
Manage personal work priorities and professional development


Added on  2022-12-29

35 Pages6793 Words20 Views
Professional DevelopmentMarketingNutrition and Wellness
Manage personal work
priorities and professional
Manage personal work priorities and professional development_1

Table of Contents
Assessment task 1............................................................................................................................3
Written questions.........................................................................................................................3
Assessment task 2............................................................................................................................6
Plan personal work goal project..................................................................................................6
Assessment task 3:.........................................................................................................................10
Plan work priorities project.......................................................................................................10
Assessment task 4..........................................................................................................................13
Professional development presentation.....................................................................................13
Assessment task 5..........................................................................................................................14
Professional development report...............................................................................................14
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Assessment task 1
Written questions
1. Concept of self-appraisal and how it can contribute to performance review
Self-appraisal is the approach where the performance is reviewed by the employees at the specific period at the work cycle. Self-
appraisal is written considering a part of annual performance evaluation. Under this an opportunity is given to the employees so that
they can evaluate their own performance and find out their strengths and weaknesses. With the help of this employee know their
weaknesses and also come to know about their area for improvement. It helps in creating healthy employer employee relationship, it
facilitates continuous communication between both of them which helps in solving the conflicts.
2. Concept of peer appraisal and write one benefit of it.
Peer appraisal means when the employee's colleagues give assessment about the employee performance according to the observation
drawn by colleagues for employee's job performance so that on the basis of observation they give feedback to the employee. Basically
it is the form of performance appraisal which are made to monitor the performance. Its benefit is, it helps in the development of shared
goals as after taken the feedback from the colleagues, worker realize that they should take the opinions of them which will helpful in
the improvement of performance.
3. Three benefits for individual of planning work.
The three benefits of planning are: planning is helpful in eliminating the uncertainties and anticipating the problems as planning
process include gathering of important information which further used for forecasting purpose. Planning is helpful in the decision-
making as it guides that which actions should be taken to fulfil the organizational goals, future decisions are based on planning only.
The third benefit is it focus attention on objectives, when the objectives are formed then the planning process develop the methods to
accomplish them.
4. Outline the letter in the acronym SMART in relation to goals.
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Goals are the very important part of the business which helps in the motivation and focus. SMART goals is helpful in goal setting and
where the SMART acronym stands for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. Thus, it can say that SMART goal have
all the aspect which helps in focusing on efforts and increase the chance for goal achievement. Smart goals gives the direction and
helps in reaching towards the goals.
5. Concept of Pareto principle in relation to time management.
For the time management, pareto principle refers that if anyone wants to take the most from their time then one should realize that
20% of the tasks are very complex and which can contribute in near about 80% of the total success and because of this pareto principle
is also known as 80:20 rule. It is also said that one should change the way in which they set goals. It states that the time which one had
saved from the work should be used in their personal life.
6. Concept of work life balance.
Work life balance is the technique which guides the employee of the company to balance the professional and personal lives. Under
this on the basis of priority employee divides their time and maintaining the balance by giving time to their friends, family, relatives,
hobbies etc. and along with the growth in their career. It increases the employee loyalty and also helpful in motivating the workforce.
Work life balance is also helpful in maintaining the healthy lifestyle.
7. Outlining five strategies which are used to manage stress and achieve a healthy work-life balance.
Strategies are: getting purpose, one should always have purpose that why he or she is here, are they enjoying their work or not.
Creating the space, time to time one should take space from the work and go on holiday or do something which they like which will
reduce the stress. Talk to yourself, empower yourself think only about positive things around and maintain distance from negative
people. Be authentic, one should always be authentic and do right things don't get influence by the negative people. Cultivating
attitude of gratitude, one should appreciate themselves which will create self motivation.
8. Discuss the negative effect of technology on work-life balance.
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Technology is the reason of distraction, as constant surfing is very bad and distract one from the work and also increase the stress. It is
impacting on the employment as it is observed that people are loosing their job because at their workplace they were using mobile
phones and not concentrating on the work. Addiction to electronic gadgets is affecting the health of humans adversely.
9. Three strategies which is used by the business to ensure their workers maintain a healthy work-life balance.
Three strategies are offering flexible working, sometimes employee should allow going early if they have some work, guiding
managers to not focus on hours rather than focusing on productivity as it the quality of work only that counts but not the working
hours and offering perks and health plans it makes employee motivates and to work more hard for the company.
10. Outline five ways to develop new work skills.
5 ways are: getting a mentor it is helpful if want to understand any task mentor guides better, every time one should ready for
accepting new challenges do not get afraid with new challenges rather be the first to accept it, read a lot and look for the solutions of
the issue, do friendships with the employees of any other departments so that one can know the company well, finding internal
learning opportunities.
11. Outline two ways to more effectively manage time at work
Two ways are setting the time limit which means that one should set particular time to finish the task which can be one hour or
anything and try to complete the work with the decided time and maintaining a to do list which is helping in saving the time as list is
helpful to know that what next work one have to do. It helps in focusing on task and getting satisfaction whenever any task is
12. The concept of personal development planning.
A personal development plan is the written plan for the improvement and for the self reflection which gives a detailed plan which is
used to achieve the personal and the professional based goals. Normally it is created when someone is working or studying, it is
helpful in knowing the weaknesses and strengths and also to know for the area of improvement. Its purpose is that employees can
achieve their personal goals which can be short term or long term and also improve the job performance.
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13. Five crucial components of a personal development plan.
Components are: clear vision of what you want to achieve and why want to achieve as vision should be made in detail so that difficult
times can be fight out, understanding about the skills which is necessary in achieving the vision, should have the idea of the standards
which is needed to be achieved and is it matching the current standard or not, priority for each of the area because everything cannot
be done at one go so prioritizing activities are must, evaluation and continuous development.
14. Concept of behavioural assessment in a workplace context.
Behavioural assessment gives the set of behaviour or abilities which helps the company in taking the best recruitment decisions by
developing the talent. Regarding the workplace behaviour it gives important information to the managers which further also consist
leadership style, ability to take the risk etc. it is the tool which identifies emotions, behaviour and preferences. Behavioural assessment
is helpful for the organization in reducing the employee turnover, building interpersonal skills and developing the productivity among
the employees. Assessment is helpful in getting the best from the employees through improving the performance.
15. Advantages of conducting behavioural assessments and appraisals.
The benefits of behavioural assessments and appraisals are prediction of performance, positive candidate reactions under this
candidate should find out the connection between the job and the assessment for which their evaluation is done. Fairness is also the
advantage under that the assessment method should be fair which means that there should be not biaseness for the outcomes on the
basis of caste, gender, age, preferences etc. feedback quality and acceptance, confidence in results normally the assessments are
conducted face to face only which brings confidence into the results.
16. Five learning styles and why it is important to identify learning styles.
Five learning styles are:
Visual learners: it means that through visualizing or seeing learning happens, under this learner used images, graphs, diagrams,
pictures etc and learning to facilitate by using this.
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Aural learners: in this learning happens with the help of sound and music, they are opposite of the visual learners and due to the noise
the concentration is lost quickly.
Verbal learners: under this learner use words for learning, they have features of both visual and the oral learners. There focus is on the
words and not on the sounds. They memorize the information easily.
Physical learners: they uses their body parts to feel the things.
Logical learners: these learners use reasoning to understand the concepts.
Assessment task 2
Plan personal work goal project
H&M is the multinational company which is having headquarters in Sweden. It is a clothing retail company which manufacture
clothes for male, female and children. The company have many store worldwide and known for the good quality of products. It is
founded by Erling Persson, the purpose of the company is providing the latest fashion to the customer along with providing the good
customer service. Along with clothing company manufacture accessory, bags, footwear, perfumes etc. they have product for every
income group as the company manufacture regular as well as luxury goods.
Company goals or objectives
the goals and objectives of H&M are:
Sustainability is the main goal of the company because it is helpful in the long term survival of the company. The main
objective of the company is creating the systematic change by using their scale within the industry, with the help of their stakeholders,
partners ,employees the company wants to introduce the change like reducing the environmental impacts due to their business
operations. Another goal of the company is becoming the hundred percent circular and bringing the change in the fashion industry
while doing the business fairly and with full honesty. Currently business is using the linear model but now they are shifting to the
circular model and company also make sure that their workforce are treated equally and there should be no discrimination on the basis
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of age, gender, caste, religion etc and workers are also paid fairly. The another aim of the company is that in their collection they will
also use the recycled materials and state that with the help- of innovation the fashion industry can solve many challenges. They have
goal under which they improve the wage management systems and now management will be more flexible for the workers and
company will ensure that wages are paid on the basis of knowledge, skills and hard work. Further the company also have an objective
to educate or guide their customers that how they can take care about their clothes which will be helpful in increasing their clothes life.
Position description
Marketing manager is very important for the company as it plays vital role in the promotion and selling the products and
services to the customers or clients. They are very helpful in influencing the brand in the market, they play important role in building
the positive image of the company in market. Marketing manager have multiple duties in the organization apart from the promotional
activity, they analyse the data and make strategies for the company so that company can achieve the objective is also done with the
help of marketing manager. As the marketing manager is facing the customer directly, so they better knows that what are the taste and
preferences of the customer. They also guide the research and development team in the innovation process because as they know the
preferences of the customer then they easily help in product innovation. Through website now the companies are doing marketing as
it is the modern marketing method and require less time, money and efforts. I am interested in this job role because it is the
challenging role and I like to interact with different people and this job role give me the opportunity to communicate with the clients
as well as the customers.
Key responsibilities
there are many responsibilities of the marketing manager as there work is collaborative in nature, some responsibilities are as
Implementation of strategy: it is the duty of the marketing manager to make strategic plan regarding how the company will achieve
the competitive advantage.
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