
Lifestyle Change Process


Added on  2023-06-05

4 Pages840 Words222 Views
Lifestyle Change Process
Lifestyle Change Process_1

Lifestyle Change Process
One of the behaviors that I could consider health inhibiting is the intake of an unbalanced
diet. I generally do not eat balanced meals and a variety of foods. Eating a balanced diet is the
behavior I choose to work on and bring change in me. I decide to make changes on this behavior
because I am fully aware that unhealthy diet, especially for an extended period, can be a risk
factor for chronic diseases, for instance, diabetes, cancer, heart disease and obesity (Ohlhorst et
al., 2013). It is the most compelling reason why I want to change this behavior, as I do not want
to risk getting such chronic diseases. Another reason is that, if I miss consuming the right
amounts of mineral, vitamins, and proteins that my body requires, my body mass will decrease
predisposing my body to other severe conditions.
The lifestyle process I will take to achieve my desired lifestyle will take various steps. I
understand that this behavior cannot be performed on a single day; therefore, I will set my goals
and priorities first, considering the right time frame. On week one, I will focus on eating a salad
every day by making it convenient and accessible. When I am busy during the day, I will try
eating smart salad shakeups. On the week, two I will focus on preparing a healthy plant-based
recipe at home.
On week three, my focus will be on adding fermented foods on my diet. I will either
make these fermented foods at home or purchase them. On week four, I will focus on improving
my body hydration levels by increasing water and fluids intake. In the morning, I will start with a
glass of water and continue drinking water consistently throughout the day. The proceeding
weeks my focus will be processed foods for whole foods, eating green vegetables, replacing
unhealthy fats oils in my diet with those that are healthier and reduce the intake of sodium. I will
Lifestyle Change Process_2

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