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Marketing Communication for Sensodyne Pronamel's Launch Campaign


Added on  2023/04/07

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This article discusses the marketing communication strategies used in the launch campaign of Sensodyne Pronamel toothpaste. It covers the main role of marketing communication, the DRIP framework, the marketing communication mix used, and provides an overview of the campaign.

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Marketing communication

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Marketing communication 1
Main role of the marketing communication in the Sensodyne Pronamel’s launch campaign...2
DRIP framework........................................................................................................................3
Marketing communication mix used in the campaign...............................................................4
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Marketing communication 2
The Sensodyne Pronamel is toothpaste designed to protect against the problems like acid
wear. It occurs due to the toughest substances found in the body. It weakens the teeth as a
result of the acids in the diets. The acid wear cannot be fixed with the fillings. It requires
complicated and expensive dentistry like porcelain veneers. The major reason behind the
occurrence of acid wear is the increased consumption of healthy food and drinks, out of
which mostly are acidic. The Sensodyne Pronamel enables minerals to stab deep into the
weak enamel surface and strengthens it. It even prevents further enamel loss. Initially
Sensodyne Pronamel faced certain serious challenges (Vernuccio and Ceccotti, 2015). The
company created awareness about acid wear and attain 4% market share and overcome the
communication obstacles. The company created a two phase launch campaign. In the first
campaign, company created awareness and guide about the reasons. The second campaign
comprised establishing relevancy in the terms of assisting customers in identifying problem
and establish Pronamel as a resolution.
Main role of the marketing communication in the Sensodyne Pronamel’s launch
The marketing communication is mainly the part of the marketing mix. The marketing mix
comprises 4Ps of marketing. The marketing communication is all about the Promotion. The
main objective of the Sensodyne was creating awareness while launching the products. It was
a new entrant for the sensitive teeth so it focused on the generating knowledge about the
product. Sensodyne went through the two phases to launch the products. The first phase is all
about the condition awareness (Shen, et al. 2016). It was continued from 2006 to 2009. In
order to safeguard people from the acid wear, Sensodyne communicated directly with the
dentists and guide them about the acid wear and the unique formula of the Sensodyne
Pronamel. The awareness was also spread through the instructional leaflets, advertisements
and visits by the Sensodyne representatives. After spreading awareness at the basic level, the
company communicated to the customers and educate them concerning acid wear. In order to
establish credibility of the product, Sensodyne used real doctors in the advertisements to
provide expert advice. The Torch test was also created by the company for demonstrating the
truth. The media mix like TV was weighted by the company as it gives the feel of public
health broadcast. This phase can be linked to the AIDA model. The AIDA model comprises
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Marketing communication 3
awareness, interest, desire and action (Hassan, Nadzim and Shiratuddin, 2015). As Sensodyne
first created awareness of regarding acid wear. The awareness was created first at the
professional level, latter at the consumer level. The interest is generated by the company after
broadcasting the view of the doctors created interest towards purchasing toothpastes. The
doctors provide the advice with the evidence. The desire is created by Sensodyne by creating
an emotional connection like it spread awareness regarding acid wear. The marketing
campaign like advertisements and brochures are used by Sensodyne to initiate action and
purchase the product.
The second phase was all about creating relevancy. The company identified the opportunities
to protect and lead. The awareness of the acid was great but it did not affected much to the
buyers of the enamel protect toothpastes. Sensodyne always wanted to engage customers
accompanied by the love towards healthy food. It was made possible by positioning company
as a facilitator. The brand enables customers to enjoy the healthy lifestyle.
DRIP framework
The DRIP framework is used to assist marketing communication planning. It is useful for
setting broad communication goals. It is applied in launching at the time of launching new
products. The DRIP framework stands for differentiate, reinforce, inform and persuade. This
framework is relevant for Sensodyne as the toothpaste of the company is quite differentiated.
It fights with the sensitivity and makes teeth strong. The acid wear is controlled by the
toothpaste (Müller, Narasimhan and Gopalswamy, 2017). Sensodyne is one of the major
toothpastes which fight with such cause. To reinforce the message of the company, messages
are strengthening and consolidated. The renowned doctors give views on the product of the
company. They validate that the products of Sensodyne are quite different and superior. The
customers are informed through the advertisements and campaigns. This awareness helps in
demonstrating the features and availability. The company also educated dentists as it was new
to the Indian market. The customers are persuaded to behave in the specific way. The positive
purchase related behaviour is encouraged by the company like visiting website, sharing or
requesting for the trial (Ghuman and Merchant, 2018).
The ELM (Elaboration Likelihood Model) can be used by Sensodyne as it is low involvement
product. The ELM model is a dual process theory. It defines the change of attitudes. It is
centred on the idea that persuasion level of a message can affect to the desired consequence

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Marketing communication 4
of the message (Petty, Cacioppo and Kasmer, 2015). The persuasive message is anticipated to
change the attitude of the audience. This model can be useful for the Sensodyne as change in
attitude occurs when the intention of the message is not to change the attitude of the
audience. It can be used in the advertisement, marketing, advertisement, psychology and
Marketing communication mix used in the campaign
Sensodyne gave weightage to the media mix towards TV. Because it gave the feel of public
health proclamation. The TV has also broad reach to the customers. The dentists also had role
in overseeing the consumer activity in the advertisements. The dentists focused on the acid
wear’s significance to the patients. Sensodyne even created better awareness group of the
sensitivity sufferers (Fill and Turnbull, 2016). The consumers were communicated by
recreating dentist intervention. The company even described and appealed the value of the
category. The social media platform was also used by the company such as Facebook,
Twitter, YouTube and more for the online version of the Sensitometer test. The celebrity like
renowned dentists has been endorsed by Sensodyne to promote the brand. It is because
people are influence by the advice of such experts (Logaranjani, et al. 2015). It leaves impact
on the customers as the dentists highly recommend to the brand along with the evidence.
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