
Importance of Research Projects in Business


Added on  2020-02-17

21 Pages4418 Words223 Views
Importance of Research Projects in Business_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3PART 1............................................................................................................................................3P1. Devise clear aims and objectives for your project................................................................3P2. Produce a project management plan incorporating: costs, scope, time, quality,communication, risk and resources.............................................................................................4P3. Produce a work breakdown structure and a Gantt chart to provide time frames and stagesfor completion.............................................................................................................................6PART 2............................................................................................................................................9P4. Carry out small-scale research by applying qualitative and quantitative research methodsappropriate for meeting project aims and objectives (Research methodology)..........................9Log book........................................................................................................................................12PART 3..........................................................................................................................................15P5: Analyse your research and data using appropriate tools and techniques............................154. ...............................................................................................................................................17P6: Communicate appropriate recommendations as a result of research and data analysis todraw valid and meaningful conclusions....................................................................................18P7. Reflect on the value of undertaking the research to meet stated objectives and ownlearning and performance..........................................................................................................18CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................19REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................21
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INTRODUCTIONManaging a successful business project is the technique and method to manage allactivities and works in the systematic manner. CSR programmes and activities are organised bythe company to develop their society and develop a healthy environment to them so they canmake trust on the company. CSR through through build a fair image in the society's personsmind also provide them well bing environment with proper satisfaction. In the managingbusiness successful business project mention all the details regarding to the company or businessthat help to take effective decision. Business project for Tesco that is a retail company in UK thatprovide all type of products and goods to customers. It is pre-planned process according to theplan employees are working to achieve their own decided goals and objectives of the business(Sparrow 2012). All kind business or company try to build a brand image in the market as wellas earn highest profit through the market and give proper satisfaction to customers also they willconduct CSR (customer social responsibilities) activities and programmes those are help toprovide safety, security and other facilities. CSR working for social benefits its help to increaseworking performance of employees as well as standard of living so they can work effectively andefficiently way and easy to achieve goals and objectives of the business(Too and Weaver, 2014).PART 1P1. Devise clear aims and objectives for your projectResearch project is the process in which including some stages those help to increaseworking performance of employees and help to achieve objectives and goals of the company. Allcompany are earn highest profit as well as conduct CSR activities and programmes those arehelp to crease healthy and fair environment for their society. This research project has some aimsand objectives those are under the below: To increase working performance of the employees so they can achieve the goals andobjectives of the business. Employees are important part of the company so have toprovide effective training to them increase their learning and performance level.CSR programmes and activities through develop a healthy environment for society andprovide them safety and security.
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Research project through find out something new and innovative things to develop theirbusiness in the effective manner.To control the waste of the company and increase the production level of products andgoods(Sparrow, 2012).To adopt some new strategies and methods to give proper satisfaction to customerstowards their products and services also identify their wants and needs by the company.P2. Produce a project management plan incorporating: costs, scope, time, quality,communication, risk and resourcesIn the business project play important role cost, scope, time scheduling, resources,employees, fund and so more. All these are should formulated in the systematic way its easy tounderstand by employees and help to achieve targets and goals of the business.Project management planStagesDefineCost(million)Times ScheduledExplain theproject objectivesand goalsIn this stage should clarifyall objectives and goals ofthe business project to allemployees.20010 to 30 daysRequired numberof employees inthe project andidentify dutiesExplain the objectives andgoals of the business afterthat should identify requirenumber of employees andtheir duties those have to doin this project plan(SmithGonin and Besharov2013).10015 to 20 daysTraining andlearningIn this stage have to providetraining and learning toemployees and their teamworkers so they canunderstand how to do work.200 to 250 30 daysSpecified baselineAfter the training should15020 to 30 days
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of workingschedulespecified working scheduleaccording to employeescapabilities And their skills.FinancialstatementsAfter specify workingscheduling to employeeshave to prepare a financialstatements in whichmention all financialdetails.150 to 20040 to 70 daysStrategies andtechniquesIn this stage have to choosesome selected and suitabletechniques and methods toemployees according to theenvironment of thecompany that should helpto achieve goals andobjectives of the business.10050 daysEmploymentplanningSelected and choosestrategies and techniquesrelated to the businessproject after that shouldprepare an effective planfor all employees so theycan understand theirspecified works (Polonskyand Waller 2014 ).70050 to 60 daysEvaluations andidentification(Polonsky andWaller2014)After that evaluate allemployees working per-planned and their workingquality if they have anyissues and problems so by20050 days
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the company should resolvethemImplementationIn the last stage properevaluationandidentification all issues andproblems then shouldimplement the businessplan.40070 to 80 daysP3. Produce a work breakdown structure and a Gantt chart to provide time frames and stages forcompletionTo complete the research project there are mainly using two methods those provide actualand reliable information(Kowalkowski, Kindström and Brehmer, 2011). First method is Workbreak down method(WBS) in this method all works and activities are divided on the basis oftheir priorities in the research project. In which include project cost, resource, time schedulingand so more those are related to the project. There are some stages those are under the below: Work breakdown structure Defining the scope of project: In the WBS method first of all have to define the objectiveand scope of the research project to project team so they can easy to evaluate theirresponsibilities regarding project and set their targets.Assigning the works: After defining the scope of research project then should assigningthe works and task to all project members and also assign their responsibilities.Control baseline: in this stage should set a base line in which project manger throughshould control on employees and their working performance. Measurement: When completing the project work after that comparing with their decidestandard of performance and targets.Collective information: after the measuring the performance of the employees shouldcollect the information related to the research project(Kerzner, 2013.).
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