
Knowledge Management Strategies in Organizations


Added on  2020-02-03

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Knowledge Management Strategies in Organizations_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3TASK 1............................................................................................................................................31.1 Decisions to be taken........................................................................................................31.2 Evaluation of information and knowledge to make decisions..........................................31.3 Sources of information.....................................................................................................41.4 Recommendations............................................................................................................5TASK 2............................................................................................................................................52.1 Identifying stakeholders that affect decision-making.......................................................52.2 Ways to develop business relationships...........................................................................62.3 Strategies to involve in decision-making process............................................................62.4 Strategy for future improvements.....................................................................................7TASK 3............................................................................................................................................73.1, 3.2 existing process of communication and ways to improve appropriateness...............73.3 Comparison in different process of communication........................................................83.4 Plans to improve communication.....................................................................................94.1, 4.2 Existing process and improvement on approaches of information...........................94.3 Ways to improve access to system of information and knowledge................................10CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................10REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................11
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INTRODUCTIONCommunication is a vital part of organisation to maintain a close link within and outsidethe organisation. Managing communication refers to plan and implement the channels so that theinformation can be passed without any barrier. To maintain good network, it is necessary to planthe procedures and techniques used for it (Cornelissen, 2014). The present report is based oncommunication management with useful techniques to manage the information related to newbusiness. The report will discuss the setting up of a new start up ABC ltd. in supply of qualityfood and various sources useful for making decisions regarding finance and other related areas.TASK 11.1 Decisions to be takenThe decision-making is a most important and a critical task which needs a detailedthough process. The decisions in any organisation are taken at every level of departments(Maude, 2011). For ABC ltd. Company, decision-making is more difficult as the company isgoing to start in the market and any one wrong decision can make its survival in danger. So,various decisions can be made at different levels according to its complexity and need in citedcompany as below: Decisions that are risky and of long term nature that can affect industry seriously shouldbe taken at strategic level by top managers. These decisions are related with investmentsand setting future goals or objectives which need high imaginative skills. Next, at departmental levels, tactical decisions are made that consists of moderate risks.Various project managers make this decision based on knowledge of their relative fields(Ulmer, Sellnow and Seeger, 2013).Further level of decisions are made at operational level by operations manager andemployees. These decisions may usually related to routine tasks like handling grievancesof customers or making improvement in daily functions. These type of decisions does notneed any special skills and can be made by general thinking process. 1.2 Evaluation of information and knowledge to make decisionsThe various levels of decisions to be made as discussed above will help in designingdecision-making process systematic. For ABC ltd., which is a start-up various information arenecessary to collect (Borghoff and Pareschi, 2013). The decision related to location of business,
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investments required, various legal formalities to be complied, food and safety standards, andwaste management as well. After making all these decisions, business can be set up successfullyat location decided. This is also necessary to know that what sort of information is required tocollect and how it can be arranged.The top level managers can decide about how much investment will require andcompany's goals to be achieved by firm. They can use various sources for raising fundsso that business can be financed.At tactical level, project managers should study current policies, procedures, rules etc.to understand existing system (Dozier, Grunig and Grunig, 2013). Further, they canfind out resources for installation of various information system in organisation likeMIS, and other related software. At operational level, company should start making routine reports, arrangingdocuments, filings etc. These reports are helpful in managing procedures in future andvarious information can also be gathered. Personal experience can also be applied togain information and use it at workplace.1.3 Sources of informationBusiness has to collect several information from different sources. These sources may beinternal or external as well (Dalkir and Liebowitz, 2011). The large pool of data and informationis available for company, among which organisation has to decide which source is useful forthem. Internal sources: The information and knowledge can be gathered internally from variousdaily reports of firm. These reports are sales report, financial data report and many others.Beside this, company may conduct internal analysis of firm by applying SWOT analysis.This will provide information regarding strength and weakness of firm along withopportunities and threats as well. Moreover, company can research on various othersimilar industries already existing in market. This will give knowledge of their strategiesused for attracting customers (Internal Sources of Information, 2016). To increaseinvestment in business, company can invest initial retained earnings as well. External sources: The range of external source is wide which includes, study of market,R&D activities, PESTLE analysis and other similar kind of strategies. Company cancollect data from external sources released by government or which are available on
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