
Managing People, Organisations and Context: Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Management


Added on  2023-06-11

23 Pages6359 Words216 Views
Professional DevelopmentHealthcare and ResearchPsychology
Managing people, organisations and context
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Managing People, Organisations and Context: Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Management_1

Table of contents
Competency 1.................................................................................................................2
Related to performance..................................................................................................3
How to make manager as a superior performer.............................................................6
Incident 1......................................................................................................................10
Incident 2......................................................................................................................10
Incident 3......................................................................................................................10
Incident 4......................................................................................................................11
Diagnosis with tools:....................................................................................................11
Action plan:..................................................................................................................13
Reference list................................................................................................................14
Appendix 1...................................................................................................................19
Appendix 2...................................................................................................................20
Appendix 3...................................................................................................................20
Appendix 4...................................................................................................................21
Appendix 5...................................................................................................................21
Appendix 6...................................................................................................................21
Appendix 7...................................................................................................................22
Managing People, Organisations and Context: Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Management_2

Competency 1
Team management is considered as the ability of an organization or individuals,
which plays an important role in the case of coordinating and managing the team of
individuals for performing any operation (Nikpay & Mofrad, 2016). As stated by Attia and
Farrag (2017), the team management process is interconnected with the objective,
communication and performance of the people who are involved in team activities. Another
way, this can be said that team management can be considered as the important activity that
influences the efficiency of the team members. Day et al., (2014) opined that the team
management activity is being influenced by the activity of the team leader. The team leader
maintains the effective relationship of loyalty and trust in the organization. A Strong team
leader always motivates the team members towards achieving the goals and objectives
(Phillips et al., 2016).
On the other hand, conflict is one of the common issues in every team or organization.
Therefore this can be said that conflict is the storming period in a team development process
(Carmody-Bubb, Duncan & Ree, 2015). It is not true that the conflicts can be impacted on the
team only, but also internal conflicts are also very influencing in the case of impact
negatively on a human personality. Due to team conflicts, the productivity can be influenced
(Atak, 2016). This can be said that the conflict can also create group cohesion. On the other
hand, Dyer and Song (2015) stated that in the case of internal conflict the characteristics of a
person gets influenced. Stress and anxiety are the consequences of internal conflict.
Therefore, as the conflict impacts negatively both in the personal and professional life of a
human, therefore, managing the conflict is one of the important components in personality
development process.
Managing People, Organisations and Context: Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Management_3

In this study, both the team and conflict management applications have been
highlighted through the emotional intelligence practices. Different theorises of emotional
intelligence and its behavioural consequences have been highlighted. In this study the skills
have been mentioned which are required in the case of developing the managerial skills. By
highlighting the skills, the application and its impact on the personal and professional
development have been highlighted.
Related to performance
As stated by Goleman and Boyatzis (2017), leadership practices are being influenced
by the social and emotional intelligence. According to the author, the behavioural changes
of a person is also connected with the team management process. By supporting this Caruso
et al., (2015) said, due to lack of emotional intelligence, sometimes people hurt others, in the
case of true leadership, the person needs to be capable enough to understand the emotions of
the team members. If the leader is not able to understand the feelings of the team members,
this will result in the poor leadership practice. Here the author has also mentioned that the
Ego, anger and impatience are the three important for threats in developing proper leadership
management practices. With these behavioural qualities, the team members will not be able
to discuss their issues with the team leader. If the proper relationship between the leader and
team members will not be developed, it will not influence the performance of the team in the
better manner. Another way Grunes, Gudmundsson and Irmer (2014) opined that Self-
control, self-awareness, empathy motivation, empathy and social skills are the important
behavioural elements, which impacts on the team performance. By supporting this Solomon,
Costea and Nita ( 2016) has stated that the transformational leadership has the higher level
of impact in the case of developing the team management programs. The author has also
mentioned that the emotional intelligence is considered as the important, influential element
in leadership management. Here the author has also mentioned that through the process the
Managing People, Organisations and Context: Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Management_4

transformational leadership practices can be developed. Heckemann, Schols and Halfens
(2015) argued that the leadership style and activities of the leader are being analysed through
these practices. The author has argued that the emotional intelligence has the ability to
understand the own perspective as well as this is also very effective in the case of
understanding others' emotion. By using this quality, a leader can be able to manage the
individuals' emotion.
Another way Rathore and Pandey (2018), argued that the leadership quality is being
influenced by the behaviour and attitude of a person. This can be said that these are very
influencing in the case of improving the emotional intelligence skills. The famous
psychologist has mentioned about the behavioural changes and its impact on the leadership
quality. By supporting this Vasilagos, Polychroniou and Maroudas (2017) said, the author has
also mentioned that the physiological and psychological process has a higher level of impact
on the overall team performance. Therefore this can be said that with the deep emotional
connection of a leader with the team the level of performance can be improved. The author
has also mentioned that the leadership quality is being developed depending on sacrifice and
adjustment. With the emotional intelligence, effectiveness and resonant leadership
quality, the performance of the team members is being improved (Chan, Sit & Lau, 2014).
The author has also mentioned that as the emotional intelligence has a higher level of impact
on the leadership practices, therefore the training regarding the emotional intelligence
development is needed to be introduced.
Here the study has highlighted that the internal and external conflicts. In the case of
both the external conflict, the struggle between the literacy and dramatic force consequences
dramatic action in human nature (Nichols et al., 2018). On the other hand, in the case of
internal conflicts, the struggle between the ethical and moral dilemmas occurs which
influence the decision making the process of a person. The conflict management has become
Managing People, Organisations and Context: Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Management_5

very important in the case of managing others. The study has mentioned that in order to
manage the conflict in a team, the team leader can plan an effective role. This can be said that
before managing any conflict the leader needs to listen to each point of view carefully (Leon-
Perez, Notelaers and Leon-Rubio, 2016). By using the monitoring skill, the leader will be
able to analyse the action and behaviour of the person.
It has been identified in this study that the internal conflict can increase the
development issue. Due to armed conflict, sometimes people are forced to migrate. These
also ate very influencing in the case of creating long time refugee or political, social and
economic loss. Therefore, managing the conflicts is very important for physical and
psychological development. In the words of McKibben (2017), managing the cross, cultural
conflicts have become one of the popular international issues in the current scenario. A large
number of people have faced different types of conflicts in the organization. Here the author
has tried to analyse the conflicts and its management process through different disciplinary
perspectives. Cochran et al., (2018) stated that Sociology, communication, psychology,
behavioural science, anthropology and health science are the different angles of conflict
management process. Another way Baker, Détienne and Barcellini (2017) stated that conflict
is considered as the element of optimal functioning. In the case of conflict management, the
experts always focus on the managing and minimize the negative impact of conflict on
organization or individuals. Another way Henry-Lee, Branche and Bailey (2017) argued that
in the case of managing the conflict in the workplace the introduction of effective methods
and intervention techniques are being used. In the case of the organizational management
conflict management process, the conflict resolution style, types of conflict and impact
of conflicts are being analysed. Among all the conflict management practices, the
contextualized and situational approach is considered as the effective process.
Managing People, Organisations and Context: Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Management_6

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