


Added on  2023-04-22

7 Pages1025 Words89 Views
Leadership Management
Running head: MANAGEMENT
Name of the student
Name of the university
Author Note:

Table of Contents
Top 2 Global Competitors in the market.........................................................................................3
SWOT of each Competitor..............................................................................................................3
Reason for being direct Competitors...............................................................................................4
Competitive Advantage of the Competitors....................................................................................5
Can a cooperative strategy be formed with the competitors?..........................................................5
Strategies used to build a competitive market profile.....................................................................5
Balanced Scorecard.........................................................................................................................6

Top 2 Global Competitors in the market
The following report is based on the research on John and Deborah’s corporation, a
popular furniture producer and seller based at Boston in the United States of America. The
company produces high end quality furnitures for the upper middle class customers of USA
(Verger, Lubienski & Steiner-Khamsi, 2016). The management of the company has been able to
utilize the best marketing strategies that have helped them to spread their market over the whole
of the United States. The top two global competitors of the organization in the market include
IKEA and Lay-Z-Boy.
SWOT of each Competitor
The SWOT analysis of IKEA is as follows;
Strength Opportunities
Excellent knowledge of the
Global positioning
Great knowhow of the
Australiaan market
Global expansion is the
biggest opportunity for the
Presence of Online sales can
help the organization to be at
its best
Weaknesses Threats
IKEA is often charged of
providing low quality
Absence of proper furnishing
leads to problems
High rate of attrition
Presence of other competitors
Low sales in the last few years
has been a major threat to the
Increase in the revenue of the

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