LEVELS OF PREVENTION2 Primary prevention refers to the preventive measures that prevent any illness or injury from occurring before the disease process starts. Taking regular exercises and immunization is one of the examples. Secondary petitioners to all preventive measures that prompts early diagnosis and early treatment of a disease or a sickness or injury to prevent occurrence of more severe problems. This stage unlike the primary, the health educators like the health extension practitioners could help people get the skills of detecting illnesses or diseases in the Early stage. A very good example would be high blood pressure screening and self-examination of breasts. On the other hand, terrairy prevention are the preventive measures that are aimed at rehabilitation especially after a certain disease or illness. Also at this level, the service health workers could work for retraining, education and rehabilitation of the individual’s wo have already developed an impairment (Steinberger et al., 2016). One common characteristic between the prevention levels is that they all aimed at preventing diseases and it could be a great help in maximization of the gains from the promotive behavior. For example, at the primary level, one could educate in practicing some of the behaviors or injury before beginning if the disease. At the secondary level, the people could be advice to visiting local health center. At tertiary level could be advice the individuals to take their medication appropriately (Deravin-Malone & Anderson, 2016). The levels of prevention will determine the kind of the education that the patients want. For example, the primary prevention will be used in individuals who are vulnerable and are exposed to certain harsh environment. Thus, they will require to have medication that will prevent disease or injury.
LEVELS OF PREVENTION3 References Deravin-Malone, L., & Anderson, J. (2016).Chronic Care Nursing. Cambridge University Press. Steinberger, J., Daniels, S. R., Hagberg, N., Isasi, C. R., Kelly, A. S., Lloyd-Jones, D., ... & Urbina, E. (2016). on behalf of the American Heart Association Atherosclerosis, Hypertension, and Obesity in the Young Committee of the Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association [published online ahead of print August ....Circulation,134, e236-55.