
Managing The Successful Business Project | Assignment


Added on  2021-01-02

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Professional DevelopmentData Science and Big DataWeb Development
Managing The Successful Business Project | Assignment_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1P1 Project aims and objectives...............................................................................................1P2 Project management plan which includes cost, scope, time, quality, communication, riskand resources..........................................................................................................................3P3 Work breakdown structure and Gantt chart to provide time-frames and stages forcompletion..............................................................................................................................5TASK 2............................................................................................................................................7P4 Small-scale research by applying quantitative and qualitative research methods appropriatefor meeting project aims and objectives.................................................................................7TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................10P5 Analysing research and data using appropriate tools and techniques.............................10P6 Appropriate recommendations as a result of research and data analysis.......................19TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................19P7 Reflect on the value of undertaking the research to meet stated objectives and own learningand performance...................................................................................................................19CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................20REFERNECES..............................................................................................................................21
Managing The Successful Business Project | Assignment_2

Managing The Successful Business Project | Assignment_3

INTRODUCTIONDigital technology is the fastest growing concept and it has put an impact on how aperson perform daily working. With the help of digital technology now company has build andcreated a new value for business model. Customers can now know about the core operationswhich is done by firms while doing any kind of activities (Alvarez-Jimenez and et. al., 2014).Cloud technology is a process through which firm can consume compute resources and helps instoring data and information. 'Continental Consulting Limited' whose main business is toprocess 'Re-engineering' which includes clients of small and medium companies. As companyhas lost amongst rival organisation therefore, this assignment will be based on what kind ofefforts company can do for upgrading its business. Present report will aims, objectives and time-frame of a company so that process can be upgraded. Along with this, a small scale research isconducted for gathering information so that it can support project analysis. Lastly appropriaterecommendation based on reflection is included in this report. TASK 1P1 Project aims and objectivesTechnology is simply, use of basic tools which can make life easier, most of thecompanies adopt this for gaining competitive advancement in the market area. Digitaltechnology is a part of technology and it is a “base two process” in which information that arerecorded are in binary code in combination of 0 and 1 also known as bits, that represents imagesand words. Digital Technology, for many telecommunication form replaced analog signalsbecause of which, time taken which use to be high are now relative less consuming (Boyle,2017). Therefore, it can be said that with a rapid development in the field of digital technology ithas put an effect on human communication and business operations. Digital technology is a wideconcept and it includes many factors thus, cloud computing is one of them. Cloud computing delivers services like storage, mainlining database, networking,software, analytics etc., over the internet (Cloud Computing, 2018). Companies who give theseservices are basically known as cloud providers and they charge a specific amount of moneybased on the data usage. Using cloud computing can provide many benefits like creating of newapplications, storing of backup data and information, streaming audio and video, analysing datafor making predictions so that new things can be applied in business operations. 'Continental1
Managing The Successful Business Project | Assignment_4

Consultancy Limited' which was once, one of the leading small-scale company and had adoptednew and latest technology 8 years back, but with the change in course of time now theseequipments had obsolete and it is required that firm upgrade their system so that they canmaximise their capabilities (Brown and Green, 2012). Therefore, as 'Continental ConsultancyLimited' is now implementing cloud technology and this research is based on analysing whetherafter this company will get effective results and outcomes. Topic: “The impact of digital technology supporting small business growth andinnovation”Background of researchIn previous years, technology which were used by companies were time consuming andstoring large amount of data and information was not possible. Therefore, with the change incourse of time as new technologies have evolved firms are now implementing these for gettingbenefits. Cloud technology, is now part of digital technology which is being used by many firmsfor storing and keeping information for a longer period of time. In addition to this, it promises toprovide better storage capacity (Crane and Matten, 2016). Therefore, this can be considered as areason why 'Continental Consultancy Limited' is adopting the same. Conducting this researchwill provide information and benefits which company will gain after implementing cloudtechnology. Background of Company'Continental Consultancy Limited', is business consultancy firm that provides solutions toenterprise so that they can Re-engineer their business activities for attaining set goals andobjectives. For example: XYZ company is unable to improve their training and developmentprogramme thus, 'Continental Consultancy Limited' will help them out by providing appropriatesoftware of T&D which will assist XYZ company in delivering better training to their employees(Evans, 2014). Aims: It comprises of components on which the entire research is being based. “Toidentify the impact of cloud technology in upgrading business operations”Objectives:To determine the major concept of cloud technology.To identifies challenges of implementing cloud technology.To analyse how cloud technology will assist firm in upgrading their business operations.2
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Research Questions: What is the major concept of cloud technology.What kind of challenges of implementing cloud technology.How cloud technology will assist firm in upgrading their business operations.P2 Project management plan which includes cost, scope, time, quality, communication, risk andresourcesProject management plan is determine as a document that provides a baseline, to anorganisation like what is to be attain from project and by what method it can be achieved.Therefore, when a company wants to implement new and latest technology it is required thatmanagers conduct research as it will assist them in communicating information in an effectiveand efficient manner to its employees (Farman, 2013). Henceforth, Project management plan canbe used as a reference just to ensure whether a particular project is being carried out consistentlyin a right manner. For instance, if any kind of issues is being faced while performing any tasksuch as deviation from the motive of doing a job than managers can go through the baseline andmake changes as required. Some of the factors which are included in project management planare mentioned below:Cost: Cost of implementing cloud technology basically depends upon three componentsi.e. network: in this, before while setting price company determine the expenses that will berequired in maintaining the network and it includes network hardware costs, networkinfrastructure maintenance and labour. Compute: Every company has its unique requirementand it depends upon GB of virtual RAM which is used and it consist of hardware operations andhardware acquisition. Storage: This is same as compute cost, and it provides calculativeinformation about how much money will be required by a company for hardware storage.Therefore, after analysing all these factors cost which 'Continental Consultancy Limited' will beneeded is around £15K. BasisCostNetwork£6KCompute£5K Storage£4K 3
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