
Leadership in Organization - Assignment


Added on  2021-06-17

7 Pages1943 Words41 Views
Running Head: Learning Organization Leadership Organization
Leadership in Organization - Assignment_1

Learning Organization 1“A leader is one who knows the way, shows the way and goes the way”Leadership quality is not found in every human being, it is quite unique. People with leadershipskills are meant to be impressive as well as convincing. Founders of big corporations,multinational companies are not considered as leaders. Leaders are one who could direct itssubordinates and teammates the right path to walk upon in relation with the accomplishment ofthe tasks in an effective manner. This plays crucial role in order to enhance organizationalperformance as well as in terms of attainment of desired goals and objectives. Primary roles andduties of an effective leader are to manager its subordinates, directing them towards attainmentof organizational goals and develop an effective workplace environment where every membercould be able to showcase their skills and talent. This will ultimately help the organization toperform the tasks in more efficient manner. Apart from this, he is responsible for developinginteractive workplace environment so that every member of the team could feel positive aboutthe organization. Leader needs to perform various steps such as building and enhancingconfidence level amongst the teammates as well as to determine the negative factors which areaffecting team members’ performance (Aaker & Joachimsthaler, 2012).Approach of leadership is quite wide and it is categorised into three areas such as situational,trait based and behavioural approach. In order to make better and clear understanding inrelevance with leadership, these three approaches plays vital role (Allio, 2012).Situational Approach This approach differentiates other people from leaders on the basis of qualities, behaviour andpractices. Situational approach helps to evaluate various factors on which the difference could bemade amongst them. Following are certain factors which describe the leaders’ efficiency, theirdecision making abilities and the practices executed in relevance with motivating and guidingteammates towards the right path:Structure of organization;Project type;Follower’s characteristics;Personal preferences;Influence of upper level management; and
Leadership in Organization - Assignment_2

Learning Organization 2Situational approach could be moulded as per organizational requirements (Bel, 2010).Organizational learning approach This approach is useful for enhancing organizational performance. This is done through sharinginformation amongst the departments of the organization so as to enhance the standard of alldepartments which will ultimately help the organization to increase its productivity. On the jobtraining method is the most suitable approach for enhancing organizational efficiency. Aftersurviving for a particular time period in the market, organization is counted under theexperienced corporations and with the help of this, organization could adopt unique measures inrelevance with enhancing production capacity as well as organization will be able to attractinvestors so as to enhance the business. With regards to the sharing knowledge amongst theorganization, mainly four units play crucial role i.e. inter organizational, group, individual andorganization. Learning curve is the most appropriate measure to analyse organizational learning.Apart from this, learning curve shows the relationship amongst production related activities andorganizational other functionalities. Learning curve is also operated by leaders at the workplaceand it helps the organization to enhance productivity, reliability, efficiency and product/service’squality (Bolman & Deal, 2014).Trait based approach Major focus of this approach is over individual leader’s perceptions. Under this approach,personal values shared by the leaders could also be determined and it is the positive sign foreffective leaders. Following are certain crucial traits through which a person could be identifiedas an effective leader:Loyalty: Loyalty is the most crucial aspect which every leader should have. Loyaltytowards work shows the effectiveness of leader. A loyal leader would be able to treat itssubordinates in a fair manner along with the building up confidence amongst them. Enterprising spirit: This is a set of effective characteristics through which a leadercould guide its subordinates towards achievement of organizational goals and objectives(Drori & Honig, 2013).Integrity: This attribute is significant for an effective leader. Leader with integritywould be able to develop reliability amongst the top level management. This type of
Leadership in Organization - Assignment_3

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