
Managing Emotions in the Workplace


Added on  2022-12-20

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Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Manage People Effectively
Question 1
Briefly explain what is meant by ‘emotional intelligence’ (up to 50 words).
The term ‘emotional intelligence’ refers to the aspect of understanding and managing one’s
own emotions, feelings, as well as others emotions. The concept of emotional intelligence
consist of three skills, i.e. emotional awareness, naming or applying these skills, and
problem-solving skills, that determines the ability to manage emotional reactions in critical
Question 2
Describe two benefits of encouraging the development of emotional intelligence
at an organisational level.
Emotional intelligence at the organisational level helps in making the communication
effective, which reduces the problems of stress, ambiguity in the roles of employees, and
facilitates attainment of goals. This can be attributed as one major benefit of developing
emotional intelligence in the organisations.
Secondly, employees with the high EQ develop social skills, and problem solving skills, and
this is vital especially in the critical situations at the workplace. This also acts as a major
motivator for the employees, to change their behaviour towards ensuring their commitment to
the organisational goals, and objectives. Example, increased and enhanced level of
performance in the organisation determines benefit of emotional intelligence.
Another example is reduction in the turnover has been a positive result of
emotional intelligence. Therefore, these are the two major advantages of establishing
better level of emotional intelligence.
Question 3
Reflecting on your role as a leader, give two examples of times when you have
managed emotions in the workplace in an effective manner (or describe two
hypothetical or best-case examples which would be suitable for your workplace).
Being a leader, I have observed certain cases or aspects where emotional intelligence
represented a major role to resolve the conflicts or disputes in the organisation. First
example, that has been observed number of times, is in consideration to the project work,
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which involved the group effort of members of the organisation. A project in our
organisation was cancelled after the hard work and committed efforts of two weeks. This was
one of the critical situations, which hampered the motivation of employees or people to work
in the organisation. They felt that their efficiency, time or skills has been not utilised properly
by the managers. Being a leader, I took the responsibility of explaining them the reason
behind the cancellation of project, and motivated them to work further with higher
commitment level. Employees would accept the reason, and work better due to the effective
leadership in the organisation, and resolved issues.
Another example has been in relation to then change of departments of some of the
employees, which becomes a factor of stress and anxiety amongst the hard-working
employees in the organisation. I found that the management must contribute to the
betterment of situation, and therefore, I evaluated the issue or dispute in the organisation, and
took the decision to change the working styles or practices ensuring effective leadership
team. Examples consist of the changes in the working styles, as the organisation has become
consumer-oriented now, and encourage the engagement of employees, which has been major
factor of success. This will help them to maintain positive relations with the members of
organisation, and will facilitate management of emotions.
Question 4
Explain the relationship between emotionally intelligent employees and the
achievement of business objectives with reference to an established Emotional
Intelligence Model or Theory (such as Goleman). (Word count: 200-500)
It has been found that the passion, optimism, and energy are considered the hallmarks of the
emotionally intelligent person or motivated employees in the organisation. In organisations,
employees with the high level of emotional intelligence are motivated to pursue and achieve
the predetermined goals and objectives of the organisation. Therefore, it described the
relationship between the emotionally intelligent employees and achievement of the
objectives. It has been found that the people or employees that are motivated and manage
their emotions effectively are able to improve their productivity and performance in the
organisation. This helps them to plan and work better to attain the goals within a period.
This links and relate to the path of attainment of organisational objectives, i.e. improved
productivity of the employees, which is an internal objective of the firm.
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Moreover, provided with the EQ training to the employee by the managers or leaders, they
become able to manage various tasks with their complexities in the organisation. Therefore, it
mentions the strength of relationship between the aspect of emotionally intelligent employees
and achievement of objectives. It has been found that the people or employees that are
motivated and manage their emotions effectively are able to improve their productivity and
performance in the organisation. This helps them to plan and work better to attain the goals
within a period. This links and relate to the path of attainment of organisational objectives,
i.e. improved productivity of the employees, which is an internal objective of the firm.
Healthy workplace relationships are the key to the positive work environment, and strong
culture that assures attainment of goals. This is done, as the employees are able to
collaborate, coordinate their activities and duties with others, and establish good teams,
achieving common goals.
The theorist view emotional intelligence as competent skills and abilities of the individuals
that drives the leadership, improving the overall performance. It consist five major areas, i.e.
self-awareness, self-regulation, social skills, empathy, and motivation amongst the
individuals, determine importance of achieving the stated goals and objectives. For an
example, regulation facilitates one redirecting one’s disruptive emotions and helps adjusting
to the critical circumstances within organisation. Attaining strong and effective strong
leadership is the vital objective improving overall performance.
Besides, this he mentioned that ability to manage one’s own emotions and ensure positive
interaction with others is more vital than developing the IQ, or acquiring the skills related to
the job. EI plays an important role in the development of an organisation, and growth of the
employees. He also gave a statement that “Emotions guide everything we do.” Therefore, it
is an important predictor of the success in work and life of an individual. According to the
theorist, it has been understood that the managers successful in attaining high EQ levels of
employees, gain competitive edge in the market. This is an external core objective of the
organisation, i.e. McDonalds. Thus, the above discussion has demonstrated well the
interrelatedness between the emotionally intelligent employees and attainment of objectives.
Question 5
Briefly explain how using emotional intelligence can have an impact on work
health and safety and other aspects of the work environment (up to 80 words).
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Emotional intelligence is the factor that helps employees reducing the stress, negative
emotions and lessens the possibilities of accidents at workplace. This is because of the fact
that employees are aware of their own skills, strengths and weaknesses, and it further helps
them to manage work in the organisation. Moreover, it has been found that the organisations
with the high levels of emotional intelligence in the people are able to create and maintain a
positive work culture or work –environment in the organisation. . Example, in McDonalds
employees with the efficient emotional intelligence i.e. self-regulation help in
managing issues, at work and maintain their safety, leading to higher
Question 6
Identify 3 strategies you can use when communicating with culturally diverse
people who may have different ways of expressing emotion than you do (word
count: 20-80).
In the modern business organisations, managers must ensure supporting the productive
workforce, which requires the element of diversity in the organisation. People from different
cultures, have different ways of expressing their emotions, and communicating, which might
result into conflicts situations amongst members of the organisation.
First strategy can be active listening, as it is more important to listen to the people working
together from different cultural and social backgrounds. Cultural diversity in the workforce,
brings individual differences and opinions, in respect to the practices, and thereby affects
communication. This has been one example, as McDonalds implemented policy for cultural
diversity, which led to a change in the communication amongst members.
Another major strategic action or strategy may involve establishing an open and effective
form of communication process in the organisation. For an example, McDonalds ensures
effective internal and external communication, which is done by both crew and
managers.Third strategy may involve changing or modifying the structure of the organisation,
and imparting diversity training to the people to manage their emotions as well as of others.
For an instance, McDonalds through their corporate structure provides training and support to
their workers, to enable them communicate effectively.
Question 7
Organisations can promote effective workplace relationships by having clearly
stated organisational policies and procedures which specify appropriate
behaviours. Provide written explanations or include examples of policies and
procedures which apply in your workplace or a previous workplace for the
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following list (if policies and procedures don’t exist then provide a recommended
example or description instead);
a. Communication protocols – internal, external and cross-cultural
communication policies and procedures
In organisations, the aspect of communication protocols or systems ensures the
exchange of efficient and effective communication. The aspect of communication
protocol, involve the internal form of communication, which is carried out based on
the parties.
Internal communication refers to the process of communication that takes place
within the organisation itself, i.e. amongst the members of the organisation. For an
example, the rules in consideration to the internal communication may be
understood as the policy changes in the organisation. This is one example
that determines irrelevancy of the information to the outsiders and must
be kept to the employees in the organisation. The procedures or way
through which communication within organisation i.e. (internal
communication) is carried involves websites, emails, letters, meetings,
and videoconferencing. For an example, in McDonalds the employees or
shareholders receive the letters or reports every month, which provide
information about the company and their mission or achievements.
External communication, on the other hand is defined as the
communication between an organisation with the external parties or
members outside of the organisation. The use of external communication
is found to provide information related to new products or any other
initiative of the company. The communication with the external parties
helps in building healthy relationship with the community. It also helps in
obtaining the information from the existing and potential customers, and
obtaining feedback about the performance of the organisation.
The form or examples of the external communication may involve email,
print, television, and radio ads inform the public about the sale of a
product. This has been a part of the communication protocol in the
company. Besides, this social media channels and websites are
considered as the part of an organisation’s external communication
Similar to the various established protocols or rules of internal and
external communication, there are certain policies and procedures for
cross-cultural communication. The policy of the cross-cultural
communication forms the base by playing a significant role in enhancing
the capacity of the members to attain the goals. To facilitate effective
cross-cultural communication, in the workplace it is essential for members
to show empathy towards the employees. Managers in the organisation
listen to the employees and their problem that helps them work in cross-
cultural contexts.
b. Cultural diversity and inclusion policies, e.g. EEO
The cultural diversity and inclusion policy ensures the commitment to foster or
embracing the culture of diversity in the organisation. EEO, on the other hand defines
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the equal employment opportunity to every employee in the organisation. Example,
McDonalds gives respect to each of their employees, and provides equal
employment opportunity, following a merit-based decision-making.
Promotions are provided based on merits, and performance.
c. Professional conduct and ethics policies, e.g. Code of Conduct
The code of conduct in any organisation consist of the rules, social norms, and
responsibilities of the people towards achieving objectives. In McDonalds each
employee abide by the rules covered in the business standards of conduct.
Helping to the communities form a major aspect of professional conducts
or ethics of the organisation.
d. Professional Networking policy or strategy
The professional networking policy Social has made it easier than ever for
workers to harm the image of corporation or discover private data. For an
example, the workers can harm the reputation of company by using the
social media policy.
e. Government, media, industry and/or any other organizations with which
your organization has formed relationships; who are these bodies and
what protocols are in place for liaison with them?
Organisations establish relationships with the financial institutions, government, and
media groups determine the regulatory bodies. The protocols in place for liaison with
them consist of the UNIDO liaison offices i.e. United Nations Industrial Development
Organisation for their operations. For an example, McDonalds is responsible
towards National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), which is one of the
political action committee.
f. Conflict resolution policy, procedures and/or strategies
The five key strategies to avoid or handle conflicts include avoiding, defeating,
comprising, accommodating, and collaborating. For an example, collaborating is
one of the way managers in the organisation ensure conflict resolution.
g. Work Health and Safety policy and procedures
The policy to ensure work health and safety ensures guiding individual employees to work
safely and prevent any injury or damage to their health. For an example, McDonalds
ensure using effective tools, and work methods or procedures to prevent safety
of the workers.
h. Grievance and complaints policy and procedures
Grievance and complaints policy and procedures help employees serving their
customers with optimum quality products and services, ensuring compliance to the
standards. For example, Regular meetings, and feedbacks are essentially
undertaken for receiving complaints and grievances from the employees.
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Question 8
Identify and briefly summaries 2 pieces of legislation which relate specifically to
workplace relations/relationships.
Employment relations act and the labour law are two areas, considered aspects of legislation
in consideration to workplace relationships. Labour law relates to the aspect of relationship
between trade unions, employers, and government.
Question 9
Give three examples of times when you have behaved in an inclusive manner,
actively accommodating difference. Explain each situation – where was the area
of difference and what did you do to overcome potential or actual barriers?
One example is that I demonstrated diversity policies amongst the employees to
accommodate differences, by giving all the employees equal opportunities, to work and grow
in the environment. Lack of diversity created clashes, and disturbed the relationships leading
to serious impact on the productivity of people. Difference in the work style, creates issues in
the organisation and this was the area of difference and I took the decision to modify the
work practices. Clash in the personality of people is third example of difference I observed in
the organisation, and being a leader in the company, McDonalds I provided career
development training to the employees to develop better personality. Moreover, they provide
employee relations training and time management training to all of them to manage their
work and eliminate any issues or differences between them.
Question 10
How is information shared at your organisation, how are key messages passed
on to a) staff and b) external parties? Describe three ways information is shared
within and externally, include different types of information to illustrate different
approaches to information sharing that is used for different content and
McDonalds share or exchange information and ensure direct communication within the
organisation, as they consider it important for the easy transfer of messages. The company
use print media, emails, broadcasting of information, and electronic channels, are three major
forms of external communication. These illustrate external form of communication in the
organisation, determining effective relations.
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The company has their own internal communications team which deals with the aspect of
interacting with the staff and stakeholders. A number of different mediums of internal
communications has been used by McDonalds such as, intranet, and weekly newsletters for
their staff members to stay connected, or in contact.
On the other hand, McDonalds carries out their external communication through a number
of different advertising campaigns, throughout their customers around the globe. This creates
awareness in them about the new products, as well as other major information about the
training and education opportunities of the company. The company also includes their media
team, which deals or manages with all of their press inquiries. This is considered to be a part
of the external communication of McDonald. These are used to process different types of
information such as knowledge management systems, learning management systems,
database management systems, and others. These determine providing information to the
people through managing internal sources. Thus, these are some of the examples of internal
and external methods of communication in the company ensuring attainment of their goals.
Question 11
Explain requirements to maintain privacy and confidentiality in the workplace
and discuss how your organisation complies with these requirements; give an
example of external (regulatory) and internal (organisational policies)
compliance methods.
McDonalds believe in maintaining, ensuring the privacy and confidentiality of the
information, in their organisation. The company comply with the available law and the tax
laws, to ensure the proper use of the organisational information. Privacy policy of the
McDonalds and other such strategies, using analytics and profiling technology to
maintain the use of the confidential data. These are certain examples of the
ways, how the company maintains privacy and confidentiality. The company is
also liable and complied with the governmental agency and bodies that regulate
the functioning of the companies in the food industry.
Question 12
How does your organisation foster input from team members at various levels
within the organisation? How do team members raise suggestions or give
McDonalds focuses on encouraging diversity, and employee engagement in their
organisation. This is major aspect determining involvement of employees. Effective
leadership in the organisation assures their team members to provide feedback and
suggestions for the work. Reviewing and measuring performance, conducting
employee engagement survey, meetings can be examples in this case. They
also make the use of other social media apps, or mediums such as Whatsapp
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