
Leadership and Management: Concepts, Importance, and Role in Organizational Competence


Added on  2023-06-12

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Leadership and Management
Leadership and Management: Concepts, Importance, and Role in Organizational Competence_1

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3
PART A...........................................................................................................................................3
Evaluate Management and Leadership concepts....................................................................3
Role of leadership and management in enhancing organisational competence: ...................7
PART B ...........................................................................................................................................8
Reflective essay on Leadership Skills:...................................................................................8
PART C..........................................................................................................................................12
Self Analysis – Table............................................................................................................12
PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN..............................................................................15
Leadership and Management: Concepts, Importance, and Role in Organizational Competence_2

Management is the method of organising as well as planning of all the resources and practices of the commercial organisation
in order to accomplish the certain objectives in most efficient and effectual way. Efficiency in it means to the attainment of the work
appropriately in low cost and effectiveness refers to the accomplishment of the work with in the particular deadline in order to attain
the appropriate outcomes. Whereas, leadership acquires the essentials of being capable and make others more motivated. Effectual
leadership is entirely based on the ideas which are borrowed and original as well. It is effectually directed to other in such a manner
which engage people sufficiently to work as their leaders need them to work (Walker, 2019). The following report is based on three
parts in which part A will cover about the analysis of leadership and management as well as role of leadership and management in
enhancing organisational competence. Moreover to it, part B will cover about the reflective essay on the leadership skills. In addition
to it, part C will include about the personal development plan.
Evaluate Management and Leadership concepts.
It is the practices which is having a purpose and it is something which instruct efforts of people in order accomplish the goals
and objectives (McMullin, and Raggo, 2020). This is the method of operating with and by others in order to effectually attain the
objectives of the company, through efficient utilisation of the limited resources in the dynamic world.
Importance of Management:
This assist in accomplishing team objectives – This arranges the element of the manufacturing, organises as well as
assembles the organised resources, combines the resources in an effectual way in accordance to accomplish goals. This instruct
the team efforts in order to achieve the targets.
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Optimum usage of resources – Management uses every human as well as physical resources appropriately which leads to
enhanced efficiency in management. Management offers more usage of limited resources by choosing the best alternate use in
sector. This makes utilisation of experts as well as professionals and such services leads to utilisation of their understanding,
skills and effective use and low wastage.
Minimises Expense – This gets enhanced outcome by low input by appropriate planning and by utilising low input and
attaining more output (Ellis, and Abbott, 2020). Management utilises human, fiscal and physical resources in such a way that
gives outcome in better combination. This assist in reduction of cost.
In order to deeply understand the concept of management Fayol's 14 Principles of Management is described below briefly:
Division of work – This principle refers to the all the workers are assigned with a work which they can become more expert at.
Productivity enhances as workers become assured, capable and effectual.
Authority – Managers should have the authority to give direct order and understand that having authority with also involves
various responsibilities. Manager's experience, values, intelligence should always command respect.
Discipline – All the people should obey the rules. To assist, manager can make the mutual agreement among the company and
workers in order to clear all the people.
Unity of Command – If the workers does not receive orders from only one managers than it can lead to the threat on the
order, discipline, authority and stability of the organisation (Prasojo, and Holidin, 2018).
Unity of direction – Groups that having the similar goals must be operating under the supervision of one leader with utilising
of one plan. This is the crucial condition to unity in working, coordination of strength as well as concentrating of efforts.
Gathered interest over personal interest – People should focus on pursuing interest of teams over their personal interest.
This involves all the workers including their leaders.
Remuneration – Satisfaction of the worker basically rely on fair pay for all the staff working it can be of fiscal and non fiscal.
So the pay need to be fair for everyone.
Leadership and Management: Concepts, Importance, and Role in Organizational Competence_4

Scalar Chain – Workers need to understand in which they positioned in the hierarchy of the company and whom to report in
the chain of command. This principle suggested the organisational chart which is non familiar as a method for the workers to
look in to this structure appropriately.
Initiative – Workers need to be more motivated to make and execute all the plans for the betterment. At every stage of the
ladder of company, energy and zeal on the element of the workers are enhanced by initiative.
Leadership is the capability of a person or the team of people in order to motivate and direct to the follower or the members of
the company (Sahban, 2019). It includes taking several sound as well as tough decisions, making and articulating a appropriate aim,
positioning goals that are achievable and offering people with understanding and method required to accomplish the objectives and
goals. In addition to it, leaders are identifies and needed in most elements of the community, from politics to business to region to
society based companies.
Importance of leadership:
Decision making – This is one of the essential skill of leadership. A successful leadership takes the appropriate decisions for
every company in every circumstance. Leaders are the expert people which are making the appropriate decisions that are based
on the current situations.
Moral – Leadership enhances the moral of the people by attaining their trust. This make sure worker of the confidence in the
leader's capabilities to deliver the mission and vision of the company (Siren, and Gehrs, 2018). Enhanced moral of the workers
minimises the distraction and encourages them to give their energy to accomplish the goals and objectives of the company.
Types of Leadership:
Authoritarian leadership – This style permits a leader to enforce assumptions and gives more define results. This style is
efficient in the time effected situations in which creativity will be compromised because the team's input is limited. It requires
a knowledgeable leader in order to be more successful in this.
Leadership and Management: Concepts, Importance, and Role in Organizational Competence_5

Participative leadership – In this members of the team are involved in the process of decision making in order to make the
members of the team more involved , engaged and encouraged to contribute. The managers will usually have the final decision
in this process.
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs:
Maslow's hierarchy of need is the theory of motivation which can be used by the leaders in order to understanding the needs of
human and assist their members in attaining them (Modha, 2020). This theory is described below briefly:
Physiological needs – This need is the biological necessity for the survival of the human and if these needs of the people are
not attain then the body of human cannot appropriately function such are shelter, food, cloths and many more. This is
considered as the physiological requirements the most essential as every the other needs become secondary till these are
attained. Leaders can make sure that they are rewarding their members which can support them in attaining this need.
Safety needs – Once the physiological need of the people are satisfied then the requirement for safety and protection become
more inclined. A person want to experience control, predictability and order in its lives. So that these requirement can be
attained by the community and society (Zaman, Nawaz, and Nadeem, 2020). Moreover to this, a leader can provide their
members free medical care for them and their family members as well as provide them with required leaves in order to make
them feel more motivated and satisfy their this need.
Love and belongingness needs – The third stage of the needs of human is social which includes the feeling of belongingness.
As it means to the emotional needs of the people for their interpersonal bonds, affiliating and being part of the team. Leaders
can make their member attain this need by making them authority in taking decisions as well as appreciating the work of the
people by rewarding them. Also, leaders should have more faith and trust in their members.
Esteem Needs – This need is classified into several categories which is esteem for oneself which is independence,
achievement and dignity. Other one is the need for reputation as well as respect from other people. Leaders can make sure that
their team members are treated with dignity and respect as well as they are recognised well for their work.
Leadership and Management: Concepts, Importance, and Role in Organizational Competence_6

Self actualisation needs – This need means to the realization of the potential of people, peak experience, seeking growth
which is personal and self fulfilment. This level is known as the desire to attain everything which can be become the most a
person can be done.
Role of leadership and management in enhancing organisational competence:
This has been understood that without management and leadership, all the other elements of the business lie in active. Brawny
leaders can assist a firm in increasing the performance and productivity in order to accomplish the goals of the business whereas
inappropriate management and leadership can minimise the performance and productivity. So, the role of the management and
leadership in increasing the organisational competence is mentioned below:
Motivates Employees – Good manager or leaders encourage workers in order to make them work more hard and accomplish
the need of the organisation by single means or other (Hallinger, 2018). Few leaders might motivate workers to put more
efforts in their working while other managers might make their member afraid of the consequences of not giving their best and
increase their productivity. Both the ways work in order to increase the motivation but in order to effectually encourage the
employees leadership and management has an essential role by giving them the appreciation they deserve as well giving them
the incentives and rewards which can lead to the productivity and their performance as it will ultimately gives the result in
attainment of the organisational goals and objectives effectively and efficiently.
Builds Morale and Improves Satisfaction – Good leaders increase the productivity of the workers by constructing more
confidence in them and making an optimistic atmosphere which is contributing to the productivity. At the time when a worker
feel more distracted and stressed, so its performance and satisfaction of the job also suffer which is not good for the betterment
of the employee as well as of organisation (Hallinger, 2018). At the time when manager increase the morale of the worker, it
can assist them to increase the rate of retention, enhance satisfaction of the employees job and might favourably effect the
lower level division. So the enhanced employees satisfaction can lead to the increased performance which is effectual for the
betterment of the organisation for their long term growth and success.
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Delegates Responsibilities – This is possible for the managers or leaders in order to delegate more and this is possible for the
managers to delegate too little. Brawny managers understands that what they can delegate and what to manage so that the firm
is more productive as suitable for them (Bush, 2019). Sufficient delegation is also required for managing the satisfaction of the
workers as staff might take the benefit of a leader which delegates very low and not like the manager which delegate too much.
So, appropriate delegation of the work by the managers can lead to the attainment of the goals and objectives of the company
in an effectual way which will lead to the long term profitability and sustainability of the firm.
Coordinates Employee Needs and Organizational Needs – One of the most crucial things which all the leaders and manager
should do in accordance to be effectually align needs of the workers as well as organisational wants. Talents of the workers,
interests and scheduling requirements which can be advantageous or reduce from the company, relying on how appropriate a
leader or a manager operate in order to align such elements with the objectives, needs and goals of the company. Therefore,
the best leaders will identify the ways in order to effectually align all the needs and talents of the workers with the goals of the
Reflective essay on Leadership Skills:
Leadership is known as the social linkage between the several people which depends among each other in order to accomplish
shared objectives and goals in team setting. Brawny leadership supports a company and people in accomplishing their targets by
focusing on the team's management and need of work (Hallinger, and Hammad, 2019). So, the leaders are those people that position
leadership of the company and transfer obligations to the other people in accordance to attain better results. Leaders give the tools for
achievement to the people of the group and they are also the physiological mentors of their employees. Moreover to this, management
is usually understood as the practice of organising, planning, monitoring and regulating actions of the staff in cooperation with various
other sources in order to accomplish the goals of the company.
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