
Developing Professional Identity


Added on  2020-02-05

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The Developing
Developing Professional Identity_1

TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Management Styles...............................................................................................................1
1.2 Leadership Characteristics....................................................................................................2
1.3 Communication Process........................................................................................................3
1.4 Organizational Cultures........................................................................................................4
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................5
2.1 Assessment of own management skills.................................................................................5
2.2 Personal SWOT analysis.......................................................................................................6
2.3 Setting and prioritising objectives and targets......................................................................7
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................8
3.1 Lead and motivate a team to achieve an agreed goal or objective........................................8
3.2 Justification to managerial decisions....................................................................................9
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................11
4.1 Own managerial and personal skills will support...............................................................11
4.2 Career and Personal Developmental Plan...........................................................................11
Developing Professional Identity_2

A highly critical position is occupied by a manager in the process of achieving success by
any organization. This instrumental role is played by the manager by ensuring effective
performance of employees who are ultimately operating various functions of the firm. A
manager is required to deploy various theories and models to ensure high motivational and
engagement levels among the workforce. Moreover, another primary obligation of a manager is
to stay prepared for all forms of contingencies and uncertainties. In order to effectively
accomplish this task, a sense of coordination shall be maintained within different parts of the
firm and utilize resources in the most optimum manner. The present report shall particularly
focus on the travel and tourism industry and illustrate application of various motivational styles
and leadership characteristics within the organization. An analysis has been conducted of the
skills possessed by General Manager of Dorchester Luxury. Followed by the same, primary
functions of a leader while functioning in Covent Garden, London has been illustrated. Lastly, a
career development plan has been created for specifically catering to the future developmental
The present task shall understand and highlight the management behaviour of Star Tours
Ltd. and Thomas Cook. Both companies are functioning in Travel and Tourism sector.
1.1 Management Styles
The managers of two cited firms have opted management styles which are most
appropriate in accordance with their respective organizational structure. Star Tours Ltd is a travel
agency operating as a travel agent to plan itineraries for travellers all around the world. It has
been observed that the managers in this entity have been practising the management style of
Pacesetting. The fundamental focus of this style is accomplishment and maintenance of high
standards. The managers have assured to create a benchmark in every aspect of company's
operation. Moreover, this is considered as one of the motivational factors which keep employees
encouraged and inspired to attain the stipulated quality of work (Shih and Susanto, 2010). It is
important to mention that the firm is comprised of highly skilled workforce, and in pursuance to
the same employees are allotted with challenging tasks. However, there are certain times when
Developing Professional Identity_3

the employees may need supervision and this style of management does not prove to be the most
suitable option.
On the other hand, managers of Thomas Cook have adopted participative style. In
pursuance with the same, a highly coordinated and committed workforce has been developed by
the entity. The process of decision making includes employees from all levels. In fact, their
suggestions are promoted at every stage of operations (Delbridge and Fiss, 2013). This
democratic style of leadership has introduced a sense of belongingness within the workforce and
has developed a sense of being valued. This in turn keeps the employees highly engaged and
enables them to produce high quality outcomes. The managers are known for trusting their
employees and exploring true potential of each one of them. This style of management though is
suitable in maximum situations. It may prove to be detrimental in the times of crisis or where
certain critical decisions are to be undertaken.
1.2 Leadership Characteristics
Leaders in an organization are responsible to influence the activities of employees and
determine the direction in which they should function. Through application of effective
leadership, they are required to develop strategic goals and objectives to further integrate the
actions of employees with interests of organization (Schoar and Zuo, 2011). Managers of
Thomas Cook assure the presence of cohesiveness in the performance of employees and realize
results which are completely coherent with the welfare of entity. On the other hand, managers of
Star Tours believe that fundamentally, an effective leadership enables development of a shared
vision between employees and management. Every effort is undertaken to enhance the quality of
performance being achieved at an individual level for accomplishment of organizational targets
in both the entities. Some of the specific characteristics which can be described as indispensable
and have been observed to be present in the leaders of two companies are: Empathy – In order to become an efficient leader, it is essential to develop an empathetic
approach while dealing with the employees. This further enables the employees to
occupy a comfortable position and produce high quality outcomes. Consistency – A good leader is always fair and consistent in his approach and manner of
working. It is highly important for a leader to not include any form of discrimination in
his way of dealing with different employees as it has a direct effect on the motivational
level of employees.
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Direction – It is the responsibility of a leader to ascertain the direction in which all
activities of the team shall be focused and then communicate the same to all team
members in an effective manner (Giacalone and Rosenfeld, 2013). This ascertained way
of working shall be in consonance with the character of their team and shall be able to
explore the best potentials.
Communication – This is one of the most vital forms of characteristics which essentially
be present in a good leader. Effective communication is the key for achievement of
coordination and produce synergistic results. A leader is under an obligation to keep the
employees updated with respect to every development which even has the potential to
affect their interests.
1.3 Communication Process
It is believed by the management of the two selected organizations – Thomas Cook and
Star Tours Ltd that communication occupies one of the most critical positions in the success of a
business. This is the medium through which a shared vision can be developed and followed by
implementation of strategic plans. The management of Star Tours has described communication
as one of the most significant elements which shall be developed in accordance with the
organizational structure which is being followed within their entity. On the other hand, Thomas
Cook describes effective communication as the medium of transferring information and
messages which in turn enables the business to function flawlessly. In pursuance to this
approach, both companies utilize all types of communications in accordance with the need of
situation. Verbal Communication – Through this form of communication, individuals interact with
each other directly, either orally or in a written manner. Oral means of communication is
highly influenced by the manner in which words are delivered (Huan and Yazdanifard,
2012). This is one of the ways through which management motivates and encourages
employees and transmit messages in an informal manner. On the other hand, written form
is generally used for formal communication.
Non-verbal Communication - There is no exchange of words in this form of
communication and is proceeded with the assistance of gestures, expressions, actions and
so on. It can be characterized as an informal way of communicating and is not used to
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transmit messages which holds a specific form of importance to the business (De Vries,
Bakker-Pieper and Oostenveld, 2010).
Both Thomas Cook and Star Tours Ltd. have adopted an effective communication
system. It is assured by the management that employees are constantly updated about all
developments which are taking place in a company either through circulating it in the form of
newsletters or through conducting meetings.
1.4 Organizational Cultures
It is encompassed of values and behaviours which formulate a unique social environment
within any firm. It determines the collective behaviour and approaches which prevail in any
business enterprise. Some of the specific organizational cultures which exist within different
entities are: Clan Culture – The motto of working effectively is completely based on team work,
which is accompanied by the attributes of effective communication, acting in consensus
and so on (Kim and Meyers, 2012). The type of culture which is prevalent in Thomas
Cook can be characterized as Clan Culture. In pursuance with the same, employees of the
entity are highly committed and motivated. A cordial relation is maintained between all
the individuals. Adhocracy Culture – The employees working in such a culture are not risk averse. They
intend to continuously innovate their way of working and are always ready to undertake
risks. Star Tours is one of the best examples which is following this form of culture. The
primary focus of all employees is to be creative in their way of working and achieve high
standards. Market Culture – The primary concentration of this form of organizational culture is on
attaining the ascertained goals and targets in the most effective manner. The leaders of
these entities are extremely demanding and focused to capture maximum possible market
share to realize extravagant profits (Gardner, 2010). The employees are required to
function in accordance with the ascertained norms of employees. However, one of the
biggest demerits which is faced by this culture is that it restricts innovation and this is the
reason that cited entities do not follow this form of culture.
Hierarchy Culture – This form of culture is highly structured in nature and is witnessed
with strict control from the higher management. The operations are undertaken in a
Developing Professional Identity_6

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