefit of this theory is that it help leaders to become more effective
and supportive for their employees (Phinhongthong, 2019).
In context of Nuffield Health Hospital which is a charitable trust of healthcare services,
they analyse the situation of COVID pandemic and its hazardous impacts upon the lifestyle of
UK population. Hence, their leaders decided to launch a programme which is named as COVID
19 Rehabilitation Programme. This programme is designed for the patients as well as for the
employees of this health care hospital who faces difficult time during the pandemic and did not
recover well due to their huge loss in this pandemic. This programme is free for participants
(COVID-19 Rehabilitation Programme, 2022). This programme help to provide advice to the
patients and employees from the experts so that they will learn a better way to live life in a better
way with effective well-being nature. These experts provide personalized advices to the
participants and help them to recover their health conditions after COVID pandemic. For
example, they suggest diets and exercises to different patients and employees of the organisation
according to their health and capability to perform exercises. Most of the exercises will help
them to make them relief from their mental stress and boost their immune system so that they
will not come in contact of corona virus again. The programme also covers advices such as
managing breathlessness, improving sleep, anxiety and low mood reliefs and eating for recovery.
Hence, here, leaders of this healthcare service analyse that their employees and patients are not
enough motivated after the COVID pandemic. Therefore, they analyse the situation and
implement a programme which can help their staff members to become motivated by
personalized advices from experts about the ways they can keep them selves healthy and fit at
their work place. Hence, the result of this programme shows a better improvement in the
common symptoms of long COVID pandemic. The improvement is shown specifically in
reduction in breathlessness and anxiety levels which further improve the quality of life (COVID-
19 Rehabilitation Programme, 2022).
Another popular leadership theory is The Lewin Theory of Behavioral Leadership,
according to this theory of leadership, it states that there bare three types of leadership style
which can be adopted by leaders. First leadership style is Autocratic, where a leader did not
involve their employees to participate in decision making process and they make the decisions
for organisational growth according to them self and order their subordinates to strictly follow
the orders (Bakari and et. al., 2018). This leadership style will help in making decision quickly.
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