
Marketing Campaign Execution Plan


Added on  2022-11-29

8 Pages1983 Words352 Views
Marketing Campaign
Execution Plan
Marketing Campaign Execution Plan_1

MAIN BODY..................................................................................................................................1
Proposed target market................................................................................................................1
Objectives of campaign:..............................................................................................................1
Proposed Market Campaign........................................................................................................2
Measuring success of Campaign.................................................................................................4
Marketing Campaign Execution Plan_2

Marketing campaign is one of tool which helps business to provide direction to their marketing
team in order to put efforts to increase awareness of their products (Heesen, 2016). This helps
business for identification of their target market and provide opportunity to attain objectives of
their business. This project report includes study of Cadbury’s World which is UK based
destinations for tourism. This destination is attraction for families as well as kids and also
include fun activity in business. Owner of this destination is Cadbury organisation which is
providing chocolates, biscuits to their target customers. This project report includes target market
and objects of marketing campaign. This report also contains information of proposed marketing
campaign of company.
Proposed target market
Target market refers to a group of buyers available in market to whom organisation target their
products as well as marketing efforts (Ju, 2018). This is a small part of total market which
contain group of customers with similar taste, preferences, age, income, location and other
aspects. Object behind targeting a group of customers is that it helps business to understand taste
as well as preference of customers and service them effectively. Target market of Cadbury’s
World is Small kids and families. As Kids love chocolate and candies and putting this aspect in
minds, business has created Cadbury World. It attracts kids and their parents as a tourism
Objectives of campaign:
There are various objects of marketing campaign of Cadbury’s World which helps business in
various ways. These objects of organisation are as follows:
Increase numbers of customers: Object of this marketing campaign is to increase
number of travellers for selected organisation (Patil and Agarkar, 2019). With marketing
campaign business can increase awareness in their target customers. It helps business to
attract those customers to their destination and result in increase number of customers to
their travel destination.
Marketing Campaign Execution Plan_3

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