
Report on Impact of Digital Marketing in Business - eBay Company


Added on  2020-06-04

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Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1BACKGROUND.............................................................................................................................1LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................1AIMS AND OBJECTIVES.............................................................................................................4RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.....................................................................................................4Research Design..........................................................................................................................4Research Philosophy...................................................................................................................5Research Type.............................................................................................................................5Research Approach.....................................................................................................................5Research Strategy........................................................................................................................5Research Techniques...................................................................................................................5Sampling.....................................................................................................................................6Research Questions.....................................................................................................................6GANTT CHART.............................................................................................................................6RESOURCES..................................................................................................................................7QUESTIONNAIRE.........................................................................................................................8DATA AND RELATION VARIABLES........................................................................................9DATA COLLECTION METHOD..................................................................................................9DATA ANALYSIS........................................................................................................................10CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION.............................................................................18REFLECTIVE REPORT...............................................................................................................18REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................19
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TITLE:How digital technology has transformed the various business activities like marketing,accounting, Human resource and operations.INTRODUCTIONDigital technologies are considered as electronic tools, resources which are generalthrough process data. Companies are responsible to use such type of technologies in order toexpand their business in international market and maintain performance as well. Digitalmarketing is having impact on activities of business. Present report it based on eBay which ismultinational e-commerce corporation (WHAT IS DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION AND WHATDOES IT MEAN?. 2017). It provide online facilities to their customers in order to meet theirtarget. The headquarter of cited firm in situated in US country and it has approx, 12,600 numberof employees. As it is biggest online shopping store and varieties of goods and services availableon it. Members of such organization needs to opted such technologies for the purpose of attaintheir set of target. They can use some innovative and creative ideas in order to attract large ofcustomers. Through this firm can promote their goods and services in across the nationalboundaries.BACKGROUNDAccording to Luo, Sun and Wang, (2011) this can be stated as that the digital technologyis having great significance in the development of an business. This provides an competitiveadvantage in the market to counter act the profitability of other competitors in marketplace. Thedigital technology can be implemented in different department of the company according to needof new up gradation in the operations. E bay is engaged in developing various types of strategiesrelated to the digital technology which will help in increasing the effectiveness of the functionseffectively.LITERATURE REVIEWAs per the view of the Amit and Zott, (2010) this is reviewed that scope of researchproject related to the implementation of digital technology in the different areas of the E baycompany can be beneficial for enhancing the performance of the company in many folds. Thisinvestigation report is having wider scope of development as the technology is changingcontinuously in the modern era according to the developing newer trends in marketplace and thenew needs in among the customers and competitors. This helps in increasing the profitability of1
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firm in many folds as the research will find out appropriate finding which helps in developingvarious strategies to implement various types of the software related to technology infunctionality of the E bay like cloud computing, accounting software etc.As recommended by Short and et. al., (2010) it can be reviled that digital technology ishaving significant role in the development of toady businesses. This contribute in higherefficiency in the functionality of the firm. The new digital technology in modern world can beimplemented in every division of the firm to enhance the effectiveness of department throughdeveloping good communication, reducing the work overload in working environment whichwill increase the profitability of firm to large extent.As stated by Maglio and Spohrer, (2013) this can be concluded that Performance inoperations of E bay is largely affected by the various factors which can be controllable oruncontrollable by the firm. Technology up gradation in the functions of the company is ananother aspect of development of the performance standards in the functionality of the firm inmany folds. This helps in increasing the level of action through reducing the wastage ofresources and time which bring higher effectiveness in different operations. Like for example theE bay is developing higher sales through using social networking sites as promotional tools, thecompany has also develop mobile application to increase the connectivity with the customers ofthe company. This largely influence the performance level of the firm.According to the views of McGrath, (2010) this can defined as that Risk management isan another benefits of the implementing new technology in the actions of the firm. The digitaltechnology helps in identifying the risk associated in functions and also helps in developingstrategies to fight with the consequences of the wrong actions in practice of the firm. The digitaltechnology can be beneficial in determining various risk associated with the decision of themanagers in developing newer strategies and functions in the various departmental operations ofE bay.As stated by Bhimani and Willcocks, (2014) it can be reviewed that the technology helpsin controlling the cost in the different operations. Cost control is the important aspects of thetechnological implementation in working environment of the E bay. The newer technology bringefficiency in the functions like for example the cloud computing is technology used to store theirdata and share with other employees of the company which helps in time management and alsoreducing manual work and reduces cost too.2
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As recommended by Dao, Langella and Carbo, (2011) it can be reviled that digitaltechnology is having significant role in Quality control of the production sand operation in theworking environment of other organisation. The E bay is developing various technology in theproduction and the other functions of the operations in order to manage the quality standards inthe work place of the firm. This helps increasing the satisfaction level of the customers and helpsin development of the firm.As stated by Gunasekaran and Ngai, (2012) it can be observed that the technologies ishave great relevance in managing the Administration functions of the firm effectively. Newdigital technology like the Cloud computing in the functions of the E bay helps in administratingthe activities through sharing, storing the data effectively. This also provide an accessibility tothe data at any time at any palace to the suer which helps in increasing the accessibility andreliability to the software by the users of the company in practices.According to the view of Heizer, (2016) it can be stated that Communication can beenhances and more efficiently developed in the internal as well as external environment of thecompany E bay through maintaining various new digital technology in the workplace. This helpsin bringing higher efficiency in sharing information through developing an efficientcommunication system. Social networking sites and email marketing is an use of digitaltechnology to convey the message of the company to the customers which helps in buildingrelations of trust between the consumers and the E bay and helps in development of themarketing department in the actions.As per the views of Peppard and Ward, (2016) this can be recommended that Storageand distribution in the E bay company can be en enhanced through implementing anddeveloping an effective digital technology in the working environment of firm. The internet ofthings is a new tends in they modern era of the digital technology which helps in integrating thefunctions of the firm and brings higher efficiency in the storage and distribution of the services tothe customers by E bay more efficiently.As stated by Zikmund and et. al., (2011) this can be observed that Production can beenhanced through implementing various type of the technology in the operation of the company.This helps in increasing the effectiveness of the production through developing varioustechnology that controls quality and cost of the operation in the working environment of the Ebay. Artificial intelligence in the new digital technology which helps in controlling the quality3
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standards and cost of the production to large extent and helps in development of their firm inmany folds.AIMS AND OBJECTIVESAim: To evaluate the transformation in various operation of the E bay by implementingthe digital technology and cloud computing in the working environment.Objectives:To analyse the role of technology in growth of company.To evaluate the influence of digital technology in the operations of the company.To analyse the interrelationship between the technology and the different departmentfunctions in the E bay.To develop various technological strategies implementation in brining efficiency infunctions of E bay.RESEARCH METHODOLOGYResearch methodology is an approach used by the researcher in order to collect the datarelated to the investigation topic and analyse the information effectively through use of variousmethods to find out relevant findings related to the topic. In this particular investigation theresearcher is responsibly developing research methodology by defining various tools andtechnologies which will be utilised by finder to investigate the relationship between thetechnology and the departmental functions of E bay company (Bernard and Bernard, 2012). Theinvestigator is developing various tools like research design, philosophy. Approaches andstrategies in order to collect relevant data and analyse them effectively for getting accurateresults which will be helpful in implementing the new strategies in practice related to thedifferent digital technology. These tools and techniques developed by researcher are definedbelow.Research DesignResearch design is the approach used by the researcher in developing guidelines to findout appropriate results related to the research topic. The types of researcher design can beexploratory or descriptive in nature (Gill and Johnson, 2010). Both types of design is havingsignificant related to the research issue. In this particular investigation finder is using descriptive4
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