
Equality and Diversity in the workplace


Added on  2023-01-19

32 Pages7120 Words94 Views
Leadership ManagementDesign and Creativity
Managing a Successful
Business Project
Equality and Diversity in the workplace_1

Table of Contents
LO 1.................................................................................................................................................1
P1) Devise aims and objective of the project..............................................................................1
P2) Formulate project management plan by including scope, time, communication, resources,.
Risk, cost and quality. ................................................................................................................3
P3) Explain Gantt Chart and Work Break Down Structure........................................................4
LO 2.................................................................................................................................................5
P4) Conduct small scale research by applying qualitative and quantitative research methods
to achieve designed aims and objectives.....................................................................................5
LO 3.................................................................................................................................................7
P5) Evaluate research and data by using proper tools and techniques. ......................................7
Qualitative questions:.....................................................................................................................15
P6) Provide recommendation to draw meaningful conclusion.................................................17
LO 4...............................................................................................................................................18
P7) Reflection............................................................................................................................18
CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................18
Equality and Diversity in the workplace_2

Equality and Diversity in the workplace”. A study report on Aston Martin Lagonda.
In the era of globalization it is very important to build equity and diversity in the working
premises. Those organization having diverse culture on the floor are more successfully as
compare to other business running in the cut throat competitive world (Ali and Konrad, 2017).
Though equity diversity can not build in a day but firm can strategies to build them gradually in
the working environment. There are several advantages that can be gained by an organization by
introducing equality and diversity in effective manner. Competitive advantages, customer
satisfaction, more market value etc. are some of the benefits that are acquired by firm in the long
run. In order to complete this project Aston Martin Lagonda is undertaken. From more than
hundred years this firm is serving luxury car to their client. It is a British car company which is
famous for creating he world's most beautiful and accomplished automotive art worldwide. This
assignment covers aims and objective of the topic. PMP is prepared in order to complete the
research project in the set time frame. Gantt Chart and WBS is prepared to make the complex
task easy. Quantitative and qualitative approach are used to collect data .
LO 1
P1) Devise aims and objective of the project
Overview of the Company
Aston Martin Lagonda is a independent luxury manufacturer sports cars and grand
Tourers. It came into existence in the year 1913 by Lionel martin and Robert Bamford. This
leading form is recognized in the market for it's conducting the business in ethical and
transparent manner (About company,2019). Due to this commitment management has develop
integrated corporate social responsibility strategy for the business in intense competitive world.
The corporate social responsibility strategy is based on ten principals of UN Global Compact.
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Illustration 1: Logo of Aston Martin Lagonda.
“ To understand the impact of gender pay gap on employees overall performance in an
organization”. A study report on Aston Martin Lagonda.
To understand the phenomena of equity and diversity in Aston Martin Lagonda.
To examine the impact of gender pay gap on employees overall performance in Aston
Martin Lagonda.
To study the ways in order to eliminate gender pay gap from Aston Martin Lagonda day
to day working.
To determine how policies related to equality and diversity can be developed in the
workplace of Aston Martin Lagonda.
Research Questions:
Explain the phenomena of equity and diversity at Aston Martin Lagonda ?
Discuss the impact of gender pay gap on employees overall performance in Aston Martin
Mention the various ways through which gender pay gap can be eliminated from Aston
Martin Lagonda day to day working?
Equality and Diversity in the workplace_4

How policies related to equality and diversity can be developed in the workplace of
Aston Martin Lagonda?
P2) Formulate project management plan by including scope, time, communication, resources,.
Risk, cost and quality.
Project management plan is explained as:
Cost: It is more important for company to maintain appropriate amount of funds that can
be possible either through taking support from investors or reserve funds (Barak, 2016). For this
purpose, the researcher should prepare budget in which cost must be allocated on the activities
on the basis of their impact. In order to conduct the research project smoothly estimated amount
of £68000 is required. Having this much fund will help the researcher in their research project to
conduct all the activities smoothly and on the set deadline. Lack of funds can be arranged by
taking finance from friends, relatives and other financial institutions. Thai is done in order to
gain in-depth understanding regarding the topic for which sufficient capital is needed. The
sample of such budget statement showing total cost incurred are given as under:
Estimated Budget
Particulars Amount (£)
Cash cost of diversity £30000
Opportunity costs of diversity £20000
Costs of legal compliance £10000
Business risks of diversity £8000
Total Cost £68000
Time: It is also an important element which assist Aston Martin Lagonda to achieve
competitive advantage through completing project activities within limited period of time. In
order to complete the research project in the set time span it is essential to prioritize the research
project task accordingly so that without any difficulty they can be full-filled easily. All the task
should be arranged properly in order to accomplish all the research activities in the set time span.
Due to which best report in be presented to the readers. For this, critical path should be followed
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in order to identify the time already invested and required to complete project activities. Fifty
two weeks are required to complete the assigned project in appropriate manner (Benschop,
Quality: It is a crucial factor which can always positively impact on the profitability and
sustainability of an organisation. Researcher receives standard quality of work for the project by
collecting data from qualitative approach and quantitative approach. Primary data collection
method is adopted by the researcher as they provide authentic and fresh data which is not used
by any other researcher in their findings. By this quality findings can be drawn from the gathered
information. As information is assembled directly from respondents it is of high quality and
fresh. It will help to build more loyal readers for the research work.
Risk: It always exist in all business activities which can hinder management to achieve its
desired outcomes within pre-determined time period. Such risk may include poor knowledge,
lack of an appropriate support of employees, insufficient resources etc. It enable researcher to
make suitable plans and strategies in advance so as to deal with future contingencies in more
effective way. Here, risk involve insufficient human resources, incomplete information , lack of
employees support etc. Through equality and diversity business. are facing big challenges like,
employee turn out ratio, decrease in productivity etc. lack of time, money, resources, unethical
behaviour of respondents are some of the major risk factor that are faced by researcher while
collected reliable information regarding the topic.
Communication: Face-to-face communication, email, written methods of communication
etc. are numerous communication channels that they can used by researcher to transfer their data
to one other. In the findings they used face to face communication method so that chances off
error can be reduced and productive results can be attained. Email is used by the researcher in
their research project in order to store and to share the assembled data from one other. By this
chances of error is reduced and data can be studied easily. Effective communication channels has
helped the researcher to exchange relevant information with one another so that in the specified
time all the activities are performed properly and accurate findings is provided to the readers.
Resources: Having sufficient amount of resources such as capitals, funds, skilled
employees etc. encourages researcher to work on the project effectively for better outcomes
(Hawkins, 2017). All the resources are utilized properly in order to complete the research
project so that in the set deadline research project can be finished properly. Laptop. Mobile
Equality and Diversity in the workplace_6

phone etc. are resources which are used by researcher in their findings in order to come up with
more accurate results.
Scope: In case of this reports, the scope is very wide as this will support the researcher of
the business Aston martin Lagonda in the utilisation of all the resources, grasping of all the
available opportunities and chances of growth without facing any difficulties and conflicts. It in
completing up coming projects more accurately so that more reliable conclusion can be drawn
easily. The raise understanding regarding the topic will help the investigator to conduct other
research work more properly and in organized manner. So that information regarding the topic
can be captured by the readers easily.
P3) Explain Gantt Chart and Work Break Down Structure
Gantt Chart: It is a bar chart that explains project schedule. It was invented by Henry
Gantt in the year 1910-1915. Modern Gantt Chart also showcase the dependency relationship
among activities and present schedule position. It is used by the firm in order to complete the
project in the set time frame.
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Work Break Down Structure: It is a hierarchical decomposition of the work which
need to be implemented by project team in order to accomplish set standards of the project
(Hideg and Ferris, 2016) . This is the cornerstone of effective project execution, planning,
controlling, reporting and monitoring. Here, the complex task is cut down into smaller task so
that it can be completed on the deadline by the co-workers in easy way.
LO 2
P4) Conduct small scale research by applying qualitative and quantitative research methods to
achieve designed aims and objectives.
Qualitative approach: It is the best approach as it provide quality results to the readers.
Researcher use this approach in their findings as there is no use of mathematical data in their
research project. It become easy for readers to understand the illustrated information in the short
time period (Kirton and Greene, 2015). The main focus of qualitative approach is to provide
quality outcomes to their client over the years. It consumes less time to capture the data from the
research paper.
Quantitative approach: To provide informative data to the reader or client researcher
adopts quantitative approach in their findings. This is because it included more of graphs, tables,
pie diagrams, charts and so on in their presentation of project. Quantitative approach is complex
in nature as compare to qualitative approach as more numerical figure are used in the project.
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