
Impact of Management on London Ambulance Service


Added on  2022-12-27

32 Pages8811 Words30 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentData Science and Big Data
(London Ambulance Service An investigation to analyse the impact of management on
organisation service A case study on London Ambulance Service)
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Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3
Background of the research....................................................................................................3
Background of the company...................................................................................................3
Research aim and objectives..................................................................................................4
Research rational....................................................................................................................4
Overview of other chapters....................................................................................................5
LITERATURE REVIEW ...............................................................................................................6
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...................................................................................................13
Research Onion....................................................................................................................13
DATA ANALYSIS........................................................................................................................15
Frequency distribution table.................................................................................................16
Data analysis.........................................................................................................................17
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS .........................................................................29
REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................31
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Background of the research
Management is defined as set of principles which are helpful in planning, organising,
monitoring, controlling and directing people working within an organisation in order to gain
higher business insight. With the help of appropriate management effective utilisation of
physical and financial resources can be executed due to which full edge flow of information can
be rendered (Chatzoglou and Chatzoudes, 2018). Management is regarded as the most significant
aspect existed within business due to which an organisation can work in effective manner. In the
current report ambulatory care is undertaken in which outpatient and non-emergency medical
services are provided so that to deal with medical problem can be solved. Ambulatory services
are defined as the matter in which medical emergency can be undertaken in which life of a
person can be saved. Management is holding prominent significance in which promptness is
required by medical ambulance so that health care facilities can easily be rendered to an
individual when needed. In relation to this it can be analysed that ambulance services are
ensuring quality delivery in which the person who is facing high pain or suffering from some
particular disease can be relived. The current research has been conducted over London
Ambulance Services which is known as the busiest emergency ambulance service provider
giving their services in the periphery of UK. The service provider is providing urgent and
emergency healthcare services to their patient without charging any money. The organisation is
associated with NHS and giving healthcare services all over London. London Ambulance
Services are facing various issues in respect of lacking of managerial skills and which is
hampering growth and development aspect of their business.
Background of the company
London Ambulance Services is a NHS Trust which is associated with operating
ambulances and responding over various medical situations in order to deal with situation of
urgency over the region of London. The association was founded in the year of 1965 and in
current time they have staff of 5797 employees or workers. The association is the only single
provider trust which is managing 9 million people living in London. The entity is answering two
million 999 calls in a year and attend more than 3000 emergencies in a day. The entity is playing
leading role in integrating emergency and urgent care services so that to given significant
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response to patients within right place. The service provider is covering area of 620 square miles
from Heathrow to Up-minster which is west to east. The major role of this emergency service is
to respond 999 calls in which 24*7 medical emergency services are given. It is a government
Trust board which is made up of 18 members and they are managing overall business in
appropriate manner. Each year the venture is spending approximately £58 million on wide range
of products and services. As they are associated with responsibilities of spending public money
in resourceful manner in order to attain value for money solution.
Research aim and objectives
Research aim
"An investigation to analyse the impact of management on organisation service." A case study
on London Ambulance Service.
Research Objectives
To understand the concept and importance of management within an organisation.
To investigate the reasons which lead in lack of management at London Ambulance
To analyse several strategies through London Ambulance Service can overcome lack of
To evaluate the influence of lack of management over organisational performance of
London Ambulance Service.
Research questions
What is the concept and importance of management within an organisation?
Which are the reasons that lead to the lack of management at London Ambulance
What are the strategies through which London Ambulance Service can overcome lack of
How does the lack of management influence organisational performance?
Research rational
The major aspect associated with this research is to understand importance of
management and some strategies which can be helpful for the management to deal with issues of
mismanagement (Pourmola and et. al., 2019). For every entity management is playing vital role
in order to deal with organisational assets and to overcome with certain complexities which may
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be hampering organisational functions. The major reason of selecting this topic is to satisfy dual
perspective of from the view point of researcher which is personal and professional. In the terms
of professional aspect with the help of this research, researcher is able to analyse the way in
which managerial functions can be analysed so that during working tenure professionalism can
be attained. In terms of personal aspect this research is aiming at developing various skills such
as critical thinking skills, reflective skills, research skills and many more. So these skills will be
helpful in managing future researches in appropriate manner.
Overview of other chapters
There are numerous chapters associated with this research and all of them are holding
similar degree of importance. With the help of all these chapters researcher is analysing the ways
in which the whole research can be conducted in appropriate manner. By adding these chapters
answers of differentiated questions can be analysed in such a way that objectives pertained to
this research can be accomplished. In the first chapter introduction is executed in which
examination regarding management over ambulatory services are given which is aligned with
satisfying safety and medical needs of an individual. This chapter also includes introduction of
selected organisation which is London Ambulance Services. Next chapter is named as literature
review in which by undertaking various theories and aspects research objectives are addressed by
accumulating information through secondary data sources. The next chapter is named as research
methodology in which differentiated methods are explained in terms of research that are useful in
taking out prominent outcome out of research. After this data analysis is executed in which
collected data is accumulated in such a manner that, it can be expressed in some appropriate
outcomes. The last chapter is called as conclusion in which overall summary related to research
outcomes can be demonstrated in proper manner.
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Literature review can be defined as the aspect of research project which is helpful for
gathering secondary data related with research so that to align efforts of investigator within
research objectives. This ultimately assists investigator in accumulating valid and reliable
information related to research topic so that they can conclude valid outcomes. This section is
allowing the researcher to look after over view point of various authors so that to accomplish
research objectives. As according to current research literature review is provided as under:
Importance of management within an organisation
According to Easterby and et. al., (2018), This is being analysed that management is
playing vital and typical role in growth of an organisation as this makes easier for the business
manager to use their available resources in optimal manner so that high return can be provided to
the business in order to survive for longer period of time. With the help of effective
incorporation of management current goal of the business can be attained in minimal time frame
due to which sustainability and longevity can be increased. When a business is pertained with
appropriate management this will lead in increasing organisational and employee efficiency so in
this manner in lesser time employees can perform in better way along with required skills as
well. According to Caputo and et. al., (2019), Management of a business is playing significant
role for meeting business targets and dealing with market complexities as well so for these
aspects role of management is elaborated as under:
Attaining group goals with harmony: The major role of management is to provide harmony
within employees so that to align their working with attaining business objectives. Management
of the business provide directions to people in which they can align their own efforts in direction
of attaining organisational goals. The vital role of managing people is executed by management
and in this manner common goal of the business can be attained. Management of a business is
trying to integrate with efforts made by every single individual and in this manner they can make
their employees highly active to attain organisational objectives in approachable manner.
Management improves overall efficiency: In a business management is associated with
reducing cost and enhances chances of succession by making appropriate planning and execution
of the same. In order to enhance organisational efficiency this is imperative that overall functions
are covered and this is defined as the major role of management. Besides this management is
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putting such practices in business by which collaborative working can be promoted in order to
acquire higher success and appropriateness within business functions.
Management creates dynamic organisation: Organisation is trying to survive in dynamic
environment in which they are adapting change management in appropriate manner. Under this
management is having perspective to deal with such change and to inhale change management in
appropriate manner. For this various policies are initiated by organisation in order to provide
appropriate change management strategy within business which will lead in managing
organisational competitiveness in significant manner. Employees are regarded as the foremost
asset for a business and management is trying to encourage them in such a manner that overall
creation of alignment with dynamic environment can be made.
Management helps in developing society: Effective management is helpful in developing
society in which they are completing societal obligation in appropriate manner. Employees,
customers and suppliers are the responsibilities of management so by employing such practices
developing aspects can be rendered to society by the business.
Management provides sense of focus and direction: Management of the business provides
their employees a sense of focus and direction in which they can elaborate various roles and
responsibilities delegated to them in appropriate manner. Structure of management is made in
such a way that employees can mitigate their faced issues in early manner in which they can
anticipate those challenges which may cause barriers. Active planning is one of the significant
movement which is required to be included by management so that all the functions within
organisation can be completed within time.
To minimise workload: Management of an organisation is associated with providing work to
various employees in such a manner that with the help of appropriate communication proper
delegation can be made. This enable the employees to provide such assistance in which all the
employees can perform their obligation in apt manner.
In this manner it can be concluded that management of a business is playing significant
role in attaining success and providing them assistance related to manage business with most
efficiency. Management is defined as backbone of the organisation and this is the major reason
that controlling and planning activities are performed by them. Management is performing with
higher accuracy in order to accomplish organisational objectives and to provide attainability
power to the organisation in respect of dealing with market complexities.
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Management theory
Scientific Management Theory: This theory is associated with examining philosophy and
required efforts to increase productivity. On the other hand in order to manage business
objectives in significant manner scientific management theory is managing all the business
dimensions in such a manner that team work and collaborative working can be promoted.
Contingency theory
The major concept of this theory is associated with analysing internal and external factors
so that organisational structure can be identified within management approach. There is no
specific measures that can be helpful for the business to provide flexible working.
Reasons that lead to the lack of management at London Ambulance Service
According to Easterby and et. al., (2018), Lack of management is the aspect which may
arise in any business due to which organisations can perform in higher manner. Lack of
management may impact efficiency and capabilities of the business and due to which overall
impact is seen in negative way. In the context of London Ambulance Service the entity is
performing wide range of services due to which there are a lot of chances of mismanagement
situations which is impacting organisational performance in negative manner. Effective
management activities are prior for the organisation as by organisational mismanagement various
challenges are created such as job insdraftecurity, lack of resources, ineffective leadership
practices and many more. This is observed that due to these mismanagement practices image of
the organisation in marketplace can be tarnished. Besides this there are significant impact over
managerial aspect in which overall functioning can be conveyed. This is observed that various
system failure is seen over London Ambulance Services which is due to various discrepancies
within business functions. According to Drummond, McGrath and O'Toole, (2018), There are
various reasons due to which mismanagement created within London Ambulance Services and
some of them are elaborated as under:
Poor communication: Poor communication is one of the significant reason due to which various
problems arises and this enhances the level of confusions. With the help of ample
communication all the aspects and duties can be delegated to people in effective manner but due
to poor management miscommunication arises within organisational activities. Similarly for
London Ambulance Services this can be said that in the organisation there are various areas due
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